“It hurts, it hurts!” The ghost wailed in pain.

Xu Fan looked at him calmly, and directed him to swallow the other arm into his abdomen.

“As I said, you’re not worth my shot.”

The ghost general heard Xu Fan’s words, and only then realized that the main reason why his body was not controlled was because of Xu Fan.

He regretted very much, why he was so reckless, obviously he chose to surrender, he had to provoke Xu Fan.

He kept shouting, “Spare me, I am willing to submit to you, city lord!” ”

If he doesn’t ask for mercy, maybe his own body will be swallowed into his stomach.”

This way of dying is terrifying.

The onlookers waiting for the duel on the side felt creepy when they saw this scene.

Is this the terrifying strength of the new city lord?

“Since you have already begged for mercy, then let you go this time.”

Xu Fan saw that the ghost general had already given in, and he would no longer perform the ghost fighting technique.

The ghost general felt that his body was light, regained control of his body, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly, “From now on, I, Ayeluo, will be your subordinate.”

Xu Fan waved his hand and told him to step down.

Fortunately, the entity of the ghost cultivation was related to the soul body, and Ayeluo spent his own strength to make his arms grow back up.

He listened to Xu Fan’s words and retreated to the side.

The crowd of onlookers were simply stunned, and they didn’t expect that the new city lord would easily solve the ghost general.

After all, the ghost general was once the most powerful subordinate of the white-faced boy.

Looking back, many ghosts hugged and cried, who the opened the bet?

How can he not see Tarzan and bet on the ghost to win?

This is good, even the pants are not left.

The urn blossomed happily on the side, and Xu Fan really did not disappoint him, and he took all the spirit stones on the table.

Ao Xie was also very happy, put the won spirit stones into the storage bag, and walked towards Xu Fan.

“Brother Xu, listening to your words opened a gamble, we made a lot of money this time! Say yes you nine me one, to you! ”

The urn is still wondering, how could a serious Ao Xie suddenly remember to open a gambling game, and his feelings were all learned from Xu Fan!

This is really close to Zhu Shichi, who learned a ghost idea at a young age!


Xu Fan quickly mastered the entire southern city.

Now the three major demon caves, although Pingkang Fang is nominally managed by Chu Wanwan, the actual ruler is Xu Fan, and Nancheng is Xu Fan’s bag.

Now there is only one Willow River left, and it will soon be able to integrate the three major demon caves.

Now the hobby of the ghosts in Nancheng is no longer bouncing at night, but everyone is holding an Eternal Night Bible and Xu Fan’s quotations.

“Eternal Night!”

“Life is not the one of eternal night, but we are always the ghosts of eternal night!”

“Survival, development!”

“Grow the eternal night, the responsibility lies with me!”

“Cultivate for the Rise of Eternal Night!”


Xu Fan sat in the city lord’s mansion and drank tea leisurely.

The urn walked in

, “Now that our power is getting bigger and bigger, isn’t it time to go against the people of the four major families?”

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“No hurry.” Xu Fan took a sip of tea, “We don’t have to take the initiative, naturally someone will come to the door.” Sure

enough, Liuhe Jiaolong heard that Xu Fan had turned against the water and killed the white-faced prince as the new city lord, and he was angry.

What an immortal cultivator!

He was actually blinded in the dark.

This person has been pretending to be his subordinate Water Snake Demon, and not only did he not recognize it, but he also sent his nephew to assist this person.

Ao Xie is also a person who does not have a long brain, and if he didn’t see the abnormality, forget it, and as a result, he was actually abducted.

He can be regarded as a chicken flying egg, losing his wife and breaking the army!

It’s just that now that this immortal cultivator is powerful, he can’t attack it hard, so it’s better to send him an invitation to cooperate first and test it before speaking.

Nancheng City Lord’s Mansion.

“Report, City Lord!” A ghost cultivator blew into Xu Fan’s house like a whirlwind.

“What’s going on?”

“The Dragon King of Liuhe invites you to talk!” The ghost Xiu replied and presented a token, “This is an invitation.

Xu Fan took it, and the token emitted a burst of light, showing an image above.

It was the old face of the dragon.

“I heard that Nancheng has changed its new city owner, and my Jiaolong has prepared good wine and dishes, and I want to invite you to come to Jiaolong Mansion to discuss the future of our three demon caves.”

Xu Fan thought about it, just in time to meet Jiaolong for a while, so he agreed to the invitation and went to Jiaolong’s mansion three days later.

Three days later, Xu Fan arrived at Jiaolong Mansion with Ao Xie, the urn, and several ghosts.

Jiaolong was already greeting outside the gate of the cave mansion, followed by his family and son.

“The new city lord has arrived, I am really full of brilliance here!”

Jiaolong looked at Xu Fan carefully.

Although he had heard that the new city lord of Nancheng was an immortal cultivator, he didn’t know much.

After he sent Ao Xie and the Water Snake Demon to Nancheng, he suddenly reported that the eyeliner under his hand came to report, saying that a monster had dug up a huge snake corpse near the Water Snake Waist Cave Mansion, which looked like the remains of the Water Snake Demon.

Looking at the remains of the corpse, he knew that the water snake demon had been dead for nearly a

year, and who was the water snake demon in front of him during that year?

Jiaolong was a little afraid.

During that time, he did find that the water snake demon was a little abnormal, so he sent his nephew Ao Xie to stare at the water snake demon.

As a result, his nephew came to report that the water snake demon did not have any abnormalities and was a good demon loyal to him.

Alas, if you want to blame, you can only blame him this nephew, although he looks good and has a high talent in cultivation, but he just has no brains!

Later, he heard that Nancheng had changed the new city lord, and the new city lord was an immortal cultivator, and there was a very fancy water tribe monster in front of the new city lord.

Only then did he realize that this immortal cultivator was probably disguised as the Water Snake Demon.

And the water tribe monster he fancy should be Ao Xie.

Sure enough, among the people following behind Xu Fan, there was the figure of his nephew.

Ao Xie stepped forward a few steps, looked at Jiaolong and said, “Uncle, long time no see!”

“You kid, don’t send me a letter, do you know how anxious I am?”

“It’s really my fault!” Ao Xie lowered his head, and after a while, he looked up at Jiaolong, “Uncle, I have found a career that I want to fight for my life!” I think you should fulfill me!

Jiaolong’s eyes twitched a few times, the new city lord of Nancheng was standing here, what else could he say?

“Good boy, just be happy.”

Jiaolong looked at Xu Fan again, “City Lord, please inside!”

He thought in his heart, this young man did not seem to be very tall in cultivation.

Being able to kill the white-faced boy and control the entire South City must be outstanding.

Moreover, his nephew Ao Xie has a good relationship with him, and there is no need to stiffen the relationship, perhaps it is much easier to move him to capture Pingkang Fang together than to move the white-faced boy.

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