“True love is not shackled by gender!”

Seeing him say this, the nine-tailed fox shouted loudly, “Are you such a superficial person?

Xu Fan was startled by his voice, and was thinking about whether to appease him first and let him let Chu Wanwan go.

I suddenly saw the nine-tailed fox blushing shyly, “It’s okay, I like you like this superficial.”

You can do whatever you want, you look at me like this, is it possible for us. The

nine-tailed fox only felt that he had come up with a very brilliant idea.

He transformed into a stunning woman.

“I haven’t used this form for a long time, Kong Lang, do you still like me like this?”

The nine-tailed fox twisted a flower with its slender hand and inserted it between its sideburns.

For a time, it can be described as the color of the country, one cares for the people’s city, and the other cares about the people’s country.

Xu Fan seemed to see the red face and calamity depicted in the history books in this eye.

This is the first beauty of Pingkang Fang.

It turns out that the bloodline of the nine-tailed fox is very special.

It can be transformed into a male or female body.

However, the nine-tailed fox is accustomed to wandering and flowing, and he is most accustomed to using a male body, and now his beloved refuses to break his sleeves with him, and can only become a female body in exchange for a little love from his beloved.

The nine-tailed fox thought he had a brilliant idea.

With such a beautiful appearance as her, which man in the world is not confused.

Xu Fan: Thank you for the invitation, I’m not confused.

Xu Fan didn’t look away, “You let Chu Wanwan go first.”

“If I release him, will you make me a husband?”

Xu Fan coughed lightly and slapped her face, “You think too beautiful.” The

nine-tailed fox gently sniffed Xu Fan’s hand like a puppy, “Anyway, I look beautiful, what if I think about being beautiful!”

“Don’t talk more nonsense with you, take me to find Chu Wanwan now.”

The nine-tailed fox turned into a female body, naturally feeling that there were few people in the world whose appearance could surpass her, and her hostility towards Chu Wanwan was not so deep.

She took Xu Fan to the place where Chu Wanwan was imprisoned.

As soon as I entered this particularly large courtyard, I saw a man and a woman leaning on the pool next to the pavilion watching the fish.

This man and woman saw the nine-tailed fox walk in, and their eyes lit up, so they wrapped themselves around.

“Owner, you haven’t been here for three days, and it’s some goblin outside who has charmed your eyes. Aren’t we guys enough? The

nine-tailed fox coughed lightly, secretly glanced at Xu Fan, and then straightened his face and said to the two, “Let’s all go down first.” Leaning on the door to sell laughter, what a look! ”

Two: ???

I can go to your beep beep.

Isn’t this your favorite set? What kind of serious person to pretend?

They only complain in their hearts, but they dare not say anything on their faces.

After only saying yes, he walked to his residence.

“I’ll dismiss them another day!” The nine-tailed fox hurriedly showed his attitude and hurriedly said to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan looked at her quietly.

Seeing that Xu Fan had been staring at her, the nine-tailed fox couldn’t help but blush, “Kong Lang, what are you staring at me for?” ”

Could it be that Kong Lang was confused by her beauty and fell deeply into it?

Oops, so ashamed.

It turns out that this is how the beloved has his eyes full of himself?

Xu Fan looked at her coquettish state, and replied lightly, “It’s nothing, just look at your hair.” ”

Big brother, if you take a closer look at those two people in the past, don’t you think the top of your head is a little green?


