“You’re still too young, of course you don’t understand!”

Jiaolong secretly lamented that his nephew was very stupid.

“A of a thousand miles, collapsed in the anthill.

In the past few years, the Wind and Night Organization has infiltrated the Willow River to the ground.

Are all these people under your uncle loyal?

Jiaolong saw that his nephew still looked puzzled, so he didn’t want to talk to him more.

This time he was so stupid, he was blind to his excellent dragon bloodline.

It’s never too late to teach later.

“You go and keep an eye on the water snake demon, if there is anything abnormal about him, report it to me in time.”

Ao Xie asked suspiciously, “Didn’t my uncle say that I should follow him, why should I stare at him?”

“You don’t need to ask more, just report to me as soon as there is any abnormality.”

Ao Xie saluted with a cold face, “Yes, uncle”

Jiaolong saw that he was still unconvinced, and waved his hand with a headache.

“Okay, go down.”

Xu Fan, the Lord of Eternal Night, had not been heard from for a long time, and he disappeared not long ago.

The Eternal Night Organization was hit, and although it was not a slump, it was also a great injury.

Jiaolong thought of this, and thought of his family.

He is now in the heyday of spring and autumn, but someday.

If an accident occurs, none of these people can survive.

In this place of the Land of Chaos, isn’t it bullying at will.

Iron also needs to be hard by itself.

He not only wants to expand his territory, but also gather all forces.

He must also be like those old immortal sects, cultivate generations of talents in the clan who can be used by him.

Endless life is the king of long-term rule.


Since Jiaolong asked Ao Xie to follow Xu Fan to do things, plus monitor Xu Fan.

This dead-eyed young man had been lying in the Water Snake Mansion, following Xu Fan step by step.

He had heard that the water snake demon had a bad character, and he was extremely invisible.

But in the past few days with Xu Fan, he has changed his opinion of the water snake demon.

The first is the ability to do things, this water snake demon is not like other monster leaders.

Just know how to eat, drink and have fun. He often consulted with the crowd every day in the council chamber about Willow River affairs.

The second is to deal with people, whether it is to his subordinates or to Liu He’s ordinary demons.

All are appropriate and respectable.

It’s not at all as vicious as rumored.

Ao Xie couldn’t help but sigh, what a fearful word!

It was clear that he was so loyal, and the water snake demon with good character was misreported to be so unbearable.

If Jiaolong knew what his nephew was thinking, he would definitely stuff his nephew into his mother’s womb and recreate it.

This silly boy, so many rumors are different from what you see.

Doesn’t that feel weird?

Ao Xie did not feel strange, but because Xu Fan often went out to work.

Arresting members of Eternal Night and feeling that he is loyal to the Lord is not the same.

In the name of capturing the Eternal Night Organization, Xu Fan clearly touched the power of the Liuhe Dragon.

The remaining members of the Forever Night Organization in the Willow River area were also contacted.

A dark line of the Eternal Night Organization gradually grew under the leadership of Xu Fan’s organization.

More and more Willow River demon people began to secretly believe in the Eternal Night Sect.


On this day, Ao Xie was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard of the Water Snake Mansion.

“Good swordsmanship!”

Xu Fan watched for a while and praised.

This burst of Ao Xie had already unilaterally regarded Xu Fan as his confidant in his heart.

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It’s just that his uncle asked him to monitor Xu Fan, so he was embarrassed to talk to Xu Fanming.

When he heard Xu Fan’s praise, he couldn’t help but shyly say, “Brother Snake also understands swordsmanship?

“Not proficient. But seeing Ao Gongzi dancing fiercely, he felt very powerful. What

Xu Fan said was true, Ao Xie did have some achievements in the way of swordsmanship.

The demons in the Liuhe Demon Cave actually practice more demonic skills, and there are not many monsters like Ao Xie who are proficient in swordsmanship.

Ao Xie put away his sword, looking a little lonely.

“It’s a pity that I can’t find someone to compete with me, otherwise my entry will definitely be faster.”

Xu Fan knew that Ao Xie’s demon was very tendonous, and it was not in line with his uncle’s philosophy.

But he felt the kindness of the dragon, so he was loyal to the dragon.

Although this kid is a talent, it will take a lot of effort to close it to the eternal night.

“I know someone who has some knowledge of swordsmanship. There is an opportunity to introduce you. ”

Seriously?” Ao Xie’s eyes lit up, “Then thank Brother Snake first.”

“Between you and me, there is no need to say thanks.”

“What are Brother Snake’s arrangements for today?”

Ao Xie asked. He couldn’t wait to see what Xu Fan said about being proficient in swordsmanship.

“I don’t know what’s going on in recent days, and I’m a little distracted.

So I want to go to the hospital to grab some medicine. ”

Xu Fan has not been in contact with Zhang Suxi since he became a water snake demon.

This time, you can use the excuse of grabbing medicine to contact Zhang Suxiu.

And she arranged for the newly developed Eternal Night Congregation to continue preaching in a secret place.

“I’m going with Brother Snake.” Ao Xie is influenced by Xu Fan’s charisma.

At this time, he had forgotten the dragon’s instructions.

Not only was Xu Fan defenseless, but his reports to Jiaolong had gradually decreased recently.

Xu Fan and Ao Xie came to the contact point of the Forever Night Underground Organization, the Medical Hall.

When they entered the medical center, the old doctor was diagnosing a water herb essence.

“Doctor, what the hell is going on with me.”

The water grass essence had a green face, and a sad look.

“Ouch, my skull.

Ouch, my Bringail. It hurts! The

old doctor took out a few silver needles and inserted them into the head and leg of the water plant essence.

I saw that after a while, green juice came out.

“Look at your illness, it’s like poisoning.”

The old doctor touched his beard, “Have you eaten anything strange recently?”

“Strange things, what strange things can we water herb spirits eat?”

Occasionally, he returns to his original body and sticks in the river mud to absorb some nutrients. The water grass spirit said dejectedly.

“It shouldn’t be!”

The old doctor thought for a while, “It’s obviously poisoning. Could it be a mistake?

Please think about it again, so that the old man can prescribe the right medicine! The

water grass essence thought to the left and right, and suddenly patted his head, “For a while, I have been drinking Jinkula every day.

It was recommended to me by my brothers in my clan, saying that this is the most popular tonic medicine in recent times.

It is full of nutrients and can make us thick and strong! ”

Jin Kuan?” The old doctor hurriedly asked, “I wonder if you have it on you?” Can you let me take a look?

“Who carries that thing with them!” I’ll go home and show you.


The water herb spirit left the hospital and wanted to go home to get Jinkula.

The old doctor saw Xu Fan and Ao Xie and asked, “Snake Leader, I don’t know what happened to find Old Immortal?” ”

This Water Snake Demon is the chief steward in charge of destroying the Eternal Night Organization, and the old doctor certainly knows him.

I just don’t know why, this is the water snake demon who came to the medical hall in person today.

The old doctor secretly pinched a handful of sweat in his heart, wouldn’t it be that the contact point was exposed?

“The doctor doesn’t need to worry, I just have some physical discomfort recently, and I want to grab some medicine.” Xu Fan replied.

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