Li family.

“Confused, ridiculous, you have entered the trap of others, and you have not noticed it!” Patriarch Li

reprimanded a middle-aged man with a split face.

“Don’t you see that this is a game done by Pingkang Fang? Deliberately provoking the relationship between the Li family and the Mu family!

The middle-aged man looked ugly, “But their Mu family is really excessive, and they have injured the young juniors of our family!”

“If it is not my race, its heart will be different!”

What our Li family is doing is to make peace with the Mu family first, and then go to the trouble of Pingkang Fang. You

go and send someone to make peace with the Mu family, as for Pingkang Fang, I will meet this new owner well!” Patriarch Li said inscrutably.

“Yes, okay!”

In fact, Patriarch Li was also very angry about this, and he beat the geese all day long, but one day he asked the wild geese to peck their eyes.

Originally, he wanted to calculate the Mu family and Pingkang Fang, but he was made a move by Pingkang Fang and countercalculated.

Patriarch Li naturally couldn’t swallow this breath, and he planned to find trouble in Pingkang Fang.


“Welcome, warm welcome!”

As soon as Xu Fan arrived at the realm of Pingkang Fang, he received a warm welcome from the demon crowd of Pingkang Fang.

“Welcome Xu Gongzi to come and guide the work of Pingkang Fang.”

“Strengthen my Eternal Night Organization!”

When Chu Wanwan also waited for Xu Fanduo, she smiled and looked at Xu Fan, “Xu Gongzi, long time no see.”

Xu Fan bowed his head slightly, “Chief Chu.” The

surrounding demons looked at Chu Wanwan and Xu Fan, they were simply talented women, incomparably matched.

Their leader is so beautiful, with Xu Gongzi just right!

The nine-tailed fox was originally napping, but was suddenly woken up by the Pingkang Fang demons, and saw Chu Wanwan and Xu Fan looking at each other and smiling.

I just felt infuriating.

This Chu Wanwan, take up his Pingkang Fang, forget it, if she really became a couple with Xu Fan, wouldn’t she be able to crush him as a nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox grinned and sharpened its claws, and pounced on Chu Wanwan.

“Hey, be careful.” Xu Fan didn’t see the nine-tailed fox for a while, so he let the nine-tailed fox succeed.

Chu Wanwan also reacted extremely quickly, she thought that the nine-tailed fox would attack her directly.

I wanted to grab the back of the nine-tailed fox’s neck and throw it aside, but I didn’t expect that the nine-tailed fox just rubbed it in her arms.

Chu Wanwan: This hair seems to be a little soft, it’s quite easy to touch….

In fact, the mental journey of the nine-tailed fox looks like this.

At the moment when he pounced on Chu Wanwan: (╬•̀皿•́) This woman, I want to scratch her face!

At the moment when he threw himself into Chu Wanwan’s arms: ( ́◊ω◊’) so fragrant and soft ~~ The moment when

Xu Fan mentioned it: Mo Laozi (‘へ ́), Laozi wants to be in her arms for the rest of his life!

The nine-tailed fox struggled twice in Xu Fan’s hand, “Let go of me, let go of me!” Chu

Wanwan felt the furry beauty for the first time, and saw Xu Fan catch the nine-tailed fox in her.

Coughed lightly, “Cough, Xu Gongzi, he didn’t hurt me either, let it go.”

Xu Fan hung the nine-tailed fox on the tree again, “Feel free to pounce, reflect on it here!” ”

The nine-tailed fox shed lasamen tears, and people want to stay in the arms of the young lady for the rest of their lives!

This little wish refuses to fulfill it!

The fox cried.

Xu Fan and Chu Wan entered Pingkang Fang late.

Everything was kept in order.

The two were drinking tea and chatting idly, when suddenly a leopard asked to see Chu Wanwan.

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“Chief, Patriarch Li has injured several small leaders of our Pingkang Fang during this period of time!

We went together, but we couldn’t beat him.

He has now called Pingkang Fang ten miles away and said that you should meet him! Chu

Wanwan put down the tea, and his face changed.

“Dare to injure the demon people of my Pingkang Place? I’m going to meet him! Xu

Fan was just about to say to go and see with Chu Wanwan, when he suddenly heard the system’s announcement.

[Dingdong ~ Release the side quest of the Land of Chaos: Tease Patriarch Li and force Patriarch Li to make a move. Reward a set of 18 palms of the Healing Flower Technique.

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows and stopped Chu Wanwan, “Chief Chu is slow, I have a plan.” ”


Patriarch Li was like cutting melons and chopping vegetables along the way, killing many demons in Pingkang Fang.

I think when he was young, he was a powerful figure in Ten Mile Eighth Street.

Now he has become a person with status, generally not easy to shoot, as soon as he makes a move, he must do a big job.

Just this group of little demons, how could they possibly withstand his Dao skills!

Let this group of monsters in Pingkang Fang take a good look at what is called absolute force!

After fighting this group of monsters, he released a small chick back and asked him to inform Chu Wanwan, the new owner of Pingkang Fang.

He will come to meet this Chu Wanwan today.

Patriarch Li waited for a moment, and saw a flying magic weapon not far away.

Presumably, it should be Chu Wanwan coming.

He raised his vigilance, but he did not expect that after this flying magic weapon came down, it was actually a small white face that appeared in front of him.

The patriarch of the Li family is now the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he is regarded as the highest cultivator in the Chaotic Land.

But those who can compete with his cultivation are only the number one figures of these forces, such as the head of the Xiao family, the Liu River Jiaolong, and the white-faced prince of Nancheng.

He saw through Xu Fan’s cultivation at a glance, and immediately felt a little disdainful.

“What are you? Let Pingkang Fang Master Chu Wanwan come to see me!

Xu Fan smiled slightly, “Chief Chu is not something you want to see.

“You’re so arrogant in this afterlife.” Patriarch Li saw that Xu Fan didn’t seem to look at him in his eyes, but he wasn’t too angry, “I don’t fight you, call your master out.” This

little white face looked like Chu Wanwan’s male pet, and he didn’t disdain to make a move with this kind of person.

“Elder Li is so loud, if he wants to see Chief Chu, he will pass my pass first!”

Patriarch Li looked at Xu Fan’s arrogant look, “Your kind of Israeli servant is also worth my old husband’s hand?!”

Xu Fan knew that he had misunderstood, but he was not angry, but just smiled, “Elder Li wants to serve, it is estimated that he does not have that ability.”

He sighed a few times and looked towards Elder Li’s lower body.

“Old age and frailty, do you always feel inadequate? It’s either that I can’t do it, it should be that I can’t move the chicken! ”

Filthy words, filthy words!

“The old man has a life expectancy of more than 100,000, and he just gave birth to a son last year!”

He’s good, very good!

Xu Fan listened to what he said and looked at the top of his head, “Oh, is there still a Elder Wang living next door to Elder Li.”

But be careful! Live too long, beware of accidentally becoming Green King Eight!

Patriarch Li blew his beard and glared angrily, this kid is too ignorant.

I wanted to spare his life, but I didn’t expect him to be so arrogant.

“You deceive people too much, the old man will teach you to be a man today!”

After speaking, Patriarch Li threw out a talisman and chanted words in his mouth.

A huge vine rose up and flashed with a metal-like sharp light towards Xu Fan.

PS: [No PS today

] [Waiting for the doctor’s ruling~] [Ming’er

will tell everyone].

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