“What? At that time, the head of the Xiao family…” Yuanshen Xu Fan didn’t quite understand, if the people of the immortal world had already captured the body, then who was Xu Fan who saved him by the Xiao family master?

The body Xu Fan smiled, “Of course it’s me.” That’s why I say I can’t leave here. However, when the people of the Immortal World arrested me at that time, I had already hidden all the treasures of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace. Yuanshen

Xu Fan pinched his forehead, good fellow, really let him guess, he said, according to his boss’s personality, it is impossible to cheapen the treasure to the people of the immortal world.

It is estimated that the head of the Xiao family was also fooled out of here by the body.

“If you want to go to the Immortal Realm to rescue me this time, you have to improve your cultivation. Don’t say I don’t think about you, this time all the treasures are left to you! Xu Fan said, taking out a strangely shaped key with a charm from his gradually half-blurred body, “You take this key, walk to the palace door of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, shout “Sesame open the door” three times, and then insert this key into the mechanism, and naturally you can see the treasure of the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace.” Yuanshen

Xu Fan clenched his fists and his eyes lit up, “Don’t worry, boss, I will definitely work hard to develop the Eternal Night Organization and strive to rescue you from the depths!”

The body Xu Fan nodded and patted Yuanshen on the shoulder, “Very good, very spiritual!” You boy, remember to save some money, to understand that the old father is not easy. Yuanshen

Xu Fan nodded with emotion, this old father is really warm, it is simply a treasure for thousands of miles.

Thus ended this epic meeting.

The body Xu Fan laughed three times and stepped into the distance step by step.

Yuanshen Xu Fan rubbed his eyes, as if he heard the body Xu Fan shout, “Don’t sleep, get up quickly!”

He woke up on the spot, only to find that he didn’t know what was going on, he meditated by himself, and after practicing for a while, he actually fell asleep.

Just saw the body Xu Fan, is it a dream?

Seeing that Xu Fan woke up, the urn still looked thoughtful, and asked suspiciously, “Brother, what’s wrong with you?” Have a nightmare?

Xu Fan opened his palm and saw the key that Xu Fan, the body of the dream, handed him him, “It’s not a nightmare, it’s a beautiful dream.” ”

Sweet dreams? Are we going to reach the pinnacle of life? Did you dream of the treasure of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace? The urn laughed badly twice, “Or did you dream of your wife?”

Xu Fan gripped the key, “I dreamed that the boss had a raise.” Let’s hurry up and go to the door of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace first. ”

The urn looked confused, dreaming that the boss had a raise? This is before the dream crossing.

Xu Fan explained to him as he walked, everything that the body had just told him in his dream.

“So, we still have to return to the immortal world and continue to find the whereabouts of the body?” The urn frowned and said, “I didn’t expect that I had actually been caught and imprisoned by the people of the Immortal World, so why did the three great powers who came to the Land of Chaos still look unaware and want to arrest you?”

Xu Fan thought for a while, “Maybe these three great powers are still not enough level, so I don’t know this news.” ”

Of course, it is more likely that the body was captured by a person from the higher-level immortal world, so the people in the lower-level immortal world did not know the news.

Xu Fan came to the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and was about to shout three times to open the door with sesame, when he saw the urn with blinking eyes.

The urn was looking at him seriously.

Xu Fan suddenly felt a little unable to shout.

This also has to shout three sesame to open the door, he is not Alibaba and the forty thieves, the body is a little evil fun.

Xu Fan made sufficient mental preparations and shouted three times to open the door.

As a result, the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace did not react at all, and I didn’t know what was going on.

Could it be that it’s not loud enough?

Xu Fan raised his voice and shouted three more words to open the door.

As a result, the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace remained motionless.

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This gate is also too ignorant!

Look at his Foshan shadowless foot, ah fight and beat!

Xu Fan kicked the gate a few times, and the gate finally moved and began to shake violently.

“Brother, is this palace about to collapse?! Stay away! The urn shouted.

Tell me, what’s the door?

Xu Fan smiled slightly, and watched lightly as the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace continued to shake.

Xu Fan: You dare to smash me and try. (•̀⌄•́)

Gate of Ten Thousand Buddha Palace: Really bolt qಠ╭╮ಠ People just don’t use it for too long and are not very sensitive! As for such violence, it’s too brutal!

the gate shook for a while, and the shape of the entire palace seemed to have changed dramatically, which is what the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace really looks like!

A mechanism suddenly appeared on the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and a line of words just appeared.

“The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the pengmen is now for the king.” The urn read it out unconsciously, and he looked at the small line below, “Come on, don’t pity me because I’m a petite flower.” ”

How does the gate of this Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace feel strange? Riotous.

Xu Fan: (ー_ー)!!

He took the key given by the body and was about to insert the key into the groove when he suddenly heard a thin voice.

“No one has kicked me for years, and this kick you just gave is so comfortable!”

When the urn heard this sound, it was originally frightened, and after looking for a long time, it was discovered that an ugly face had actually gathered on the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

That ugly face whispered to Xu Fan, “Master, don’t pity me because I’m a petite flower, come quickly!” ”

Xu Fan: Hard, fist hard.

But you can’t start, you can’t let him taste a little sweetness.

The urn couldn’t bear it anymore, and stretched out its sandbag-sized fist, “Say more trouble, be careful that I beat you!”

“Oh, don’t be careless!”

Urn: His mean appearance simply dispelled the idea of hitting him.

Xu Fan didn’t say much to this face on the door of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and directly inserted the key into the groove.

Only hearing a boom, the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace began to violently shake again, and the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace opened again.

After the gate was opened this time, everything in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace was completely different from before.

The huge Buddha statues in the palace before have all disappeared, and there is a huge statue standing in the middle of the palace, this statue is actually carved or the body?!

“Brother, why is there still a you in this?!” The urn walked in, almost unable to look directly at the face of the statue, this superb spirit stone, but too dazzling!

The ugly face on the gate of the palace said, “This is what I made according to the appearance of the master, how is it, there is an artistic atmosphere, right?” ”

You?” The urn was speechless.

Just this ugly face is actually the palace spirit of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace?

PS: [The reason why I haven’t written PS recently…] [

Purely because I’m a little lazy~].

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