The old fox patriarch had just left the council hall and returned to his residence.

I saw a man dressed in gray cloth hurrying to report.

“What’s the matter, so anxious?”

Originally, the old fox patriarch already felt upset when he heard the nine-tailed fox’s decision.

Now seeing this spy so anxious, his heart was even more upset.

What the hell happened?!

The scout leaned in to the old fox’s ear and said a few words.

“What?! Seriously?

“It’s true, it’s true, I’ve heard it with my own ears.”

“Oh, confused!”

It turned out that this spy came to report that the nine-tailed fox had stopped the production line of No. 6 medicine.

“You go back first, continue to listen to the news, and report to me as soon as something happens.”

The old fox frowned and waved his hand, just after meeting the owner, now he had to go again.

The No. 6 drug production line is not only an important source of funds for the normal operation of Pingkang Fang, but also an important basis for pulling the Li family and the Mu family into the same boat!

Now the nine-tailed fox will make a decision, which will inevitably affect the stability of regional forces.

In this way, if the four join forces.

Pingkang Fang was dangerous, and he had to quickly persuade the owner to cancel this decision.

Pity him for an old bone, and he has to worry about the unconscious owner.

When the old fox patriarch asked to see the nine-tailed fox, the nine-tailed fox was lying on Xu Fan’s body.

Because Xu Fan did not let her get close, she became a prototype and leaned on Xu Fan like a puppy.

“Touch your tail again! Hurry up! Fluffy, soft tail! The

nine-tailed fox shook her unkempt tail.

Xu Fan stroked perfunctorily a few times.

“Xinliver, can you bear to perfunctory such a cute little fox?”

The nine-tailed fox shook its tail again and rushed to Xu Fan’s neck.

Xu Fan: (ー_ー)!!

They are tens of thousands of years old foxes, and they are kind enough to call themselves little foxes.

As soon as the old fox patriarch came in, he saw their owner hanging around Xu Fan’s neck like a fox.

He was shocked.

This, this broad daylight, actually did such a thing! This is the world is getting worse, and it is a hindrance!

“Owner!” The old fox cried out bitterly.

The nine-tailed fox glanced at him and continued to hang on Xu Fan’s neck, “What’s the matter, you say.”

The old fox calmed his mood and asked, “I heard that you stopped the production line of No. 6 medicine?”

“What? Drug No. 6 stopped production? The nine-tailed fox was also confused, and she looked at Xu Fan.



Haha~] [Had a meal with the blind date girl

at night] [The chat is very good, I feel very comfortable chatting with her~

] [Gee, it’s really good

] [I also watched One Piece together at night

] [Hahaha, I feel that there is really a drama

] [I won’t fall in love, right] [

What about the beautiful aunt? What about Xiao Zheng? 【

What should I do with the girl No. 10 in the bathing center?】 】

【Let’s continue to tell everyone~

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】【After that trauma, I forgot all about the little tiger

】【It’s like a memory sealed

】【Then in the first year of junior high

school】【I clearly remember that day, my father and my mother went to my uncle’s house

】【Leave me at home alone

】【I sat on the sofa and watched anime】

【 I still remember all the details

of that day] [Friday night, tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday

] [I was holding a drink, eating small snacks, feeling the beauty of life

] [Then suddenly there was a rapid and violent knock on the door] [

At that time, I was startled, and I came to the door, “Who?” [

Shouting outside

the door] [“Fan, open the door, I am a little tiger”] [“Open the door, I am a little tiger”] [Then I jerked, my brain seemed to explode] [I

remembered all at once about how the

little tiger

was bitten to death by a snake and how it was sent to the hospital!! 】

【I was confused at that time, my head was blank

】【That is, the body is out of control, it is completely frozen

】【This is not an exaggeration, but I really have this feeling】【

I just stood in place dumbfounded, listening to the shouts outside the door, each time bigger and bigger】【”Open the door,

I’m a little tiger”

] [I TMD felt like I was going to be scared to pee] [

I don’t know how long it took, and then I heard my mother’s voice

] [Then my vision changed suddenly, and I found myself sitting on the sofa, my parents had returned

] [I was stunned for a long time, I couldn’t tell if what I just experienced was a dream or something else]

[I quickly asked my mother, is the little tiger dead? 】

【My mother’s face just changed, and asked me why I suddenly mentioned this?】 [

I’ll tell my mother what I just experienced

] [Scare my parents enough

] [Then my mother will call my fourth uncle and grandfather

, and my father will also call my friends] [The next day, my father took me to a local temple and offered a

tablet] [It’s the kind that keeps me safe

] [Then write whose name is on the tablet for offering] [

At that time, it seemed that it cost more than 20,000 yuan

] [At night, my mother asked me to learn the method taught by my fourth uncle and grandfather

] [I ran to a manhole cover on the side of the road in the middle of the night, I don’t know why

] [Anyway, the ghost shouted there: “Little

tiger little tiger went home, little tiger little tiger went home~”] [After shouting for more than half an hour, I went home with my mother] [

During that time, it made me tremble, I sleep with my parents

] [Don’t dare to walk at night, and then slowly put this matter behind

] [As I get older, I haven’t encountered this kind of thing again] [

I still can’t tell, is it a psychological effect, or is there really a ghost in the world]

[But the ancestors said “Worship ghosts and gods and stay away~”

] [Sometimes, this kind of thing is so strange] [


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