After the white elephant was named the Great Tang Protector Statue, it was even more majestic.

Every day, he followed Wang Cai with a golden ribbon on his head.

Wander around.

Today to the east of the city, tomorrow to the west of the city.

The residents of Chang’an City are already familiar with this playful elephant protecting the country and the large tortoise it is chasing.

“Wangcai, Brother Wangcai❛‿˂̵✧”

Hey~ It’s so annoying! This is

a good relationship with the big turtle of Engong, isn’t rounding up to have a good relationship with Engong?


Since it was still during the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting, there were more than twice as many shops and traders in Chang’an City.

On the streets, you can often see orchids selling art performances and Fanbang merchants with different eyes and hair colors.

These orchids are slim and scantily dressed, and they are very eye-catching when they dance to the beat of Western instruments.

“Hiss~” Xu Fan glanced at Liu Xin in his arms.

Why are you pinching my waist? This woman!

What do you say? Behold? Liu Xin looked at him accusingly.

Can you alone cure my kidney pain?” Xu Fan put his arm around her.

“I’m looking at their clothes…” The

more he spoke, the quieter his voice became, and the closer he got to Liu Xin’s ears.

Liu Xin didn’t know what he said, and her ears gradually turned red, spreading to her neck.

Meimu glared and hammered Xu Fan’s chest.

“You bad brat!” is

the saying that men are not bad, women are not loved.

Can you get rid of the white elephant and the fart worm, can’t you enjoy the time between the two?

On the other side, the white elephant sneezed, and a strange fragrance wafted from nowhere.

It’s so fragrant, the elephant wants to eat it! The white elephant’s saliva is falling down.

For a while, it seemed that his mind was affected, and he walked towards the smell.

What is it? So fragrant, so fragrant….

It’s really fragrant, like incense to the marrow, soul…

Wang Cai was raising his head and walking forward arrogantly.

Suddenly, he noticed that the chattering voice of the white elephant behind him stopped, so he looked back to see what was wrong with it.

Unexpectedly, the white elephant behind him seemed to be affected by something, and walked in one direction like losing his mind.

“Stop, stop. Wang Cai swore that this turtle had never walked so fast since then.

It bites the white elephant’s tail to wake it up.

Who knew that the white elephant seemed to burst out with divine power, and directly dragged Wang Cai in that direction.

The white elephant bypasses the bustling street market and travels west along the willow embankment of the Chang’an City moat until it stops in front of a mansion.

After sniffing a few more times, he turned his head and broke into the post station opposite the mansion.

This is exactly the inn where the envoys of the Guzi Kingdom are stationed.

Inside the inn.

A purple figure like a flying swallow jumped down from the roof, passed through the winding and quiet corridor, looked around and quietly entered a room.

After the figure entered the room, he took off the dark purple blouse that was tightly wrapped on his body, revealing a white and powerful arm.

“Whew…” she let out a soft breath and sat cross-legged on the bed with her eyes closed, as if healing.

A slender jade hand painted with red kodan suddenly stretched out behind her, caressing her arm like a mermaid snake

, “National Master, you are injured!”

Seeing that the national master was injured, the queen of the Guzi Kingdom hugged the body of the national master, and there seemed to be tears in her purple eyes,、。

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With a burst of hatred, “Who did it!”


red mole in the eyebrows of the national master almost burned, and she gently touched the queen’s face, and a pair of purple eyes that were the same as the queen shone softly.

The queen untied the guoshi’s headband, and her wavy hair like a golden waterfall spread to her waist.

If the queen of the Guzi Kingdom is peerless, dignified and inviolable, then the Guzi National Master can be regarded as a peerless demon Ji.

The national master didn’t know what to think of, and took out a jade bottle from his arms, “This is the elixir that my senior brother refined for King Tang. ”

Immortality?” the queen looked puzzled.

I have always heard the world say that immortality, Tao immortality.

But the ancient emperors pursued so much immortality, but they did not get what they wanted.

It can be seen that immortality is just an ethereal thing, and the queen does not believe in the way of immortality.

This is just those stupid and greedy emperors who were deceived and deceived by the Fangshi.

As soon as I said this, there was a sudden noise outside.

“What kind of person is so noisy?” Queen Huerna held the hand of the national master, “You rest first, I’ll go out and see.” ”

Who knew that before she could go out, a behemoth slammed the door open and broke in!

The white elephant came straight to the national master on the bed, and the queen was stunned and blocked in front of the national teacher.

The national master grabbed the queen and protected her behind him.

She jumped up and took out a flute at her waist to blow.

Who knew that because of his injuries, he was just about to do his luck, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out from his mouth and fell to the ground.

The white elephant drooled, probed his nose into the arms of the national master, and sucked out a white jade bottle and sent it to his mouth.

“So fragrant, so fragrant!”


In the palace, “Report, Your Majesty, it’s not good! It’s not good! The national master has been assassinated

!” “What?!” The old emperor slapped his palm on the table, furious, “Give me a strict investigation of the assassin!” He

suddenly thought of the elixir that let the national master refine, and hurriedly said to the internal attendant, “Quick, take me to see the national master!”

Guoshi was seriously injured and hated in his heart.

The emperor let him refine the pill in the name of the Ten Complete Great Supplement Pill, when he really didn’t know that this was to refine the elixir of immortality?

He had a faint premonition in his heart that the elixir of immortality, this time, might really be able to refine.

In his early years, he served as a disciple under a foreign priest.

That foreign disciple received many disciples, and one of the female disciples was even more magnificent and breathtaking, and it was his beloved little junior sister.

Although the little junior sister always did not pretend to him, he could not control his full love, but later the little junior sister returned to her home country, Guzi Country.

At this meeting of ten thousand dynasties, he saw the national master next to the queen of the Guzi Kingdom and recognized it at a glance.

Isn’t this his little junior sister, who is full of joy to be able to renew the frontier with a beautiful person.

The little junior sister is still so beautiful, but he has already become an old man with gorgeous hair.

The exotic treasure given to him by the emperor was just enough to refine two pills.

One he ate and one gave to the little junior sister, wouldn’t the two of them be able to live and fly together, and be happy like immortals for a long time!

And contacted the little junior sister to come and want to share it with her.

Unexpectedly, the little junior sister grabbed the jade bottle, directly injured him and ran away!

The national master coughed a few times, and saw the old emperor hurriedly push the door in.

“The national master is in good health, right?” ”

Ahem, the imperial doctor has already seen it, and said that there is no worry about his life.”

Uh…” The

old emperor was just about to say something, but thought of another thing, let the left and right retreat, and then asked again

: “What happened to the ten complete supplement pills I asked you to refine

?” PS: [There is no PS today, I slept~].

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