Xu Fan said slowly, “I’m not kidding you.

After that, Xu Fan said to the ghost cultivator subordinates behind him, “My beast servant should have woken up at this point, go and bring him over.”

Ghost Xiu took the order and left the lobby.

“Dragon King, this beast servant of mine is the most gluttonous on weekdays.

He should be hungry at this point, don’t mind if I bring it to our banquet, right?

Jiaolong was still shocked by what Xu Fan just said, in a state of confusion, did not hear Xu Fan’s request clearly, and replied to him, “Brother Xu, please take care of yourself.” But

the third prince of the dragon at the banquet was a little angry.

He was the youngest, usually arrogant and domineering in the Willow River, and had never seen his father put on such a posture.

It seems that he is just an ordinary immortal cultivator, who dares to talk to his father like this, and also brings the beast servant to the banquet, which is also too arrogant!

The third son of Jiaolong shot up, “You are too much, my father treats you courteously, but you don’t know how to be evil!” This is the territory of the Willow River! ”

Xu Fan didn’t have the same acquaintance as the Third Prince of Jiaolong.

Jiaolong was shocked by the sudden shout of the third prince of Jiaolong.

“Be bold! Long one dragon two, take Gongzi down! Jiaolong saw that his son had spoken ill of Xu Fan, and busily ordered the attendants around him.

Now I don’t know the details of this Xu Fan, if it is really as Xu Fan said.

Pingkang Fang and Nancheng were already in his hands, so he couldn’t afford to provoke Xu Fan.

The third son of Jiaolong had never seen his father so instigated, and he was very angry, “Father, I’m not leaving!”

Jiaolong waved his hand and let Ryuichi Ryuuji pull his son down.

“Brother Xu, my son is spoiled by me, don’t see him in general.”

Xu Fan didn’t care, of course.

The banquet continued, but Xu Fan ate leisurely, but Jiaolong was sitting on pins and needles.

It was obviously in his home field, and he seemed to have been crushed by Xu Fan.

At this moment, Ghost Xiu led a fox to the lobby.

This fox has white fur all over and 9 tails behind it.

Jiaolong was stunned to the side, he remembered that in their chaotic land, there was only one nine-tailed fox, that is, the famous Pingkang Fang owner.

Look at this fat fox, and think about the amorous and profound Pingkang owner.

No way?

When the dragon was messy in the wind, he suddenly heard the fat fox speak, “Hey, old Jiao, don’t come unharmed!” ”

Isn’t this the voice of the nine-tailed fox, the previous owner of Pingkang?

He… He actually became Xu Fan’s beast servant!

The nine-tailed fox is comparable to his cultivation, how can he be reduced to being a beast servant for an immortal cultivator?

This Xu Fan is really not to be underestimated!

Just now his son provoked Xu Fan, there won’t be anything, right?

Jiaolong greeted the nine-tailed fox with a look that was still out of condition.

When he saw the nine-tailed fox, he jumped into Xu Fan’s arms and hooked Xu Fan’s arm with his big tail.

The dragon’s eyes widened, this is the nine-tailed fox?

It stands to reason that monsters like them would be taken into beast servants if they were taken in.

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That should be a great humiliation, but I didn’t expect that the nine-tailed fox was actually enjoying it, which was really incomprehensible to the dragon.


PS: [Today is my third day in hospital]

[and the boss they played a day of Genting game

] [I think don’t TMD call the monster attack, call it Ice vs. Jax~] [

How to play? That Jax TMD doesn’t need Samsung at all

] [A two-star Jax in each hand, it’s almost knocked out of my braincase~]

[Knock knock!! 【

Designer, look at what you designed?】 】

【That thing has a high meat output, and with a blood-drinking sword, lying groove! [

Is that big as TMD

] [Is that Jax?] That’s God! [

Seeing it, I TMD feels full of oppression

] [First of all, I have already lost in terms of momentum

] [Let’s not play Genting, play matching]

【As a result, TMD hit four handfuls, three met Xiao Yan in the wild area】【

TMD!! 【

What kind of weird coffee is that~

】【Doesn’t it all say that the sixteenth-level Cassadine is a father?】 I Nima feel that Xiao Yan in this wild area is my grandfather

] [See me, just bangbang two punches, directly Ga’er~

] [don’t brag, I TMD ice heart, anti-armor, Central Asian armor stacked high

] [directly seconds me, I TMD can’t understand what the operation

is] [He is directly a three thousand thunder, plus a heavenly fire three xuan, the last big heaven creation palm

] [┭┮_┭┮] [

The key is, I still can’t play that B hero

] [There is another one, I choose the sword saint, a whole three levels higher than

him] [I think I squat in a wave of grass for a second him

] [Then come up and give me a few big fights, directly give me a dry lie on the ground]

[I’m so angry that I want to stand up and cut him with a stick

] [It’s too TMD~] [Fight for a day and lose a day, it’s not fun at all] [Another sad day] [


so boring, Tomorrow, let’s tell you the fun story of the past]


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