The queen ordered the surrounding attendants to surround Xu Fan, and the sharp and flashing weapons pointed at Xu Fan in an instant.

“Listening to Mr. Xu’s meaning, are you not going to return our

national treasure?” Xu Fan looked at the queen without hurry

, “Not only do I know that this is not your national treasure, but I also know that this is the elixir that the king of Tang ordered the national master to refine.”

When the queen heard him say this, her expression panicked for a moment.

Could it be that the king of Tang already knew about the national master’s theft of the elixir and ordered the surnamed Xu to be recovered?

If the Tang King had found out, it would definitely not be Xu Fan alone at this time, and he would have to follow a large group of Chang’an City Janissaries.

Thinking of this, the queen’s purple eyes shone with a fierce light, if Xu Fan was ended here…

As soon as she had this thought, she saw the attendant beside her lying down.

“This…” the queen looked around and took a few steps back.

This Xu Fan was so powerful that before he saw him make a move, his own guards had already been knocked to the ground.

“I am the queen of the Guzi Kingdom, if something happens to me in the Great Tang, aren’t you afraid of causing a war between the two countries, when

the lives will be ruined and the people will be displaced, and you will be the biggest murderer!”

said the queen inwardly.

“I’m peace-loving. Xu Fan took two steps forward, “I just want to discuss with the queen.”

The queen looked at Xu Fan moving forward, and couldn’t help but stagger back a few steps.

“Mr. Xu would like to hear about anything he wants to discuss.

While the two were talking, the imperial witch doctor of the Guzi Kingdom arrived.

The imperial witch doctor saw the fallen attendant and asked the queen in a panic, “Your Majesty, this is…”

The queen saw the imperial witch doctor come over, thinking that she had a specific plan to heal the national teacher’s injuries.

For a while, Xu Fan was still here, and asked busily.

“What does the imperial witch doctor have to say?” the imperial

witch doctor glanced at Xu Fan and whispered in the queen’s ear.

The queen listened to what he said and was surprised, “Can this be taken seriously?” She

glanced at Xu Fan rather strangely.

I knew that this person was powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful.

It turned out that the queen was worried about the injury of the national master, so after receiving Xu Fandan’s medicine, she ordered someone to send it to the imperial witch doctor for examination to see if it could be used by the national master.

After examining the medicine, the witch doctor found that it was actually a healing elixir recorded in witchcraft that has long been lost.

According to legend, it can heal the white bones of dead human flesh, and the great witch who mastered this Danfang has long soared.

“Go and give it to the national master. The queen said to the witch doctor.

She looked at Xu Fan’s light appearance, and felt even more mysterious.

Since this Xu Fan could easily take out this holy medicine just to make amends, he must have other magical powers.

This person must not be offended, and the matter of the elixir must be considered in the long run.

The queen took back the purple treasure rope tied to Wang Cai and the white elephant, and said with a slight bow

, “Mr. Xu, please also ask the study to speak.” Seeing

that Xu Fan followed the queen to the study, Wang Cai threw the sleeping white elephant in the stable and followed unhurriedly.


“Don’t hide sir, this elixir is indeed not a national treasure of China.” But I don’t necessarily mean to return it to the King of Tang. Hu

Erna picked up the teacup and took a few sips, “If this news reaches the ears of King Tang, I am afraid that Mr. will also have a lot of trouble.”

Wouldn’t it be a good idea if you and I divided this pill equally and killed other insiders?” Xu

Fan shook his head lightly and said with a smile, “I don’t need this pill, but it has a deep relationship with one of my friends.

I am here to advise Your Majesty that this elixir is not as useful as His Majesty thinks.

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Insisting on staying is not a good thing. ”

Queen, you still don’t know this elixir material, do you? At

this time, Guizi Guoguo Shi walked in from outside the door.

“Listen to the servant and say, Your Majesty is meeting guests, so I will come and see. The

queen saw the national master walk in heroically, her eyes lit up, and asked.

“The national master’s body is already well?”

Guizi Guoshi sat next to the queen and looked at Xu Fan, “I don’t know who this is?” ”

Mr. Xu Fan Xu, the guest of His Majesty the King of Tang, is a high-ranking person. The Queen introduced to the National Master.

Guizi Guoguo had already heard from the imperial witch doctor about Xu Fan’s search for turtles, medicine and stables.

Afraid that the queen would not be able to cope with it, she rushed over to support the queen as soon as her injury improved.

Xu Fan looked at the national master and nodded slightly, and said that he broke the true body of the national master, “A poisonous scorpion that is so powerful.” ”

And it’s a little cute.

When the national master saw Xu Fan see his true body at a glance, he was shocked in his heart, and secretly said that this person’s behavior was profound.

Half-human and half-demon like her, the demon qi is close to nothing.

After years of cultivation, it is even more difficult to be broken by people.

As soon as this ordinary Taoist saw the monster, he wanted to kill it.

Although the national master did not feel Xu Fan’s murderous aura, he still secretly raised his vigilance to prevent Xu Fan from suddenly attacking.

Xu Fan: Caring for animals, starting with me

վ’ᴗ’ ի.

“How are you doing?” asked the national teacher.

Xu Fan smiled slightly and put down the teacup, “It’s just that I want to discuss with Her Majesty the bottle of elixir that was stolen from the Tang Palace.”

“The queen is afraid that the national master does not know Xu Fan’s power, so she fights on an impulse and hurriedly appeases the national teacher:

“Mr. Xu said, this elixir is not the function we think, if we insist on keeping it, I may have disaster.” ”

Calamity?” The national master snatched this elixir from the queen and himself.

If this elixir is different, you really have to be cautious.

Xu Fan righteously explained that this elixir was not useful to ordinary people, but the fate that the bodhisattva gave to the king of Tang.

If others use this elixir, it will definitely cause disaster.

And so, a good meal.

“So, this elixir still has to be used by King Tang?” The national master asked.

“It is precisely the Tang King who uses it to exert its effect. Xu Fan said.

“Do you want to return

the Tang King?” “Of course not, presumably Her Majesty the Queen does not want to see the Tang King live forever, right?”

The country of Guzi is bound to be a subject for generations to come, and there will never be a day to turn over.

“Your Majesty also doesn’t want King Tang to have an immortal life, and it just so happens that I don’t want to.

And a friend of mine has a deep relationship with this elixir, why not leave this elixir to me to deal with?” The

queen moved, and just as she was about to reply, the national master stopped her.

“These are all your words, who knows if it is true or false

, besides, this elixir was robbed by me, and if the Tang King investigates it, it will definitely be traced to me.”

You took the benefits, but the risks were borne by me, where in the world is there such a good thing?

!” “If you don’t hand it over to me, there is no other choice!” said Xu Fan.

This little scorpion is quite difficult to fool.

As soon as the queen grasped the hand of the national master and recognized the situation, we really couldn’t beat him.

Xu Fanken explained to this point, which is already very polite.

Xu Fan clasped his hands, with the attitude that I am not discussing with you, but informing you.

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