“You, you brat, how is this possible?” The

Demon Buddha was busy with luck, intending to gather the strength of his whole body and kill Xu Fan with one blow.

Xu Fan seemed to have expected it and said indifferently.

“The Power of Time!”

I saw that the Demon Buddha was a strong man, aging rapidly, and his strength was gradually lost.

In the end, he was unable to move and survived.

“No, no…” the Demon Buddha shouted weakly, “Let me go… One…” Until

death took it away, the Demon Buddha did not understand.

It’s just an ordinary junior, how can he appreciate the law of time.

In the end, he disappeared into nothingness.

Xu Fan had just comprehended the law, and he hadn’t adjusted it for a while.

He had just used up the power of time, and at this time, all the power in his body had been exhausted.

He held Liu Xin in vain, the law had been realized, and this small world could not leave him.

Liu Xin woke up, she caressed Xu Fan’s face, “I have a premonition.

“What premonition?” Xu Fan looked at her tenderly.

“Had a dream. Feel like you’re always there and everywhere.

“Is it a dream or a nightmare?”

Liu Xin smiled.

She had a hunch that Xu Fan was indeed leaving this world.

But her cultivation is not enough, I am afraid that she will not be able to accompany Xu Fan in this form.

“You lean over, I’ll tell you a secret. Liu Xin said in Xu Fan’s arms.

“What secret?” ”

Just now, I shared the memory with the ontology Liu Xin.

Xu Fan was stunned.

I will always be me, no matter which me is, I will always accompany you, Xu Fan.

But let this me accompany this you forever, even if it is wasted and old.

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She knew that her lifespan was limited, so she asked the body Liu Xin to help herself, so that she could always accompany Xu Fan.

Xu Fan looked at Liu Xin blankly, “If Feisheng can’t take you, you wait for me here, I will definitely come back!”

“Fool. Why should I wait for you?” Liu Xin’s eyes were a little red.

“Didn’t I tell you that I would always accompany you?” When

Xu Fan rescued the body, even if she had been cultivating all the time, her life would eventually end, and she was afraid that she would not be able to wait for him to come back.

Xu Fan seemed to realize something, and hugged Liu Xin tightly in his arms, “Well, say that you will always accompany me.”

Then he saw Liu Xin in his arms gradually blurring.

It turned into a burst of light and melted into his right atrium.

“Plop plop. ”

Plop plop. ”

Do you hear your heartbeat? It becomes your right heart, forever connected to your left heart.”

A tear slipped down Xu Fan’s face.

So warm, like the heart of a young deer.

“Hey, don’t be sad, I’m still here. He

seemed to hear Liu Xin talking.


After a vicious battle, there were few of General Lü’s men left.

Xuanzang witnessed the whole process of Liu Xin’s disappearance, and did not know how to persuade Xu Fan, only a word from Amitabha Buddha.

Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death.

Fortunately, the monk does not fall in love.

At this time, the urn suddenly went out.

“Brother Xu, I have recently achieved some cultivation, and I can go to the Immortal Realm with you.

Xu Fan came back to his senses, “Are you out of customs?”

Go, go to the immortal world and do something big!”

“Big cause. Xu Fan touched his right atrium and seemed to be thinking.

He had comprehended the law of time, and within a day, the gate of the immortal realm would open.

After the thunder disaster, it is time to embark on a new journey.

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