Xu Fan looked at the wild ghost in the inn for a while, and was thinking of going out of the inn to inquire about the news about the white-faced boy.

Who knew that the system suddenly went online.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for triggering the Chaos Land side quest limited-time mission: smash the white-faced boy’s soul, reward three thousand years of cultivation, and a set of heaven-level ghost exercises. Count down to an hour. ”

Break the white-faced boy’s spirit?

The white-faced boy’s cultivation is profound, and everyone knows it.

Now the system has arranged such a task for him, isn’t this explicitly asking him to go up and deliver dishes?

Xu Fan: Don’t bother me, I’m going to mess up.

“System, do you have any tips for completing the task?” Xu Fan asked.

“Ask the host to work hard to complete the task.” The system said in an electronic voice.

It stands to reason that the system should not issue difficult tasks, and there must be some key points in this.

Now with Xu Fan’s cultivation, facing the white-faced boy, the winning rate is extremely low, let alone breaking the spirit of the white-faced boy.

“I won’t take this task.” Xu Fan said.

The reward is okay, but the difficulty of the task is too high.

The system couldn’t impress Xu Fan when he saw the reward, so he could only whisper to Xu Fan the key tips.

“The white-faced boy cultivates a magic skill, every ten thousand years there will be an extremely weak moment, what the host needs to do is to seize that moment and break his spirit soul. Now the countdown has begun.

Xu Fan understood when he heard this, there was only one hour left for him, and he had to find out where the white-faced boy was as soon as possible, and he couldn’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Xu Fan said to the urn, “Let’s go directly to the white-faced boy? ”

Didn’t you say to inquire about the white-faced boy first, and not contact him directly?” The urn asked.

“I have a way to get him. But we have to hurry up and solve this matter within an hour. The

system’s task was released too suddenly, and Xu Fan didn’t have time to explain more.

During the day, they familiarized themselves with Nancheng, probably understood the location of the white-faced boy’s mansion, and now all they had to do was to find the white-faced boy.

Xu Fan walked through the crowded ghosts and left the inn.

There are also many ghost repairs and puppets roaming the streets outside the inn.

Tonight is a full moon, and the moon is suddenly obscured by a cloud, faintly revealing a strange red light.

Suddenly, a ghost patrol team appeared on the street.

“Blood moon comes, avoid! Avoid! ”

Ghosts and puppets like the moon very much, because if you cultivate in the moonlight, the cultivation effect will be twice as effective with half the effort.

But today’s Blood Moon came, which affected the magic skills practiced by the white-faced boy.

The white-faced boy rises into the sky the moment the moon turns completely red.

At the same time, this moment was also his weakest time in 10,000 years, and he didn’t want other ghost cultivators to notice, so he sent a lot of patrolling ghosts to drive back the ghosts bathed in moonlight on the street.

“Quick, head west!”


Xu Fan and the other three walked with their swords, and several ghost patrols spotted them and also chased them to the west.

“What people? Stop it!

“Run to the City Lord’s Mansion again, don’t blame us for being unkind!”

“Bah, it’s really shameful, how do you think these people you met look like immortal cultivators?!”

“Grab them!”

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The ghost patrol turned into several black qi, and they were about to catch up with Xu Fan and them.

Xu Fan condensed a burst of golden light from his palm and knocked these ghosts down from the air.

“Brother, there are more and more ghost cultivators in the back!” The urn shouted.

“You guys go and solve those ghost cultivators first, and I’ll go find the white-faced boy by myself.” Xu Fan sped up.

“Can you do it alone?” The urn asked worriedly while grappling with the ghosts.

“Don’t worry, no problem!” Xu Fan flew towards the City Lord’s Mansion like a shooting star.

Good guys, that’s too fast! The urn couldn’t see Xu Fan in the blink of an eye.

Or hurry up and get rid of these ghosts, and then go to help Xu Fan.

At this moment, the moon appeared from the clouds again, and the whole moon was about to turn red, only a little close.

Xu Fan just arrived at the City Lord’s Mansion.

The white-faced prince also did not believe his subordinates very much, and at this time set up an enchantment in the city lord’s mansion.

His subordinates are all outside the enchantment.

“What people?”

“What Xiao Xiao actually dares to break into the City Lord’s Mansion and stop him!”

The white-faced boy’s subordinates did not see clearly what this flying meteor was, but when they got closer, they found that it was actually a person flying with a sword.

They flew into the air, intending to stop Xu Fan.

Xu Fan dodged the attack of this group of ghosts and went straight towards the enchantment of the City Lord’s Mansion.

This layer of enchantment could not stop Xu Fan, and Xu Fan’s imperial sword directly broke into the enchantment of the white-faced prince.

The white-faced boy had risen into the sky at this moment, and the moon was almost all red.

The white-faced boy is getting closer and closer to the moon, the strange red moonlight shines on the white-faced boy, the white-faced boy’s pale face has a sad expression, and the eyes of the original black hole hole also reflect the moonlight, and a strange red light appears.

At this time, he was affected by the blood moon and demonic skills, and his cultivation was still less than two percent.

Xu Fan seized this moment and launched an attack on the white-faced boy.

“The Great Sun is like a divine palm!”

The white-faced boy originally cultivated to a high level, but now although he only had one success left, seeing that Xu Fan was menacing, he also tried his best to avoid Xu Fan’s attack.

Although this palm did not hit the white-faced boy, the Buddha light of the Great Sun Rulai God Palm shone on the white-faced boy.

The Buddha light is the most ghostly, and this Buddha light shines on the white-faced boy, emitting a burst of yellow smoke.

“What kind of person dares to sneak up on me! What a big boldness! The white-faced boy shouted in a shrill voice.

A ghost cultivator like him, who has been cultivating for tens of thousands of years, actually has this kind of hairy boy who dares to attack him?

He fixed his eyes on Xu Fan and found that Xu Fan was just a Golden Immortal cultivator, and such an immortal cultivator could be crushed to death with his fingers!

Although his skill is only one-tenth of his strength now, it is not difficult to kill this hairy boy.

The white-faced boy unleashed his power, and dozens of puppets appeared behind him and attacked Xu Fan.

Xu Fan didn’t want to wrestle with him for too long, and if the negative effect of the Blood Moon was lifted and the strength of the white-faced boy was restored, he would not have the slightest chance of victory.

Therefore, the first thing to solve should not be these puppets, but to think about the Achilles heel of the white-faced boy.

Xu Fan threw out a treasure rope and entangled the puppets together.

“Hmph, carving insect trick.” The white-faced boy shouted coldly, “Since you have the guts to sneak up on me, then I will let you taste the feeling that life is better than death!” A

burst of black qi erupted from the white-faced boy’s hand, and this black qi roared towards Xu Fan.

At this moment, the moon has completely turned red.

Xu Fan used the golden light mask to dodge the attack of the black qi, and a transfiguration flashed behind the white-faced boy.

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