Xu Fan held his breath and listened to the sound of a blade piercing the air, and the sword in his hand pierced in one direction.

“Ugh!” The Scarface monk hit the sword and appeared behind Xu Fan’s right.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the sword that pierced his heart, “The sword wound, can I help?” Hahaha! ”

This body is no longer usable, his Yuanshen escaped, and after taking the sacrifice, he is a good man.

Who knew that before the Yuanshen had gathered and formed, Xu Fan immediately slapped the ashes with a palm.

The look of laughter on Scar’s face did not dissipate, and he collapsed to the ground without a sound.

The leading cultivator, who was originally fighting with Qi Huaxuan, was dead when he saw Scarface.

Even Yuanshen did not escape, and when he boarded, he was furious, and turned to attack Xu Fanlai.

“I want you to pay for my second brother’s life!”

Xu Fan dodged his deadly attack and lightly pocketed the water attribute magic weapon left by that scar face.

The leading monk saw that he was so comfortable and shouted at the remaining three.

“Old three, old four, old fifth, kill this first, and avenge the second old!”

“Let’s go together!”

All the cultivators took out their housekeeping skills and fought with Xu Fan.

“Brother, I’ll help you!” Seeing this, the urn hurried up to help.

Xu Fan smiled slightly, “No need, let me practice my hands first!”

“This kid is too arrogant!”

One of the monks shouted, “Lao Tzu will let you know today, the price of arrogance!” The

urn watched intently as Xu Fan grappled with these cultivators, thinking that if there was any situation, he would quickly go up to help Xu Fan.

Qi Huaxuan saw that Xu Fan had gone through hundreds of moves with these people, and gradually struggled.

So he shouted, “You guys are so despicable, don’t you feel ashamed that so many people beat one?”

“Shame?! When you’re done cleaning up this kid, come clean up your fat sheep! Qi

Huaxuan originally felt that Xu Fan was only in the ascension period, and it would be good to provide him with a boost.

I didn’t expect Xu Fan to be so powerful, just kill a scattered immortal.

He was actually able to fight with several Ascension Stage and Scattered Immortals, which shows his heavenly talent.

Seeing that Xu Fan had taken advantage of the disadvantage, he was afraid that Xu Fan would really be killed by these people, so he hurriedly shouted, “Xu Daoyou, I’ll help you!” Qi

Huaxuan sacrificed the magic weapon and faintly placed a magic array around Xu Fan.

When these cultivators saw that Qi Huaxuan had taken out so many treasures again, they were confused for a while, thinking of snatching the treasures first, and then killing Xu Fan.

Xu Fan took advantage of this flaw and immediately killed the two weak Ascension Stage cultivators.

The leader at the head saw that the old four and five were dead, and he immediately took Qi Huaxuan’s magic weapon into his pocket.

“Mistress, withdraw!”

So many people have been folded today, and I am afraid that there will be no good results if you continue to fight.

Wait for the next day he is looking for this kid to settle the score!

Xu Fan saw that the cultivator led by Xu Fan was about to slip away, and one of them flew forward, stabbing the sword in his hand towards the cultivator.

The cultivator reacted extremely quickly and pushed the third elder beside him onto Xu Fan’s sword.

“Big brother, you…” The third man saw the sword that pierced his chest and looked at the boss in bewilderment.

“Third brother, the eldest brother will avenge you!”

The cultivator led by him blocked the body of the old third who still had residual warmth.

Busy silently chanting the mantra, an escape formation was born on the soles of his feet, and he didn’t know where he fled.

A sea storm mixed with the power of thunder and lightning is imminent.


PS: [Continue to write

] [I separated from

Sister Hong in December] [It was almost the New Year at that time, and I was still busy with the company’s affairs in the north at that time] [

Then one day Sister Hong suddenly sent me a message to say that there was anything else to mail at home? [

I asked her what was wrong

] [She said she was going home] [At that time, I didn’t take it seriously, I thought she was going home for the New Year

] [Then I replied to her, “No need to go back in a few days anyway

“] [She said, “Brother Fan, then you take care of yourself”

] [Then I said a lot of things]

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After hanging up the phone, I realized something was not quite right

] [I felt like giving her a call and asking her what happened

] [Then she said that after she went back, she might not come back] [

I was stunned, I said, “Then you are staying at home? [

Sister Hong said, “The family introduced me to a job, and my mother still needs someone to take care of me”

] [Her voice was a little small, and after she finished speaking, I was stunned

] [I really had a blank mind at that time]

[I knew I couldn’t stop Sister Hong, I couldn’t stay in the south forever, I couldn’t marry Sister Hong

] [But I didn’t think about it, I won’t see Sister Hong in the future] [

Just kidding, What era is it now, high-speed rail, plane

] [I want to see Sister Hong, it’s not a matter of minutes

] [I thought we would meet soon, so I didn’t say goodbye on the day of separation

] [Then I asked Sister Hong to tell me her home address

] [In the next month or so, I have less contact with Sister Hong

] [I’m busy to death, and Sister Hong doesn’t know what’s going on] [

After the New Year, I want to go back to the south to see

Sister Hong] [I first went back to the city where I stayed with Sister Hong before, and the rental house has not yet been rented out

] [I was thinking of going to Sister Hong’s place, and then give

her a surprise] [I sent a message to her brother and asked, “How is your sister now”

] [Her brother has been taught by me and can be obedient

] [Just tell me that her sister is very good] [

We chatted for a while, and then I got a news from her brother’s mouth

] [Sister Hong went home on a blind date

] [I now understand why Sister Hong didn’t contact me much

] [I couldn’t describe what mood TMD was at the time, I felt very uncomfortable

] [I directly changed the plane ticket, it was early in the morning, and then their small county didn’t have an airport yet

] [I made a taxi again] [

Then when I stood in that small county town in the middle of the night, I was suddenly stunned]

[I thought, why am I here? 】

【I came to Sister Hong to ask what happened?】 【

Sister Hong is already at the age of marriage

】【Can you really marry Sister Hong?】 】

【Do you still want to have enough white?】 】【

I squatted on the ground in the middle of the night, smoking vigorously

】【Its small county can’t find a 24-hour hotel

】【I found an Internet café, and at that time I felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit】【

I don’t know if you have ever had that feeling, it feels like it’s not interesting to be alive

】【I slept in an Internet café until the next day】【

When I woke up, there were several more missed calls on my phone, and there were messages, It’s all Sister Hong’s

] [I thought about it for a while, so I called her back

] [It was connected almost instantly] [

Then Sister Hong said, “Hey, where are you?” [

I TMD listened to Sister Hong’s voice

at that time, and I don’t know why I felt that I was wronged] [Tears came out of my eyes at the time of grievance

] [I said that I was in such and such an Internet café

] [Sister Hong said that you said in detail, which street it

was on] [I don’t know what street I was on, I was upset] [

I snapped and hung up the phone and turned off the phone directly, Then turn your head and continue to sleep]

[Let’s talk about it tomorrow, oh mother, a little uncomfortable].

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