Xu Fan returned to the Water Snake Mansion with the medicine and Ao Xie.

“Now that the Eternal Night Organization has been almost wiped out, I want to go back to my uncle and tell me about the 6th.”

Ao Xie said solemnly to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s expression was solemn, and he didn’t know what the person behind this matter was plotting.

Now many elves are members of the Eternal Night Sect, if they are accidentally infected with drug addiction.

One will take the white flower spirit stone to give to others.

Second, you may be threatened.

The third will affect the combat effectiveness of the congregation.

He had to take care of this matter.

“Ao Gongzi thinks, who is behind the ghost?”

“The four people are still deeply influenced by the Eternal Night Organization, and they have banned No. 6 on the bright side.

Most of the No. 6 drugs still in circulation now come from Pingkang Visit and Nancheng.

Xu Fan pondered, since the four families had banned No. 6 on the surface.

These face-saving monks should not want to use the No. 6 to amass wealth in the Willow River.

And the four have a certain connection with Tianfu.

No matter how it is, it will sell Tianfu a face, and there is no need to do evil on the 6th.

Instead, Pingkang visited the Nine-Tailed Fox and Nancheng White-faced Langjun, and indeed he had always been eyeing the territory of the Liuhe Jiaolong.

Although these three demon caves of them said that they would unite to compete with the four masters.

But it is also inevitable to fight in the nest.

Even the same demon, fighting more fiercely.

“At present, the Forever Night Organization is really not enough. It is time to shift the focus.

Find out the source of this batch of gold waste. I go with you to the king. ”


“What?” Jiaolong shot up, “This group of vicious villains!

“Uncle, now I only know that there is a batch of No. 6 mixed in Jinqi, and this batch of medicines is disguised as some health care products, which are popular in the market of my Liuhe.

It really makes the demon defenseless, and if you are not careful, you will be on the way.

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Ao Xie looked angry, “Ao Xie is willing to investigate this matter and share his uncle’s worries.”

Jiaolong stepped forward and patted Ao Xie’s shoulder, “Good nephew, you have this heart, uncle is very content!”

He paced a few steps and thought for a while.

“It’s just that you and the water snake demon still want to eliminate Eternal Night, and I will find someone to handle this matter.”


Ao Xie stepped forward.

“My nephew thinks that this is the top priority to investigate and deal with No. 6, and now there is a shortage of manpower, I…”

PS: [I’m idle and bored

~] [I’ve resumed my days of doing nothing

] [Annoying

] [It’s good to say that the relationship with Xiao Zheng is good, it’s bad or not]

[I haven’t seen a beautiful aunt for a few days

] [Alas~

] [Recently wrote memories, always remembering

the past] [Thinking about it, I can’t help but wonder if I can redeem some regrets if I go back to the past]

[If you go back in time, will it change some regretful memories?] [

The beauty of the past is like a landscape, which can’t be taken away, but it always makes people want to re-savor

] [But in fact, I know, there has never been an if

] [Every day regular emo for a while, it will start to rot in the workplace

] [Only writing novels can make me experience a different life

] [I feel that I am the protagonist in the novel, calling the wind and rain, omnipotent] [

ε=( ́ο’*))) Alas

] [Ming’er is estimated to go to the Internet café again, take a bath, pinch her feet, eat self-help….

] [It’s another old-fashioned process

] [I really don’t know when our group will become a little taller~]

[I hope to order a beautiful little girl tomorrow].

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