Ao Xie finished buying the urn for the burial of the Jiaolong family, and at this time he was already shy, and there was not much money left.

Xu Fan saw it and patted Ao Xie’s shoulder, “The rest of the funeral bag is on me.”

“How can this work, Brother Xu.” Ao Xie repeatedly refused.

“It’s okay, they’re happy to do it.” Xu Fan smiled and looked behind him, it was a row of puppets with red faces on the plateau.

The group of puppets raised their arms and shouted, “Funeral, we are professional!” ”

Just kidding, how can you not use so many ready-made coolies?

Ao Xie looked at Xu Fan gratefully, “Then thank you Brother Xu.” ”

You’re welcome.”

Ao Xie picked a suitable day for burial and put the ashes of the Grand Prince of Jiaolong and the true blood of Jiaolong in the urn.

The puppets have already rushed around Nancheng to tell each other, inviting the ghost cultivators of Nancheng to participate in the funeral of the Jiaolong family.

When the hour came, several ghost cultivators blew a snort.

The briquette ghost was invited to be the funeral officiant.

“Today is a big day for the Jiaolong family. At this moment, we are gathered here for their funeral. Let’s applaud together, please our protagonist today! The

ghosts applauded enthusiastically.

The puppets held the urn of the Jiaolong family high and danced mechanically as they walked.

“The music is a little more intense! Let’s pray together for the Jiaolong family, infect them with happiness, pray that they lie safely in the urn, and never cheat the corpse!

“Don’t cheat corpses, don’t cheat corpses!”

After the puppets finished dancing, the ghosts attending the funeral also began to bounce around the puppets.

“I wish you a good life after death!”

“Happy Death!”

“Hey up!”

After all the ceremonies were held, Ao Xie held the urn of the Jiaolong family and said, “Thank you to all the guests for attending the funeral of my uncle’s family, thank you for holding such a grand funeral for him.” Now it’s time to hit the road. The

puppets took the urn of the Jiaolong family from Ao Xie, walked out of the funeral hall, and began to parade around the city.

Ao Xie followed behind the puppets, and suddenly felt that someone had slapped him.

Looking back, it turned out to be Xu Fan.

“Brother Xu.” Ao Xie’s eyes were red.

“I’ll give your uncle a ride.” Xu Fan said to Ao Xie, “I also prepared a gift.

He motioned for Ao Xie to look behind him.

Behind him stood three lifelike people, it was the old dragon, the dragon eldest prince, and the third son of the dragon!

“Uncle?!” Ao Xie was shocked, although he knew that his uncle’s family was dead, these three were exactly the same as his uncle’s family.

Xu Fan said, “This is a puppet. Your uncle and your cousin don’t even have bones left because of your cousin, only the true blood of the dragon. I now make them all and let them stand in front of the grave for a long time, which can be regarded as a memorial to them.

Ao Xie felt very grateful when he heard this, “Thank you Brother Xu.”

Xu Fan said again, “Not only this, didn’t you say that you want your cousin to make amends to your uncle and cousin?” This is also all arranged. Xu

Fan glanced at the puppet of the Dragon Grand Prince, and saw that the Dragon Grand Prince immediately knelt down and kowtowed a few heads towards the old Jiaolong and the third prince of the Jiaolong.

“It’s all my fault, father is sorry, brother is sorry!”

Ao Xie’s heart felt a little comfort.

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In this way, it is true that the father is kind to the son, and the brother and friend are respectful.

What is impossible when you are alive can be realized when you die.

The puppets’ team circled the southern city and finally came to the burial site.

Ao Xie personally dug out a tomb and placed the Jiaolong family in the tomb.

The three puppets of the Jiaolong family made by Xu Fan stood guard in front of the tomb.

The old Jiaolong and the third prince of Jiaolong sat at the head of the grave, while the eldest prince of Jiaolong took a kneeling posture.

This tomb later became a famous attraction in Nancheng, and the three puppets of the Jiaolong family stood in front of the Jiaolong tomb without fear of wind and rain, so that later generations took it as a warning.


This matter has fallen behind for a while, and the three major demon caves have officially condensed into a force.

Ao Xie has been depressed for a while since the death of the Jiaolong family, and then went to find Zhang Suxiu and jointly organized with Zhang Suxi to deal with Liuhe’s eternal night organization affairs.

Pingkang Fang has a good development momentum, whether it is the entertainment industry or the elixir base, it is becoming more and more famous in the land of chaos.

The ghosts in the southern city studied the Eternal Night Bible every day and lived very comfortably every day.

Xu Fan stroked the fox every day, and traveled around the city with great wealth, which was also very comfortable.

The demons of the demon cave are doing very well, and the immortal cultivators in the four major families can be described as having a very good life.

“What? The three demon caves were integrated by an immortal cultivator? The head of the Mu family frowned and asked the detective, “Is the source guaranteed?”

The scout nodded vigorously, “It’s true, master.” ”

The head of the Mu family is dark and solemn.

After their Mu family stopped the business of No. 6 medicine in Pingkang Fang a few years ago, they looked for trouble in Pingkang Fang for a long time.

Later, there was a conflict with the Li family, and naturally he couldn’t care about the matter of Pingkang Fang.

After the Li family sent someone to seek peace, although there was still a gap between the two families, they were not as tense as before.

Two years ago, I heard that Patriarch Li was repaired by Chu Wanwan, the owner of Pingkang Fang, and the Mu family also adjusted their strategy and no longer troubled Pingkang Fang.

It had only been a long time since the three demon caves were actually integrated by an immortal cultivator!

Before the three major demon caves were faintly fighting, they could not unite as one, and there was not much threat.

Now that the three demon caves have condensed into a rope, their Mu family is the closest to the three demon caves, if the three major demon caves have the idea of annexing the surrounding forces, won’t their Mu family bear the brunt of it?

the head of the Mu family called the core children of the Mu family and gathered in the council hall.

“Who wants to go to the Li family and persuade them to form an alliance with us and jointly deal with the three demon caves?” Patriarch Mu asked.

“I’m willing to go!” Mu Qing, the first of the young generation of the Mu family, said.

“Okay, then I’ll leave this heavy responsibility to you.”

“Mu Qing takes orders!”


Who knew that after Mu Qing went to Li’s house, he just explained his intentions and ate a closed-door soup.

Nonsense, Elder Li, who is the highest cultivator of the Li family, was all made so miserable, saying that he would be so stupid to go against Xu Fan.

“Nephew of the Mu family, you still advise your patriarch not to resist more.” Patriarch Li said to Mu Qing.

Life is like ××, if you can’t resist, then lie down and enjoy.

Mu Qing was full of young people’s blood and said angrily, “You are also the master of one side, how can you say such a thing?” ”

Nonsense, the lessons of their parents are still here, and he is not impatient, and then he will provoke the surname Xu.”

“Anyway, our Li family will not participate, your Mu family is casual, how about love!” Patriarch Li waved his hand, “Send off guests.” ”

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