On the first day of the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting, delegations of envoys from various countries had arrived.

The old emperor Long Yan was happy, firstly to welcome and secondly to show the strength of a great power.

A banquet for ten thousand people was held, with the intention of celebrating and having fun with the people.

Men, women and children in Chang’an City went to the palace to watch the ceremony and participate in the banquet.

During the banquet, the envoys of various countries did everything they could, wanting to attract the attention of the old emperor.

“Guzi Guojin offered a Ruyi unparalleled jewel, several Persian gemstones, and ten rare spices of various kinds. ”

Reward!” The old emperor blushed, looked at the beautiful face of the queen of Uzzi, Huerna, and raised the wine bottle and drank it.

The chamberlain on the side lengthened his voice and chanted: “Give the country of Wuzi a thousand sheep, five hundred cattle, a thousand cattle, a thousand taels of gold-

” The queen of the lunar eclipse country saluted, “Your Majesty.” ”

Dongying countries offer ten beauties. Each

of the ten beauties of Dongying Kingdom held different musical instruments and bowed their heads slightly after performing a song.

The old emperor was slightly drunk at the moment, and looking at the beauty of Dongying Country was like looking at flowers in the fog.

The beauty who was suddenly led raised her head and smiled slightly at the old emperor, revealing her standard eight teeth.

The old emperor almost flew two souls with three souls, and sighed secretly.

This black-toothed countryman really lives up to his name, a good woman, with a mouthful of black teeth, is really unbearable.


The chamberlain on the side sang: “Give Dongying Guoyu Ruyi a pair, a hundred scriptures, and a hundred catties of tea.” ”

The Northern Di Kingdoms offer two white wolf skins, and one wolf king. ”



the atmosphere in the hall is peaceful.

Outside the Jinluan Hall, the people were bustling and crowded, and the running water mat was placed directly outside the palace gate.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin sat on the roof of the palace, as if it was the roof of their own house.

While drinking the precious wine stored by the old emperor, he watched the movements of the envoy group of various countries in the Golden Luang Hall.

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Halfway through the banquet, most of the envoys from various countries were already affected by the hearty atmosphere of the banquet.

No longer the restraint when he first saw the Tang King, there were even messengers dancing with the song and dance in the hall to the beat.

“Today the white elephant was shocked that there should be a mastermind behind this, I see that the white elephant has been cursed, and this path is like a foreign priest.

Liu Xin said.

“The initiator should also be in the messenger group, but it can’t make any waves by looking at the means.

Xu Fan said nonchalantly.

“Too. ”

What he is most concerned about now is when he can break through the realm, ascend to the sky in one step, and find the essence.

I hope that I can travel more, I can really make myself feel something, and cross the calamity and soar.


Although there was no curfew during the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting, the number of patrolmen was much higher to maintain order at night in Chang’an City.

After the banquet dispersed, the residents of Chang’an City went back to their homes.

There was a bustle in the city, but it fell silent after an hour or two.

It was late at night, and the whole city seemed to be sleeping.

Only conscientious beaters and patrolmen roam the streets.

“It’s dry, watch out for the candles. “The beater rings the gong to tell the time.

It was midnight.

After attending the night party, the beaters were drunk, burping and rubbing their eyes at the same time.


felt a shaking

of the sky, and a huge figure appeared at the end of the street.

Before he got closer, he turned in another direction.

The beater thought he was drunk and patted his head.

It should be an illusion, and then go down the streets to tell the time.

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