Since this person can be trapped in a cage, he must have cultivated under the Golden Immortal.

Even if he is released, in this island, she Chu Wanwan has the ability to recapture this person.

Chu Wanwan thought for a while and said, “I can let you out, but you have to release Kong Nan.”

“Yes.” Xu Fan said.

“In a word.”

Chu Wanwan listened to him say this, and planned to make two preparations.

Once the mechanism is opened, first save Kong Nan, and then capture Xu Fan.

She manipulated the cage and rushed to Xu Fan the moment the cage was opened, freeing Kong Nan from Xu Fan.

Chu Wanwan carried Kong Nan with one hand and attacked Xu Fan with the other.

“Chief Chu doesn’t count his words.” Xu Fan dodged her attack and took a few steps back.

“I only said to let you out of the cage, but I didn’t say I would let you go.”

Chu Wanwan’s eyes were gloomy and fierce, although Kong Nan was not very mature, he could not be bullied by outsiders like this.

Xu Fan saw that she was menacing, and every move was directed to the point.

This Chu Wanwan seems to have some kind of buff, not at all like a person who has suffered internal injuries.

Thirty-six plans, to go as the best policy, or to temporarily avoid its edge.

“Chief Chu, I won’t bother much today, and I’ll visit another day.”

Xu Fan quickly hid and escaped from the council hall.

Chu Wanwan originally wanted to chase, but found that Xu Fan’s trace had long been lost.

She said angrily, “If you want to run, you have to run!” ”

This kid, I don’t know who it is, his cultivation is average, but his kung fu of escaping is not bad.

However, the entire inner island is shrouded in a large array, as long as she activates the defense state of the large array.

Not to mention people, even a fly cannot fly out of the inner island.

Chu Wanwan glanced at Kong Nan lying on the ground and sighed.

If you don’t become a talent, I don’t know when to worry about it.

She entered the organ room of the council hall and cast a spell to activate the defense state of the inner island array.

This eternal night could not escape the palm of her hand.

After activating the defensive state, she returned to the hall of the council hall and kicked Kong Nan twice, “Wake up.”

Kong Nan opened his eyes in confusion, and vaguely saw a face that looked like a heavenly fairy, and he immediately sobered up.

“Chief, the subordinates are incompetent, some outsiders have broken into the inner island!”

“I already know, and I can’t blame you for this.” Chu Wanwan put his hand on his back, “You should rest well in the past few days, and you can step up your cultivation in the future.”

Kong Nan was moved to tears, as if he felt the care of his loving mother. Oh no, it’s the care of the goddess.

“Thank you, Chief.”

“Coming!” Chu Wanwan shouted, “Invite the elders of all clans to the council hall, I have important matters to discuss.” Several

bird spirits flew in from the window and landed on the ground and turned into human forms.

“Yes, Chief.”

Many bird clan leaders felt an abnormality the moment they activated the defense mode in the town of the inner island.

As soon as this defense mode is turned on, none of them can leave the island.

As if stranded on the island, naturally a little anxious.

In addition, this inner island defense model has been open for decades.

Not knowing what happened, Chief Chu turned on the inner island defense mode.

When the leaders of the bird tribe heard the bird spirits’ notice, they all looked solemn.

The Chieftain had been reluctant to call them for meetings since ten years ago, and now he had activated the Inner Island Array Defense Mode.

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He also asked them to say that there was something important to discuss, but there was really something extremely serious.

But there are no major events in Pingkang Fang recently.

The leaders of the bird tribe hurried to the council hall and saw Chu Wanwan.

“Chief Chu.”

They sat down, “I don’t know what to discuss?”

Chu Wanwan said, “There are thieves from the Eternal Night Organization on the inner island, so I turned on the defense mode of the large array.

This thief can change his form, and he also asks the leaders to carefully investigate the clan after they go back, and they are bound to arrest this thief. After

listening to Chu Wanwan’s words, the Kingfisher Patriarch frowned, as if he had disapproval.

“Chief, such a little thing to open the large array defense mode, will it be a little fussy.”

After all, all the people in their clan had followed Chu Wanwan to serve the Forever Night Organization.

Even if he is no longer associated with the Eternal Night Organization now, there is no need to go to such great lengths to arrest a member of Eternal Night.

Chu Wanwan lowered his face coldly, “Are you dissatisfied with the decision I made?”

That thief injured my steward Kong Nan, he was trampling on my dignity, and I was bound to make this man pay! Seeing

that Chu Wanwan was angry, the Kingfisher Patriarch hurriedly said, “Of course, Old Immortal doesn’t mean this, it’s just that the defense mode is on.

Breaking off contact with the outside world is not a long-term solution.

“Of course I know! Therefore, you must carefully investigate all suspicious people, and you must catch this person within two days!

The bird clan patriarchs looked at each other and replied, “Yes!”

After the meeting, the White Heron Clan Elder shook his head and sighed.

In recent years, the Chu chief’s temperament has changed greatly, and his actions have become more and more unpersuasive.

It is really not a good sign that just one district steward will make the island unpeaceful.

Strange to say, this Kong Nan also gradually became a confidant of the Chu leader ten years ago.

It turns out that although the leader of Chu is also a peacock, he is not biased towards the peacock family, and all kinds of bird families will be reused.

Since Kong Nan gained power, now the peacock clan has overwhelmed the other bird clans.

“The leader has not recovered from his injuries, and his temperament has changed greatly. It’s really not a good sign. The Kingfisher Patriarch sighed.

“Who said it wasn’t, let’s hurry up and find out the thief the leader said.” The oriole patriarch said.

The patriarchs dispersed and began to investigate the inner island.

Chu Wanwan thought that Xu Fan was hiding somewhere on the inner island, but he didn’t know.

Xu Fan just made a trick and hid outside the council hall.

After listening to the conversations of the various patriarchs, he had a consideration in his heart.

This Chu Wanwan did not know Zhang Suxi, not only colluded with the fake monk.

And the temperament has changed greatly. The coincidence that he claimed to have been seriously injured, but did not show that he had not healed for many years when he fought

was too suspicious.

Since this Chu Wanwan’s injury has not healed, then he took advantage of Chu Wanwan’s weakest time.

That is, when the medicinal bath is two days later, come to her again to find out.

Whether it is Li Ghost or Li Kui, then the truth will naturally be revealed.

Xu Fan silently landed from the tree and turned into a sparrow that was the most common on the island.

He flew to other branches and observed Chu Wanwan’s movements.

Chu Wanwan did not stay long in the council hall, and then returned to her dormitory, avoiding people.

Seeing this, Xu Fan went to Kong Nan’s residence again and stopped on his window frame.

“Where are the sparrows, go and go!”

Kong Nangang handed over all the errands to his men, intending to rest for a while to make up for his wounded soul.

He looked at the sparrow on the window lattice and somehow fought a cold war.

Always feeling that something bad is about to happen, he irritably drives away this sparrow.

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