“I fell in love with someone who didn’t love me.”

“Not only does she not love me, but she also does some illegal things! I persuaded her, and she told me not to be nosy! When

Xu Fan heard him say this, he probably understood the reason for the matter, and couldn’t help but help.

I don’t know what youth pain novel Ao Xie is playing here.

Zhang had reported to him that he was out on errands.

She met the youkai who fought her in the medical hall, and this youkai didn’t catch her either.

Just followed her all the time, staring very closely.

This interfered with her and couldn’t do anything, so she beat the monster.

During the period, he also used drugs and the like to get rid of the little white face.

“Career first, then love.”

Xu Fan said to Ao Xie, “When you do a good job, love will naturally come.”

“Brother Snake, you don’t understand!” Ao Xie handed the wine jar to Xu Fan, “The mud foot is deeply sunk, and I can’t help myself, I always think about her, alas!” Ao

Xie followed Zhang Suxi for a few days, probably understanding that she should be related to the Forever Night Organization.

Brother Snake is the leader of the arrest of the members of Yongye, who is also the organization named by his uncle to cut down the grass and remove the roots.

If he really engages in his career first, he will cut the grass and root the eternal night.

Then his beloved talent is even less likely to have results.

“I’m in love with someone I shouldn’t love…” The

more Ao Xie thought about it, the more sad he became, and opened another pot of wine, pouring it ton after ton.

Xu Fan thought that now the matter of Jin Qila was temporarily over.

If this kid Ao Xie keeps following him, it will also hinder him to a certain extent, so it is better to find something for him to do.

“Brother Ao, do you remember, I said I wanted to introduce you to a master with a sword?”

Although Ao Xie was hurt by his feelings at this time, he heard that the master with the sword also had a little spirit.

Xu Fan smiled slightly, it just so happened that the urn had time during this time, so let him accompany Ao Xie to play.


The urn was playing chess leisurely with Qi Huaxuan in a courtyard.

Suddenly I felt a chill behind my back.

He looked at the big sun in the sky, could it be that someone was calculating Xiao Ye?

Within a few days, Xu Fan introduced the urn to Ao Xie.

Ao Xie was like a treasure and abandoned his emotional hurt.

Every day I mingled with the urn, pestering and fighting with the urn.

The urn was entangled by such a sword obsession, and he felt that he was so tired that his ashes were missing one or two.

Xu Fan unfolded his hands and feet, and then tracked down the matter of No. 6 drug.

Although the matter of Jin Kun came to an end, the side quests of the Land of Chaos distributed by the system only progressed to twenty percent.

Find out the source of drug No. 6.

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By the way, stirring up the water of the three demon caves is more conducive to the development of Eternal Night in the Land of Chaos.

Jin Kula’s clue was broken when he reached the fake monk, and it seemed that he still had to go to explore the nine-tailed fox in Pingkangfang.

There should also be many members of Yongye in Pingkang Fang, and Xu Fan handed a message to Zhang Suxiu.

Invite her to come to the medical center to talk about the situation of the Pingkang Fang Yongye Organization.

“In the early years, at the internal gathering of the organization, I met Chu Wanwan, a subordinate of the Nine-tailed Fox of Pingkang Fang.

And talked to her very well.

As far as I know, she should also be the elder of the Pingkang Place Forever Night Organization.

Only later, the three major demon caves began to clear out the Eternal Night Organization.

I don’t know if she defected or was arrested, and there has been no more news. ”


PS: [Mad, I posted all the pictures were swallowed

] [Let’s post the pictures in the comment area later, everyone leave a message

] [Today’s major temples next to Kaxi Lake, Faxi Temple, Lingyin Temple….

] [After walking around, how to say it~]

[Eh… All are Internet celebrities

] [Really, not bragging

] [Those in ancient costumes, those wearing cheongsam

] [Show a big back and long legs

] [(⊙o⊙)…

] [Buddhist Holy Land, this group of shameless people

] [Whew~

] [I TMD is a shot, is a meal

] [╭(╯^╰)╮

] [angry with them] [

Especially a long leg wearing a cyan cheongsam, holding a fan in his hand, revealing his long legs

] [I lost it~] [Love loved

] [Buddha Gate Holy Land, Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha~]


have to go to the music festival at night, how to say…. Embarrassed to die

] [Lying in the groove, the atmosphere at the scene is really embarrassing, I don’t want to go to the embarrassment

] [By the way, in the outer building next to the West Lake, the five-person meal is more than 800 pieces, not too expensive] [

The scenery is indeed good, as for the taste… It feels like that

] [But I really can’t stand the climate in the south, and I will think of many things when I come to the south] [

Go home quickly~ I can’t stay here for a moment].

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