The urn quickly grabbed Xu Fan, and was also swallowed by this gap in time and space.

The urn felt as if he was alone in an extremely long passageway, which was so bright that he was a little confused.

“Brother, where are you?” The urn shouted, but did not hear Xu Fan’s voice.

He won’t get separated from Xu Fan, right?

What the hell is this place?

The urn tried hard to be vigilant, afraid that some terrible force in this passage would hurt him, “Xu Fan, where are you?”

The urn shouted again, but the voice came out of his mouth, as if it could not be transmitted in this passage.

There was a sudden vertigo, and not long after, the urn only felt a piece of bells and whistles in front of him, and after a while he lost consciousness.

When the urn woke up, he found himself by a river.

There was a burst of aroma of grass sap from the grass beneath him.

He looked around and did not find Xu Fan’s shadow.

Where the hell did he go? It seems that I have never heard of anyone being swept into the gap in space.

Could it be that this is a small world?

The urn climbed up and looked at the river.

There seemed to be countless shadows of himself in this river.

He seemed to see himself before crossing, the self he had just crossed, the self who became ashes, and the self who fought with the little fox…

What the hell is this place?

The urn felt as if his brain was not enough, and he walked along the river and suddenly saw a splendid palace.

And the river seems to have suddenly disappeared.

The urn looked back at the road he had walked, where there was a river, it was clearly a barrenness, as if everything in the world did not exist, only chaos!

“Xu Fan!” The urn shouted loudly, only faintly hearing its own response.

He remembered that the head of the Xiao family once said that he didn’t know which space he fell in, and he had seen Xu Fan in the space.

Could it be that this is the legendary Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace?

urn is no longer the same as before, converged and walked into the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw a shadow that seemed to flash behind the golden pillar of the palace.

He hurried to catch up, wanting to check it out, but who knew but didn’t know who had taken it.

He turned his head and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was Xu Fan!

“Brother Xu!” The urn exclaimed in surprise, “It’s good that I dragged you, otherwise we would have separated.” I don’t know what the hell this place is!

Xu Fan smiled, “Why did you come here?” When did you ascend to the immortal realm? The

urn listened to Xu Fan’s words, and its face changed.

Didn’t he come to the immortal world with Xu Fan? Then they came to the Land of Chaos together to find news of the ontology.

Could it be that this is not the Yuan God Xu Fan, but the ontology Xu Fan?!

The urn’s brain spun rapidly and asked Xu Fan, “When did you come here?”

Xu Fan replied, “I’ve been stuck here for thousands of years, and I can’t get out. I don’t know what happened to Little Five? ”

Thousands of years, how is it possible?!

The loss of news of the ontology is only a matter of hundreds of years, could it be that this person is not Xu Fan’s body?

The urn secretly took two steps back and raised its vigilance.

Xu Fan saw at a glance that the expression of the urn was not quite right, and asked, “What’s wrong?” I see your face is not very good. The

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urn looked at Xu Fan carefully, this is absolutely no problem, it is the Xu Fan he knows.

“But didn’t the two of us just get separated?” The urn asked with a puzzled look, “Which Xu Fan are you?” ”

This thing happened, it turned out that there was a real and fake Monkey King, and now there is Xu Fan, the ontology Yuan God.

“Which Xu Fan can it be?” Xu Fan looked at the urn with a strange expression.

The urn looked heroic and righteous, “Hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon and nitrogen, what is the next sentence?”

Xu Fan replied, “Sodium oxyfluorosodium magnesium aluminum silicon.” ”

What is the price of a shirt?”

“9 pounds 15pence.”

The urn wiped the sweat, this Xu Fan should be fine.

He just wanted to put his hand on Xu Fan’s shoulder, but he didn’t expect that his hand was actually empty, this Xu Fan was actually a phantom!

It didn’t take long for this Xu Fan to become translucent and gradually disappear into the air.

“What the hell is going on here?” The urn looked at his hands.

That’s too scary, right?

Could it be that this Xu Fan is the shadow left by the former Xu Fan?

The urn continued to walk forward in abruptness, but he didn’t expect to see Xu Fan’s figure in the depths of the hall again!

Xu Fan was jumping down from the throne of a Buddha in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

“This group of monks will quite enjoy it, this one is quite soft!”

The urn experienced the last time he saw Xu Fan’s phantom, and he was a lot more cautious and did not go up to say hello.

Who knew that this Xu Fan saw him and actually took the initiative to greet him, “Urn, come and sit in this seat, it’s quite comfortable.”

The urn looked at this Xu Fan carefully again and asked, “Why are you here?”

Xu Fan blinked, “I don’t know how I suddenly got here.” ”

The urn understood, this estimate is also the phantom left by Xu Fan.

What the hell is this place?

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for this Xu Fan to disappear into the air.

The urn continued to wander around the palace, during which he met many Xu Fan, but they all just had a couple of words with him, or they didn’t even pay attention to him, and they all disappeared into the air.

He decided not to stay in this palace anymore, I am afraid that he will not find the real Xu Fan in this palace.

The urn walked out of the palace bored, along the path of chaos towards him, I don’t know how long I walked, before I saw the river where he came.

The urn has no concept of time in this space, only feels like you have been in this space for a long time.

He kept walking forward, and suddenly saw a person lying on the road in front of him, this person was actually the head of the Xiao family!

The urn frowned, this Xiao family master seemed to be quite seriously injured.

As soon as he wanted to step forward, he saw a figure appear in the air.

This figure is Xu Fan!

Because the urn met too much Xu Fan in the palace, the whole person’s heart was also consumed, so he didn’t feel much excitement when he saw Xu Fan, he only thought it was a phantom left by Xu Fan.

Who knew that as soon as this Xu Fan saw him, he said, “It can be regarded as finding you.” The

urn stepped forward and touched Xu Fan, this Xu Fan did not disappear!

He burst into tears with excitement, “Brother, I can think I found you in this ghost place!”

You don’t know, I’ve met several of you.

As a result, it disappeared before saying a word, do you know how much damage this caused to my young heart?!

Xu Fan was crying and laughing, and only then explained to the urn what happened to him after coming to this place.

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