The power of the yellow beard stepped down, but the Xiao family was intact.

It turned out that the Xiao family really had a rich family, not only did they have a large array to protect the family, but the materials for building houses were also extremely strong materials, so they could resist the attack of Da Luo Jinxian.

The yellow-bearded power was pierced with a foot, and his foot, as if it had leaked, quickly shrunk and retracted into the clouds.

The power with a golden gourd hanging from his waist did not want to cause so much trouble, and said to the head of the Xiao family, “We don’t want to be enemies with the Xiao family this time, as long as you hand over the wanted criminal Xu Fan, we won’t do anything to the Xiao family.”

Seeing this, the head of the Xiao family said, “Xu Fan is not in our Xiao family, I am afraid that the three of them have found the wrong person.

“How is that possible?!” Of course the mighty does not believe.

“You can inquire and inquire, Xu Fan has been missing in the Land of Chaos for nearly a hundred years.” The head of the Xiao family looked grim, “I don’t know who handed you the fake news, I’m afraid you have been fooled by that person.” The

three great powers heard the words of the Xiao family master, and their expressions were different.

“We got the exact news that your Xiao family did feast Xu Fan.”

“Didn’t your Xiao family feast the leaders of the three major demon caves?”

The head of the Xiao family saw that the three bigwigs knew so clearly, I am afraid that someone did snitch, but the information was not accurate enough.

“I did feast the leaders of the three demon caves, but the leaders of the three demon caves are not Xu Fan, but they just look a little like Xu Fan.” The head of the Xiao family said.

If these three great powers were indeed being used, the Xiao family master did not want to have a dispute with them, so he still tried his best to explain clearly so as not to have any misunderstandings in his face.

Xu Fan heard that these three people were here to arrest the body, and he definitely couldn’t stay out of the matter, and now he heard that the head of the Xiao family was explaining to them, so he also said, “I am indeed not Xu Fan, but Xu Fan’s twin brother Xu Bufan.” ”

What does Xu Fan do have to do with me Xu Bufan?

Only then did these three great powers notice Xu Fan, and they didn’t believe Xu Fan’s words at all, “Nonsense, nonsense!” ”

The power of the golden gourd pinned to his waist even moved towards Xu Fan!

“Chief Xu!” The head of the Xiao family blocked in front of Xu Fan, “I will definitely not let them take you away for no reason!” The

head of the Xiao family drew his sword and began to fight with that mighty power.

That great power took the gourd around his waist and threw the gourd towards the Xiao family master.

As soon as the gourd arrived in the air, it emitted a burst of light, and all the spiritual power of the Xiao family master seemed to have been absorbed, and fell into the clouds.

In addition to the Xiao family master, the Xiao family also has the power to fight with these three great powers, and the others are not particularly capable of fighting at all.

The three great powers surrounded Xu Fan in a blink of an eye.

“I said, you recognized the wrong person!” Xu Fan said.

“Admit mistakes or not, it’s not up to you! I advise you to keep your hands tied! One of them shouted.

Xu Fan made a move of the Great Sun Rulai Divine Palm, and the three great powers easily dodged and began to show their own powers.

The urn was originally sleeping in the house, but I didn’t expect to come out after being woken up, and I saw that Xu Fan was being besieged, and immediately flew to the sky, “Brother, I’ll live with you!”

Xu Fan was busy dealing with the three powers, and before he had time to answer, he saw the urn flying towards him.

Xu Fan used a set of tiger-shaped whale drop punches and hit the yellow-bearded power, and the yellow-bearded powerhouse seemed to hear a whale song, and the whole person’s anger seemed to be taken away by this punch.

This punch used half of Xu Fan’s spiritual power, and the spiritual power in his body now was no longer enough to deal with the other two great powers.

So he adjusted his countermeasures, and a turtle king eight-gold hood rose up on his body, protecting him from the urn.

