Nonsense town.

The town is bustling with many monks selling all kinds of talismans.

“Come and see me here, I have the most complete spiritual talismans here, blasting talismans, peach blossom talismans, and escape talismans.”

“Spirit Rune Promotion, let’s take a look!”

“A must-have for home travel, don’t miss it when you walk by!”

The town is an important place to lead to the land of chaos, so the town is full of people and dragons.

In addition to scattered cultivation, you can also see many Immortal Sect disciples wearing the same sect’s clothing.

In addition, there are many half-exposed demons.

Many demons were still making deals with the cultivators, which made Xu Fan look amazed.

It turned out that because the town of Innocence was connected to the Sea of Innocence and the Land of Chaos, the forces of the immortal world had very little intervention.

Therefore, demons and monks can also coexist peacefully and have their own corners.

However, it is precisely because the forces of the immortal world here have less intervention, and everything is respected by strength.

Therefore, theft, murder and cross-border incidents in this place are frequent.

“Beware of being fished like a fat fish.”

The urn said to Xu Fan.

People who go to the land of chaos, because of the frequent storms at sea.

I don’t know if I will come back alive.

Therefore, there are many cultivators who sell all kinds of spiritual talismans and life-saving magic weapons.

However, once the goods are out, they will not be returned.

What the? You say you bought a fake?

That can only consider yourself unlucky

, because most of these monks who sell goods sell a single order to change places

, and when you find out that you bought a fake, you don’t know where the person who sold the goods went.

People who have been in the town for a long time probably know what are the more reliable shops

, not to mention that the things are expensive, at least they must be genuine.

Xu Fan wanted to prepare for crossing the sea of innocence, so he went to consult the fare of the ship to cross the sea of delusion and go to the land of chaos.

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The specific price is divided into three types: upper, middle and lower.

The lowest is a relatively ordinary boat, but the boatman is experienced, and the price is 5 medium-grade spirit stones.

The medium is a more ornately decorated boat

, equipped with boatmen who have sailed in the sea of innocence for nearly a hundred years, and the price is 50 medium-grade spirit stones.

The superior ones are divided into two types,

one is a treasure ship with a gorgeous and huge hull and a great face; The other is a ship with a slightly narrow hull that looks quite sturdy and solid.

Xu Fan thought to himself, fortunately he made preparations in advance and

bought news about the way to go to the Land of Chaos, otherwise he would most likely die in the sea of innocence.

In fact, the choice of this ship is also exquisite, the kind that sits down and waits for

the ship is the kind that neither money nor life, and 90% of the lower ship may be caught in the storm.

Those who sit medium are slightly better, with a 30% chance of reaching the Land of Chaos.

If you choose the first type of gorgeous hull

on the boat, it is a big deal, the boatman can naturally live, and may also make a dead fortune, but many people sitting on the boat will die in the sea of arrogance.

This belongs to the local black industry, specializing in rich people who come from other places who don’t know anything.

Of course, experienced people will choose the kind of high-class ship with a narrow hull.

This ship will most likely reach the land of chaos safely, and the safety factor is extremely high.

Xu Fan bought tickets for the second type of first-class ship.

When I bought the ticket, I also saw a rich monk.

The monk dressed in a fine robe and bought a ticket for the first class ship.

He saw that Xu Fan offered the same price, but wanted to buy the second one, so he asked.

“This Taoist friend, pay the same money.

Why not choose a boat with better conditions, it’s really weird! ”

>PS: [Made, that experience is really coming to an

end] [These two days write it feels like I’m back to that time, but now it’s going to end again]

[But I don’t want to write, lying in the groove is so annoying

] [forget it, when do you want to write and when to write again] [

Let me be quiet].

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