Kong Nan cried and hugged his weak and helpless self.

God, how can there be such vicious people in the world!

The world is terrible, and it’s not friendly to him as a bird at all.

Think of him handsome and dashing, a flower in the peacock clan, and now a bald tail.

Not to mention the leader, now the girls in the clan don’t know if they will favor him again.

The old ancestor is on top, he really lost the face of the peacock family, and the pride of the peacock also dispersed with the wind.

Xu Fan got the information he wanted in Kong Nan’s mouth, blew the peacock feathers on his hand, and threw Kong Nan in the Qiankun bag.

According to Kong Nan, Chu Wanwan’s heart changed greatly ten years ago.

Somehow, it seems to have gone crazy, leaving a lot of dark wounds.

This dark wound needed to be soaked in a special medicinal liquid to be repaired, which was taken from the Infant Spirit Grass that Xu Fan had seen outside the island.

Chu Wanwan needed to soak this medicinal liquid once in three days.

Therefore, after being injured, he rarely left the cave house.

Even when contacting the nine-tailed fox, a special communication symbol will be used.

As a last resort, it will definitely not leave the island.

When Xu Fan got this news, he knew that he had to find out the secret within three days.

After all, Chu Wan would need that kind of liquid again three days later, but entering the enchantment of the inner island required the special seal and password of the bird clan.

There is no way to remove this seal on Kong Nan’s body.

If you want to go out of the enchantment to get medicine, then enter the enchantment.

The process is too troublesome, and it is easy to change.

[Chaos Land Side Quest: Trace the truth of the No. 6 drug, the current progress is 40%, and the reward is two thousand years of accurate

cultivation] The system suddenly came to the prompt, Xu Fan felt that his cultivation was constantly rising, and at this critical juncture, his cultivation rose from the Ascension Period to the Scattered Immortal.

During this time, he was busy tracking down the affairs of No. 6 Medicine and Chu Wanwan, and he didn’t have much time to cultivate.

Fortunately, the side missions of the system have made some progress, and he has also moved from the Ascension Period to the Scattered Immortals.

Entering the immortal world, the cultivation of scattered immortals is still not enough. It is still necessary to step up cultivation, so that it can provide more help to the body.


“Button, button, button”

Someone is knocking on the door.

“Steward Kong, the chief asked you to go to the council hall.”

Xu Fan was originally meditating, and after hearing the notice from the person outside the door, he replied, “I know, you go back.”

He straightened his clothes and walked towards the council chamber.

According to Kong Nan, since Chu Wanwan was injured.

He did not show up often, and even attended few meetings among the tribes, and stayed in the dormitory every day to recuperate.

I don’t know what happened when I called him to the council chamber today.

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It was getting late, and the council hall was brightly lit.

Xu Fan arrived at the council hall and asked the waiter outside the door to report.

“Steward Kong, the chief is deliberating, saying that no one should be disturbed. Please also take a moment outside the door.

Xu Fan was not in a hurry when he heard this, and waited outside the council hall for a moment.

Not long after, a cloaked man came out of the council hall.

Xu Fan looked at the person in the cloak, and an obvious blue-black mark was on that person’s face!

This is exactly the fake monk!

Could it be that Chu Wanwan is related to the matter of No. 6 medicine? Xu Fan reflexively grabbed the fake monk’s sleeve.

The fake monk was shocked, and accidentally tore off his sleeve after struggling hard.

His face was ugly, but he didn’t say much and left in a hurry.

Xu Fan was worried about the current situation, and it was difficult to chase the fake monk.

However, the good villain now has some clues, whether this fake monk is related to the nine-tailed fox or not.

He and Chu Wanwan may not be able to get rid of each other

, maybe Kong Nan has also seen the fake monk, wait for him to find time to ask Kong Nan again.

Xu Fan walked into the council hall, and only then did he really see Chu Wanwan.

Chu Wanwan’s face was pure and mixed with a hint of inoffensiveness, and he was wearing a white feather coat.

She sat barefoot in the first seat of the council hall, and the jade jade bracelet on her ankles was cold white under the light of the council hall.

Chu Wanwan saw Xu Fan come in, held his hand on his cheek and asked, “Is there anything abnormal on the island recently?”

Xu Fan replied, “Back to the leader, there is nothing unusual.

Chu Wanwan jumped down from the first seat, “Oh? Are you telling the truth? ”

Could it be that where did it arouse Chu Wanwan’s suspicions?

“I wonder what my subordinate did wrong?”

Chu Wanwan paced beside Xu Fan and asked in a deep voice, “Who are you?” Where did the real Kong Nan go? She

almost watched Kong Nan grow up, and naturally knew Kong Nan’s temperament.

After Xu Fan delivered her medicine, she noticed that something was wrong.

But at that time, I was busy absorbing the medicinal effects, so I could only put this aside in advance.

After Xu Fan left, she went to the island and found that outsiders came in on the island.

Xu Fan saw that Chu Wanwan had found out, so he changed back to his own appearance.

He said, “Chief Chu doesn’t need to worry, I didn’t take Kong Nan seriously, but just asked him to stay in a quiet place first.”

Chu Wanwan’s face was cold, “I don’t know why you are here?”

“It’s not a secret, it was Liu He Zhang Suxi who asked me to come to you and say that you can help me succeed.”

Xu Fan not only said slowly.

Chu Wanwan seemed to hear the name Zhang Suxiu for the first time, and turned his back.

Sitting in his seat again, “What a piece of slack, I don’t know.” You put Kong Nan first. ”

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