“Look at this turtle king eight shells, and say that you are not Xu Fan?!” A mighty man said, “Xu Fan, Xu Fan, you are such a bastard, you can actually be wanted by Xitian?!” The

urn was very angry when he heard this powerful damage to his brother Xu Fan, “If you come by skill, if you have the ability, you can also become a wanted criminal!” ”

The powerful man who hit the tiger-shaped whale fell fist sat on the cloud to recuperate, damn it, I don’t know what strange tricks this kid used, he now feels weak and weak, as if he is 100,000 years old.”

The power with a gourd hanging from his waist laughed and began to attack Xu Fan’s golden hood. “Brother Jin, Brother Huang, let’s attack him together, this turtle king eight hoods, if you don’t believe it, you can’t break it!”

The yellow-bearded power snorted coldly, “You two attack, I just got injured, I have to meditate well.”

As soon as he spoke, the other two great powers looked at him, didn’t look at him, didn’t know, and were shocked when they saw it!

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The yellow-bearded power, whose hair had just been blackened, was already completely white, and the wrinkles on his face were like walnut lines.

“Brother Huang, how did you become like this?!” The power with a gourd hanging from his waist looked surprised.

The yellow-bearded power did not look in the mirror, did not know that he had aged like this, only felt that he was weak, “It’s not this kid’s evil tricks, it makes me have no strength.”

The more he meditated, the more he felt weak, “You two help me, I always feel that something is wrong.” The

other two powerhouses frowned, could this kid have the power of time?!

The tricks he used on Brother Huang were so strange, as if he had absorbed Brother Huang’s lifespan.

“Boy, what evil tricks did you use?!” The monk who scraped the gourd around his waist asked Xu Fan.

Xu Fan was still meditating in the golden hood, and just after the settlement with these three powers, his bottleneck seemed to have loosened a little.

The big power surnamed Huang felt that the other two great powers looked at his expression a little strangely, “Why did you just look at me with this strange expression?”

He didn’t know what to think, he felt out a spirit mirror from the storage bag, and the moment he saw himself in the realm, Huang was startled, and the spirit mirror also fell.

“My face!” How could I age like this! Is it a ghost of you?!”

He was extremely angry, and he struck hard at Xu Fan’s golden cover, and the power of rebounding reached this powerful body, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, he can mobilize too little power, otherwise the counterattack on the golden cover will have to directly devour him to death.

He quickly decayed, as if dead wood had survived to the end, losing its life little by little.

The other two powerhouses saw the terrifying appearance of the monk surnamed Huang, and busily began to inject spiritual power into his body and feed him medicine, but to no avail.

The monk surnamed Huang was like an ordinary mortal who had reached the end of his life, and in the end only a handful of dry bones remained.

The other two great powers did not take Xu Fan seriously, but they did not expect that the monk surnamed Huang, who was hit by Xu Fan’s tiger-shaped whale drop fist, would die like this.

Strong fear is slow to come.


PS: [Say goodbye to my patients one by one, and go home today

~] [Of course, I just moved from the hospital bed

to the bed at home] [But in this way, I finally don’t have to worry about the problem of fart~

] [It’s just that at home, a little boring alone

] [I can only look at the phone, look at the computer

] [Xiao Zheng sent me a message, saying that she came to see me after work] [

But my mother advocated inviting the previous blind date sister to my house and taking care of me during the day

] [I said no] [The result can’t stand the double attack of my father and mother, and the enthusiasm of

the blind date sister] [I said to the blind date girl, “You go to your work, don’t delay your work”] [The blind date girl said: “Don’t delay, our company is all yang, and a person can’t go to work at all”]


: ………]

[I TMD is not good to say anything, it seems that I don’t want her to come

] [But Xiao Zheng is also coming, the two women meet together…

] [Lying groove, then I have to die of embarrassment

] [Fortunately, my TMD is witty and smart

] [Immediately contacted the boss and asked him to bring the company’s buddies to my house tomorrow to see me~] [

This becomes a group party].

[Bless me if nothing goes wrong tomorrow~]


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