Right now, at a critical moment.

The system suddenly went online and released a mission: meet the last thunder and temper the flesh.

When Xu Fan heard this task, his eyes turned black.

The strongest thunder slashed down, and it had to be carried in the flesh.

He won’t collapse halfway before he has done his job.

I saw him holding a sword in his hand, pointing directly at the strongest thunder.

That calamity thunder was led to Xu Fan along the sword body, and for a while the thunder flashed, connecting the meridians of Xu Fan’s whole body.


The white elephant looked at the scene of Xu Fan being struck by lightning in the air, and his eyes widened in fright.

Immediately he choked and cried.

Engong won’t be gone, right?

So big a thunder slashed.

Xuanzang is confident, Xu Shizhu has excellent talents, and he will definitely be able to experience the heavenly calamity without danger.

When ordinary people cross the calamity, they usually dodge the sky thunder or cut the thunder.

But he had heard that there were also people who would use their flesh to carry the last heavenly thunder.

After being tempered by heavenly thunder, the flesh will be extremely hard and invulnerable.

If he can undertake the last heavenly thunder, he will inevitably become the leader of the immortal world in the future.

Xu Fan took this thunder.

The expected pain did not appear, only felt that the body was full of electricity.

Is this what it feels like to be electrified? Is this what heartbeat feels like?

Meet the last thunder.

Xu Fan felt that there was a faint force flowing in his body, but he couldn’t grasp it yet.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the power of heavenly thunder.”

The power of heavenly thunder? What is the use of this, you can’t use it if you want to.

However, after tempering, Xu Fan did feel that his body was full of power.

A burst of golden light suddenly shot down from the sky.

Xu Fan greeted the golden light and slowly rose.

“The pomp and circumstance of your ascension this time feels a little bigger than last time.” The urn hanger said locally.

“Because I was slashed by heavenly thunder!”

“When we get to the Immortal Realm, we have to set off.”

Yes, he still has to go to the Land of Chaos first, where the Ontology last contacted him.



“Oops! Look at this one that came up, and was slashed by lightning.

“I heard that the future of those who have been struck by lightning is bright.”

“It’s all nonsense, right?”

“No matter how you are struck by lightning, it is still a period of ascension!”

“That is, in the immortal world for so many years, so many people who have been slashed by lightning and ascended, and they have not seen all of them.”

After Xu Fan arrived at the Immortal Realm, he happened to see people passing by pointing.

“Hey, young man, you have soared, you have to report to the academy first.

If you don’t go to the academy to practice, you won’t be able to mix well in the immortal world in the future.

“That is, you still have to go to the school first, and with a diploma, maybe you can mix with a public official.”

“Looking at him like this, he has soared from the small world of the heavens that does not enter the stream, and

it is useless to go to the academy, and it is also to work as a security guard, it is better to go directly to deliver takeaway.”

Xu Fan listened to their whispers and

disagreed, now the priority is to go to the Land of Chaos first.

“Urn, do you know how we get to the Land of Chaos?”

“I still have to report to the university first. When we report to the academy and divide the academy, let’s go to the land of chaos together. Xu

Fan went to the school registration office according to the admission guidelines of Xinxianru.

An old dragon bell Sanxian sat at the check-in place and took a nap.

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When he saw someone come in, he raised his eyelids and asked, “Name, age, ascend to the world.”

Xu Fan reported his name and ascended to the world.

The old man waved his hand casually, and countless books appeared in front of him.

“Wait for me to find out.”

Looking at the appearance of the kid, it is not like he has soared in the serious world, and it is estimated that it is a C or D class.

He has seen many such people over the years, the proud son of the small world.

Hi, it didn’t work!

As he was flipping through it, his eyes suddenly widened.

This, isn’t this the small world that the Western Heavenly God Buddha has experienced, good guy, all related households!

In this world soaring, the rules of the small world, Heavenly Thunder, will also give Heavenly Thunder Quenching Service.

There is no problem, all the quasi-guarantees are the proud sons of the immortal world.

“Ahem!” That Sanxian coughed a few times, “A first-class academy disciple.”

He took out a jade tablet, “You can just report to the first-class academy.”

Sanxian summoned a little boy again and said to Xu Fan: “Young man, the future is limitless!”

Let this kid show you the way and take you to check-in.

Xu Fan was anxious to go to the Chaotic Land to find the body, so he asked the old man, “Senior, I still have an important thing to do.

I wonder if it will be possible to postpone the reporting date.

“What could be more important than reporting?”

I don’t know if this group of heavenly arrogants have different brain circuits than ordinary people.

After entering the immortal world, I don’t want to report to the academy first, and I want to do other things first.

“It’s a bit of an important thing, but it’s not easy to say.”

Seeing Xu Fan’s resolute attitude, Na Sanxian said, “Okay, I’ll go through the delayed enrollment procedures for you first.”

At that time, you will come to me with this jade card, and then you will report for duty.” ”

It’s better to give this person a smooth water affection and form a good relationship.”

“Thank you, senior.”


After Xu Fan left the academy reporting place, he wanted to hurry to the land of chaos.

The body had lost contact with him there, and now that he had been missing for a long time, he always felt a little anxious.

He had heard the Ontology say that the Land of Chaos was in the realm of the Three Realms.

Because it is separated from the immortal realm by a heavenly graben, although it is still under the control of the immortal realm on the surface.

But in fact, it was equally divided among the forces of several major local families.

The forces in that place are complex and dangerous.

He had just ascended to the Celestial Realm, and his cultivation was not outstanding, so he still had to be careful.

Go buy some news about the Land of Chaos first, and then make other detailed plans.

Xu Fan came to a rather magnificent building with the urn, and saw three big characters “Tianji Pavilion” hanging upstairs.

This Tianji Pavilion is a famous place in the immortal world to sell news, as long as you have money, you can buy any news.

After all, the ontology had been mixed in the immortal world, for the sake of caution.

Xu Fan changed his appearance and walked into the Tianji Pavilion.

The news of Tianji Pavilion is divided into six levels: heaven level, earth level, first class, second class, C class, and D level.

The higher the level, the more expensive the message.

“This guest, what kind of news would you like to buy?”

A monk with round eyes and a big face received him.

“Land of Chaos.”

“News from which family in the Land of Chaos?” As soon as the monk heard about the land of chaos, the spirit came.

The situation in that place of the Land of Chaos is complicated, and inquiring about the news of the Land of Chaos is generally related to the various forces of the Immortal Realm.

I think it should be a rich master, it seems that I can open a big order today.

“I just want an overview of the Land of Chaos and a way to get to the Land of Chaos.” Xu Fan replied.

That’s it?

The monk became mentally weak again, and inquired about the basic situation and waited for news.

“Ding and other news, a lower grade spirit stone, thank you for your patronage.”

Xu Fan paid for a spirit stone, and the monk handed him a piece of jade Jane.

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