Xu Fan and the urn were walking towards the arena of the ring match, and along the way they saw many cultivators who opened gambling games.

Most of these cultivators were cultivators of the lower and intermediate classes, and they simply occupied the way to the ring match.

The urn stopped before a gamble.

The cultivator who opened the gambling game immediately greeted him, “This immortal friend come and take a look, I have a lot of people betting here, and I don’t need to spend too many zero stones, ten medium-grade spirit stones to bet.”

The urn looked closely and asked, “Who are the hot candidates this year?”

The monk replied to him, “The popular candidates for Da Luo Golden Immortal Xiuwei are Senior Lei Ming and Senior Chen Minghe, and the popular candidates for Golden Immortal Xiuwei are Senior Wang Xin, Senior Ming Jing, Senior Zhang …, which one do you want to choose to bet on?” The

urn looked at it, touched his chin and said, “I’ll take another look, the odds of these popular candidates don’t seem to be very high.”

The monk understood as soon as he heard the words of the urn, and quickly said, “Otherwise, it is a popular candidate, after all, the risk of choosing them is relatively small.” If you want to bet big, this is also a bit of an unpopular player, but according to the situation in the past two years, I recommend not to choose too unpopular, otherwise you can vote for Wei Yimin’s senior, although he won the ring a few years ago, but the strength is strong, if you participate in the competition this time, maybe you can still come out on top.

The urn dragged Xu Fan, “Brother, you give a precise word, do you have any intentions?”

Xu Fan understood that the urn wanted to ask him if he had the intention to win the ring.

He smiled and replied, “Let it be.” With

that, he continued walking.

“Oh, wait!” The urn hurriedly chased him a few steps, but he didn’t expect that Xu Fan actually stopped at the biggest gambling.

“I’m going to vote for the unpopular player in the Da Luo Jinxian Ring Match, Xu Fan.” Xu Fan took out a hundred top-grade spirit stones.

The urn saw that he shot so neatly, and it was actually 100 top-grade spirit stones, and looked at Xu Fan a little dumbfounded.

Good guys, let it be natural to bet so much on yourself, right? Just left that bet, also because the bet is too small, want to find a bigger bet, right?

The urn thought to himself, his brother had already made such a big bet, which showed that he was very confident.

No, he had to follow.

So the urn took out Lao Di’er, “I also want to vote for Xu Fan, an unpopular player in the Da Luo Golden Immortal Ring Competition, and bet on 49 top-grade spirit stones!” ”

There are many cultivators around this gambling game, and it can be seen that the person who opened the gambling game not only has good credit and high strength, but has been working for many years.

He calmly accepted the urn and Xu Fan’s bet, and piled these spirit stones on the table under Xu Fan’s name.

When the surrounding monks saw this scene, they were all stunned.

Good guy, where did this come from, if you want to block a cold and experience high risk and high returns, it is also reasonable, then you can choose one that is certain likely to win the ring!

As a result, betting on so many spirit stones, it is completely impossible to choose one, isn’t this a boy with scattered wealth?

The strangest thing is that there are actually two fools who cast with him.

The people around were talking about it, and even the cultivators who had already done good things saw Xu Fan so rich and talked to Xu Fan.

“This immortal friend has money, and he can’t make it like this! This senior Xu Fan is a newcomer to the academy, and he is currently a cultivator in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and he has not yet participated in the ring match. If you press Wei Yimin in the cold, the senior still has the possibility of winning, bet

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on this, gee…” “But I heard that this Xu Fan competed on the Floating Cloud Peak a while ago and won a cultivator in the middle of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it is enough to see that Xu Fan has the possibility of fighting across the steps, and it is not that there is no winning face at all.”

“You think he can win, you go and bet!”

“If I want to say that even if you bet on it, you can’t place that much, you put down a spirit stone, and the small gamble is pleasant.”

Xu Fan listened to the discussion of the people around him, smiled, didn’t say more, and walked to the arena of the ring with the urn.

“Hey, who was that just now? Such a big deal, which family belongs to?

“It feels like a raw face, I’ve never seen it!”

“That person’s cultivation just now should be higher than ours, I think there is a high probability that it is either a golden immortal or a Da Luo golden immortal.”

“Good fellow, then it should be someone from the senior class!”

“If this is the case, the cultivator of the high-level class that we have not seen before, who do you say it may be?”

The people around suddenly realized, this can’t be the new cultivator Xu Fan, right?

This Xu Fan cultivator was very confident, and directly bet on himself 100 top-grade spirit stones, you must know that these are equivalent to two heaven-level magic weapons.

Confident enough! Tough enough!

“He estimated that he had to press half of his net worth, it seems that he is very confident of winning, and I also buy a bet on Xu Fan!” One of the monks said.

“Let’s wait and see, I don’t know what’s going on yet! Maybe it’s ordinary and confident! Another monk said.

“This is a big upset, if we vote in case we win, we can win more.”

“Look at what you said, in case you lose, you lose more thoroughly!”

The result was that although the people around were talking about it, there were not many people who bet on Xu Fan.

There was naturally someone behind the monk who opened the gambling game, and before the ring match began, after everyone had bought and left, he packed up his things and flew towards the viewing platform.

The spectator of the ring is very high, not only on the ground, but also in the air.

The viewing platform in the ground part was for the cultivators of the lower and intermediate classes, and the viewing platform in the clouds was for the core disciples, immortal Venerables, immortal kings, elders of various immortal sects, and academy elders.

A purple-clothed cultivator was sitting in the clouds, intending to watch the battle, when he suddenly heard a spirit talisman summon, “Senior Brother Wang, Xu Fan, who has just arrived at the high-level class, has bet 100 top-grade spirit stones for himself. The

Purple Friar nodded and continued to sit in the clouds.

At this time of year, he would naturally order the cultivators who were attached to him to open gambling games, one to earn resources, and the other to inquire about the situation of the high-level cultivators.

After all, among the core disciples, his strength is the weakest, and once the winner of the ring competition is selected, he will challenge him in most cases, so of course, he pays more attention to the movements of these high-level cultivators.

And speculate which monk will achieve the final victory in order to prepare for the response.

Although he had heard about Xu Fan, a new high-level class cultivator, he did not put Xu Fan in his eyes.

Although Xu Fan defeated Liu Yang and could be regarded as having the ability to fight across steps, Xu Fan was a whole realm behind him, so naturally there was no need to worry.

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