Xu Fan and the three of them asked for three rooms, and these three rooms were upstairs.

Ao Xie complained while going upstairs, this briquette ghost is really an dishonest profiteer.

There are no outsiders in Nancheng at all, and the land price is very cheap, he looks like a bully, planning to slaughter fat sheep.

Don’t open his ghost eyes to take a good look, is he like a fat sheep slaughtered? Does he look like a soft stubble?

If this had been a grumpy in the early years, he would have slashed through with a sword.

The urn nodded as he listened to his chanting, and the person was not a teenager.

It seems that everyone was full of spirit when they were teenagers, never provoked, and carried the sword and did it.

Seeing that this inn has not been occupied for a long time, I think that the room should not be particularly clean.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the room.

Ao Xie shouted that there was no difference between living here and living in a broken temple, the only difference was that the broken temple did not have to pay.

Xu Fan looked at Ao Xie and the urn constantly complaining, smiled, and used spells to clean up the room.

After a while, the room was spotless.

You can still vaguely see that the inn was magnificent.

Liuhe is not close to Nancheng, and after a day’s journey, they really should rest and rest.

So let the briquettes ghost get some hot water and get something to eat.

However, the habits of the local people were not taken into account, because most of them were ghosts, their bodies were cold, and they did not need hot water at all.

“What a broken place, not even hot water!” Ao Xie began to break his thoughts again.

Xu Fanfu, this big brother, you don’t use hot water when you are in the Liuhe, right? Are you a ectothermic animal waiting to boil yourself with hot water?

“Not even small fish!”

Well, that’s right.

The recipes given by black briquettes are all heart, liver, lungs, and stomach, vegetarian stir-fried human brain.

They also said that this is their signature dish here, and only rich people can eat it.

Who the wants to eat this?

Xu Fan thought about it, but fortunately he was wiser and carried some food with him.

Although they don’t have to eat now, it must be said that eating is a pleasure.

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When you have time, you have to eat well!

Xu Fan took out a roast chicken and several bottles of wine from the storage bag.

After the urn and Ao Xie had eaten and drunk, they went back to their rooms to rest.

They had to recharge their batteries and wait for the evening to find out the situation in the southern city.


The sun is gradually setting.

Nancheng was also like a behemoth, waking up in his sleep.

Gradually, there were ghosts floating around the streets.

Seeing that the sky was dark, Xu Fan held a lamp in the room.

The urn and Ao Xie also planned to go to Xu Fan’s room to meet him.

As soon as Ao Xie went out, he saw several green ghost fires.

He was so frightened that he pretended to walk towards Xu Fan’s room casually.

When you hear about such a thing as a ghost, as long as you pretend not to see him, he won’t come to you.

Who knew that behind him was cold, those ghost fires actually followed him all the time!

“This son-in-law, please make way for me!”

A strange and poignant voice sounded in my ears.

Ao Xie couldn’t help it anymore, shouted, and ran towards Xu Fan’s room.

“There are ghosts, Brother Snake opens the door!”

The ghost fires moved, revealing a skeleton shining green from the darkness.

He looked at Ao Xie, who ran away, angrily, “Bah, what an outsider, I haven’t seen the world, this is also worth making a fuss about!” ”

Come to their southern city, don’t you see ghosts, do you still see people?

Xu Fan heard Ao Xie’s call in the house, opened the door, and just saw the pale Ao Xie.

“Don’t be afraid, even if the ghost eats people, he will not eat aquatic products with tongs.” Xu Fan patted Ao Xie’s shoulder and comforted.

Thanks, not comforted at all, okay?

Ao Xie entered the room, closed the door and poured a glass of water.

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