Since Xu Fan and the Mu family elder fought each other, the two can be said to have not fought or not known each other, and the Mu family has never looked for trouble in Liuhe and other places, but has also become a member of the Forever Night Organization.

At this point, most of the forces in the Land of Chaos have become the Eternal Night Organization.

On this day, the entire Chaotic Land trembled slightly, and Xu Fan opened his eyes on the bed.

“Knock knock.”

Chu Wanwan was knocking on the door, “Young Master Xu, you have news from the Xiao family that you have been paying attention to.” ”

It turns out that the Xiao family has opened a big array.

The 10-year civil war of the Xiao family finally ended, and it was finally the Xiao family patriarch who quelled the civil unrest.

The last time I contacted the ontology, the ontology was in the Xiao family at that time.

Xu Fan saw that the Xiao family array had already opened, and naturally wanted to go to the Xiao family to find out the whereabouts of the body.

Now that the Eternal Night Organization in the Land of Chaos has entered the right track of development, it does not need Xu Fan to operate too much.

He instructed Hao Chu Wanwan, Zhang Suxiu, Ao Xie and the others to go to Xiao’s house with the urn, Wang Cai, and the nine-tailed fox.

The Xiao family has been isolated from the outside world for more than ten years, but they did not expect that after the withdrawal of the large array, the outside world has undergone such a big change.

Not only were the three major demon caves integrated, but even the Mu family and the Li family also had a faint tendency to attach themselves to the three demon caves.

“Who is so powerful that he can actually solve the nine-tailed fox, the dragon, and the white-faced boy in just a few years?” The head of the Xiao family asked.

Although their Xiao family has been closed for more than 10 years, most of the previous intelligence lines are still available, so it is not difficult to find out the news.

“Master, you don’t know something. The one who unified the integration of the three demon caves was said to be a young immortal cultivator surnamed Xu, who had never heard of his name before, but somehow, such a person suddenly appeared.

The head of the Xiao family thought thoughtfully, “The surname is Xu? Could it be related to the Lord of the Eternal Night? ”

Back then, the head of the Xiao family joined the Eternal Night Organization.

But the three elders in the Xiao family clan harbored evil intentions and took advantage of the Xiao family master’s retreat to sneak attack.

The head of the Xiao family did not notice for a while, and was seriously injured, which also triggered the Xiao family’s 10-year civil strife.

The head of the Xiao family was afraid that other forces in the Land of Chaos would take advantage of the Xiao family’s internal strife to threaten the Xiao family, so he opened a large array and no longer allowed others to enter the Xiao family’s realm.

It was only recently that the head of the Xiao family cleaned up the three elders and the remnants behind them, and this opened the great array.

“Patriarch, there is a man surnamed Xu who wants to see you, and he says that he is the leader of the three demon caves.” The subordinates of the Xiao family suddenly came to report.

“Oh? Hurry please. The head of the Xiao family said.

This really means Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

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He had just been very curious about the people who unified the three demon caves, but he didn’t expect that this person actually came to visit him.

Xu Fan and the urn came to the Xiao family’s reception hall.

The head of the Xiao family was taken aback when he saw Xu Fan, “Brother Xu?!” How could it be you? Could it be that you are the one who integrated the three demon caves? ”

No, how could it be Brother Xu?

Brother Xu should obviously be in….

“Who the hell are you? Why impersonate Xu Fan! The head of the Xiao family shouted, secretly raising a trace of vigilance in his heart.

“Patriarch Xiao don’t need to panic too much, I am Xu Fan’s twin brother, Xu Bufan.” Xu Fan smiled slightly, “I have been busy with the affairs of the Eternal Night Organization in the Immortal World, and a hundred years ago I suddenly lost contact with my brother, and I knew that my brother finally lost the news in the Xiao family in the Land of Chaos, so I found it. ”

Oh?” The head of the Xiao family was still half-convinced, “How do you prove that what you said is true?”

“I have already unified the three major demon caves, and most of the rivers and mountains of the Chaos Land are also in my hands, so why lie about this little thing?

Moreover, my brother once mentioned you to me, saying that you have both courage and ideals, and that you are our like-minded partner forever.

Xu Fan replied, “Now the land of chaos is already our world of eternal night. When

the head of the Xiao family heard the news, he was very excited and believed what Xu Fan said.

“Chief Xu’s ability is really admirable!”

“Where and where, the Xiao family master is more courageous.” Xu Fan took a sip of tea and said, “Don’t hide from the Xiao family master, my purpose in coming to the Chaos Land is to find my brother, but because the Xiao family has closed the connection with the outside world, I can’t enter, and I think about my brother’s heart, so I integrated the three demon caves by the way.” After integrating the three demon caves, our Eternal Night Organization also developed smoothly, and I kept looking for traces of my brother during this period, but I couldn’t find it. Therefore, as soon as I heard that the Xiao family was open, I hurriedly came to visit you and wanted to ask you if you had news of my brother.

“This…” The head of the Xiao family hesitated for a moment.

“I’m still a little curious, I look almost exactly like my brother, I don’t know how you recognize at a glance, I’m not his.” Have you seen my brother recently? ”

Since Chief Xu asked straight to the point, I will no longer hide from you.” The head of the Xiao family sighed, “This can also be regarded as a family ugliness.” The Third Elder took advantage of my retreat to cultivate, bought off the attendants beside me, and attacked me. Perhaps Chief Xu will be curious about why the Xiao family has been blocked for 10 years. In fact, in the past 10 years, I have not stayed in the Xiao family all the time…”

“After I was attacked by the three elders, I was seriously injured, who knew that at that moment, I actually fell into another space. It was in that space that I met your brother, who saved me. He’s also been trapped in that space, so I conclude that you must not be him. ”

After I healed my injuries, somehow, I came out of that space again, and the whole person was also in the clouds, I clearly remember that I stayed in it for about three months, but after I came out, a full 6 years have passed, and then I spent 4 years cleaning up the remnants of the three elders…” Xu

Fan listened to the Xiao family’s lecture in the clouds, “What space?” Is the flow rate of time different from this?

The head of the Xiao family nodded solemnly, “I didn’t expect to see your brother there.”

You said that you lost news of him a hundred years ago, and it is.

A hundred years ago, Brother Xu suddenly lost track without even saying goodbye, and I always thought that he had something urgent and didn’t have time to say goodbye.

It wasn’t until I met him in that space that I knew he was trapped there.

“After he helped me heal, we were looking for an exit together, but in the turbulence of power, he pushed me, saying that there was no way for me to leave here, let me go by myself, and then I lost consciousness.” When he woke up, he was already in the dark room of the Xiao family.

Xu Fan went through what the Xiao family master said from beginning to end, still didn’t understand why the body did this operation, where was he trapped?

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