“I wonder where the snake rulers are uncomfortable?”

The old doctor asked while putting his hand on Xu Fan’s pulse.

“I’ve been a little restless lately. Please also ask the doctor to help take a look. ”

Can’t you see what is the big problem with this vein?

Could it be that this water snake demon drunken did not mean to drink, but just found an excuse to come to the medical hall to investigate.

The old doctor pondered for a while and replied, “Forgive the limited ability of old age, I think it is the vein of the ruler.

It’s not too much like distraction.

Xu Fan looked at Ao Xie and then at the old doctor.

“Don’t hide from the doctor, I do have some hidden diseases, but it’s not easy to say.”

Ao Xie was shocked in his heart when he heard this, no wonder the snake brother is not close to women, it can’t be a problem in some aspect, right?

Xu Fan cleared his throat and said to Ao Xie.

“Can you ask Ao Gongzi to avoid it, and I will tell the doctor about my symptoms in detail.”

When Ao Xie heard this, he really felt that he would be present.

It was easy to make Xu Fan feel embarrassed, so he said:

“You can diagnose my snake brother here, I see that there seems to be a backyard here, you can go in and watch.”

“Ah, this…” the old doctor hesitated for a moment.

“Is there anything else in this backyard?”

Ao Xie saw that the old doctor hesitated and asked.

“It’s not, my family and medicine boy live in the backyard, and there are some patients who are difficult to diagnose

And there are old drugs stored in some warehouses, which is really not beautiful. The old doctor replied.

“It’s okay, it’s killing time anyway.”

When the old doctor heard Ao Xie say this, he summoned a little boy who was pounding medicine, “You go and show this son the way and take him to the backyard to take a look.” The

little boy was extremely well-behaved, “Gongzi, please inside.”

Ao Xie followed to the backyard.

The old doctor breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately he had already seen the water snake demon enter the door

The medicine boy who had been in the early days went to the backyard and told Zhang Suxi that she should not come out.

He calmed down and asked Xu Fan again, “Snake Leader, you can now talk about your hidden illness.”

Xu Fan stood up and walked into the inner hall of the medical hall.

The old doctor followed without knowing why, only to see one turn around

The Water Snake Demon turned into a commissioner of the Eternal Night Organization sent by the Immortal Realm who had lived here for a few days.

“This!” The old doctor was shocked, thinking that his point of contact had been exposed.

“Don’t worry about Du Lao, it’s really me.”

Because of the lack of time, Xu Fan only roughly said about the process of disguised as a water snake demon.

Because Ao Xie has been following him, if he wants to contact Zhang Suxiu in the future, he will ask someone to come here to grab medicine.

Also, if the Eternal Night Congregation wanted to contact him.

Old Doctor Du can send medicine children to deliver news in the name of delivering medicine.

The old doctor listened to Xu Fan’s narration and secretly pinched a handful of sweat.

I couldn’t help but cry.

“Good, good! With you, our Liuhe congregation has the backbone.

After Xu Fan explained, he was afraid that someone would break into the inner hall, so he turned into a water snake demon again.

“Now ask Dr. Du to help me diagnose and treat and grab the medicine.”



On the other side, Ao Xie entered the inner courtyard, and sure enough, he saw medicinal herbs everywhere.

“What is it?” Ao Xie picked up a piece of medicinal herbs and sniffed it.

“This is the Spirit Replenishing Grass.” Xiao Tong replied.

“Spirit Replenishing Grass?” He put down the medicinal herb, and he didn’t know what this thing was for, it strangely smelled.

“Your medicinal fields here are quite big.” Ao Xie looked at a green medicinal field and said.

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“Exactly, now the price of elixirs is climbing.

In order to reduce costs, the master can only grow some medicinal herbs in the backyard.

Xiao Tong looked down and asked, “Gongzi, where else do you want to see?” ”

Just take a look.” Ao Xie walked out of the medicine field and saw several rows of houses, “What is the place over there?”

“That’s where the patients live, and they all have chronic diseases.”

Homeless people need long-term treatment, and the master lets them live there. ”

I can’t imagine that this old doctor is quite benevolent.

Ao Xie walked over there, walking and walking, he suddenly smelled a trace of aroma, and hurried a few steps towards the direction where the aroma came.

Seeing this, Xiao Tong was a little nervous, “Gongzi, what’s wrong?” ”

But there are women in the courtyard?”

The aroma is a bit like the aroma of pink rouge used by young women.

“Yes, Shi Niang also lives in the backyard.” Xiao Tong replied.

Although Ao Xie is straight, he is not a brainless person.

Most of the old doctor’s daughters are also old women, and they should not use this kind of fragrant rouge, could it be that he also has a daughter?

“How old is your master’s daughter?” He asked as if unintentionally.

“Daughter? The master doesn’t have a daughter? “Xiao Tong is a little confused.

Ao Xie became suspicious and wanted to see the room where the aroma came.

But I feel that I think too much.

The clinic is crowded with people, maybe some young woman has come to the backyard, leaving this aroma.

He shook his head, not intending to delve any further.

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly heard a volley in the air.

“Who?” Ao Xie saw a black-clothed shadow come out over the wall, bringing out a rouge scent.

Ao Xie dropped the little boy and hurriedly chased after him.

This black shadow is Zhang Suxiu.

This medical hall is very close to the Water Snake Mansion, and many demons come to the medical hall to get medicine.

The Water Snake Demon also never suspected that this medical hall was the underground contact point of the Eternal Night Organization.

Recently, many contact points have been raided, so the Eternal Night Sect members who were lucky enough not to be arrested all pretended to be patients and lived in the backyard of the medical center.

Zhang Suxi heard that a demon leader had led into the backyard, fearing that these sect members would arouse suspicion.

So he planned to attract the attention of the demon leader and lead him outside the city to buy time for the sect to move.

Who knew that Ao Xie’s skills were very high, and he directly blocked Zhang Suxiu’s way with his sword.

Zhang Susi helplessly took out the whip, intending to fight with Ao Xie again after leaving the medical hall.

Sure enough, Ao Xie was led by her to a sparsely populated alley.

This whip is so cruel!

Ao Xie fought with Zhang Xusu for more than a dozen rounds, and took the opportunity to uncover the mask on Zhang Xuxu’s face.

Zhang Suxi’s cold face appeared in front of Ao Xie’s eyes.

Ao Xie was stunned for a moment, sniffing blankly at the aroma of a strand of Zhang Shu’s hair sweeping his face.

At this moment, it seems that the pause button has been pressed, and it is possible to glance at ten thousand years.

Zhang Susi saw Ao Xie’s dumb-like eyes, and immediately took advantage of this moment to lose a smoke talisman and slip away.

Ao Xie saw Zhang Su slip away, but he didn’t have time to catch up.

He recalled the feeling of the hair that had just fluttered on his face, and laughed a few times.

Her eyes are cold, so beautiful!

Her hair is black and fragrant!

Her lips are very red, so tempting!

She uses a whip, so spicy!

Seeing that he could no longer catch up with Zhang Suxiu, Ao Xie reminisced while walking towards the medical hall.

He returned to the medical hall and saw that the old doctor was grabbing medicine for Xu Fan.

So he only said hello and broke into the backyard to find the kid just now.

Sure enough, the boy was still collecting the spilled medicinal herbs in place.

“Do you know who that woman was just now?”

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