PS: [Today is still the day of the little prince of bathing

~] [After picking the ears, I feel that the ears are not very comfortable, and I will not pick them in the future

] [Jin’er and the blind date of the previous two days, chatted for a while, and made an appointment to have a meal together tomorrow~] [

How do you feel, we chatted and chatted? 【

Let’s continue to tell everyone

】【My grandmother’s family lives on the side of the forest near the village, and there is no residence, just that family

】【On the big night, my aunt’s son and I

and my uncle’s son】【Our three brothers huddled in a bed chattering and watching TV, it was snowing outside

】【Kang was warm, and there was hot milk next to

it】【Knocking melon seeds and eating candy】

【 That feeling can never go back~


[Winter is when weasels are most rampant, generally live directly in the village

] [At that time, there was no taboo in the countryside, and what Wong Tai Sin said was a legend]

[You only need to threaten the small money of the villagers, If you don’t say a word, I will reward you with a shovel

] [So there are many weasels killed in the village, and there is no weasel revenge at all

[ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

] [At that time, I heard chickens crying outside at night

] [My grandfather said that the weasels were coming, and then they put on their clothes and went out with forks to catch weasels

] [The three of us were so excited at that time, so we each followed

my grandfather with weapons and followed my grandfather] [At that time, my grandfather rushed in with a fork, It’s a fork, the chicken flies and the dog jumps

] [Then the three of us went to the back of the chicken nest to block, and when the weasel jumped out, we took the weapon in our hands and beat it indiscriminately

] [I didn’t expect that the weasel was really killed by us

] [This made me proud

] [Then within two days, I started a high fever

] [Anyway, I don’t know if there is any connection between this matter, now I think it is likely to be young at that time]

[Weak physique, and then suddenly came out

of the house in the middle of the night] [Maybe I was frozen and cold

] [But there are still some superstitions in the countryside, plus my high fever is particularly strange, the high fever does not subside]

[Finally began to foam at the mouth, people directly fainted]

[In the end, my fourth grandfather came to my house and said, “It’s over, this child has offended Huang Taixian

“] [This scared my family, the family is my only seedling, if it is folded, it will really be my own life

] [Then my fourth grandfather said, “I have to go, I have to leave home, I can only live if I leave home”

] [Later, I don’t know what happened, my parents really believed my fourth grandfather’s words at that time] [

Forced to leave my hometown with me and came to Harbin

] [After staying in Harbin for a year, he came to the place where I live now

] [I was seven years old that year~


[The fourth uncle said that I am weak and easy to recruit

] [Only when I am old will I be good]

[I really didn’t expect it, he was quite accurate

] [At that time, my parents built a carpentry factory under the sponsorship of my grandparents and grandparents]

[At that time, I was very busy, and I didn’t have time to care about me

] [I was playing with a few yard children who were particularly crazy

] [Once I was playing with a little boy named Little Tiger, that is, the landlord’s child

] [We played hide-and-seek together] [

At that time, the two of us were facing each other, and there was a bungalow in

the yard that was not rented out] [Introduce the place where I lived, and the building had not been fully built at that time

] [So most of it was a yard, and then several houses were fenced

] [Just like the countryside

] [We both said to hide there

] [When the scissors wrapped the hammer

, I lost] [So he hid, I looked] [

But I never thought that it was because I lost and saved my life

] [I was silently counting when I heard the cry of a little tiger in the room] [

“Aaaaaa [

At that time, he cried out like that, and scared me stupidly]

[“There are snakes and snakes! [

Groove! At that time, it scared

me] [I screamed and turned my head and ran to find the

adult] [The specific details, I can’t remember now

] [But when the adult arrived

, the little tiger was almost out of breath] [The snake hiding in the house, lying in a big groove

] [The tragic situation frightened me at

that time] [The little tiger was sent to the hospital, and he was out of gas]

[At that time, his parents, His grandma cried vigorously, and his grandma cried directly and was hospitalized

] [After this incident, my family can’t live anymore

] [And my father and mother are also afraid of leaving a psychological shadow on me, so they moved with me]

[But but!!! [

Have you heard of it, that is, people have experienced something that is difficult to accept and appears outside of common sense

] [Or they have been greatly stimulated and will completely forget this matter

] [At that time, I forgot that the little tiger was already dead, but I don’t remember this incident

at all] [In my previous memory, the little tiger was alive, and there was no snake at all] [

Then, It wasn’t until my freshman year of junior high that something suddenly happened]


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