This is probably the perverted soul that broke out after the battle madman met the chosen opponent.

When Xu Fan rushed over again with thunder ming, his feet charged strength, and a flying kick kicked thunder out again.

This time, he used ten percent of his strength to naturally kick Lei Ming off the ring.

After Lei Ming was kicked off the ring, he stood up, patted the soil on his body, and said to Xu Fan with a smile, “Xu Xianyou, I lost this time!” Fight against you, be happy, and come back next time!

Xu Fan nodded slightly, “Lei Xianyou, agree.” He

was just about to leave the ring, but saw Lei Ming flying into the ring.

Just when everyone was in an uproar, thinking that Lei Ming would pull Xu Fan to fight again, Lei Ming patted Xu Fan’s shoulder, “You friend, I have made it!” ”

Isn’t that a little bit out of line with the law of how things are going?

Shouldn’t the normal plot be, being beaten and humiliated – continuous shouting – lying down and tasting courage – a blood shame?

How come this has become the brotherhood of you and my nong, as if it were married to Taoyuan.

Lei Xianyou, do you want to look at the big bag on your face that was just beaten out by Xu Xianyou, this has not subsided!

Such an interesting person as Lei Ming is quite rare, but he is a little perverted.

However, it is just in line with his conditions for Xu Fan to make friends!

Xu Fan smiled, threw a bottle of healing elixir at Lei Ming, and flew away.

Thunder Ming turned out to be an immortal medicine, and touched his head a little puzzled, did this Xu Xianyou agree or not?

“Xu Xianyou, wait for me!” Lei Ming followed Xu Fan closely.

At this moment, the core disciples in the clouds had different expressions, especially the purple-clothed friars, their faces were even more ugly, and they all knew in their hearts that the position of the core disciples who had maintained for 10 years would probably change this year.

The core disciples with relatively weak strength were worried, and the core disciples with relatively strong strength had even begun to secretly make plans, wanting to wait until the end of the ring match to win over Xu Fan.

The eighth game was the match between Luo Yu and Lei Ming, and this match was Lei Ming who won.

Because Chen Myung-hyuk has been absent, the points ranking has been completely out after the 8th game.

The first place is Xu Fan, the second place is Lei Ming, the third place is Luo Yu, the fourth place is Chen Minghe, and the fifth place is Liu Yang.

Xu Fan and Lei Ming entered the final.

In this final, Lei Ming did everything he could, and even used a trick that had never been shown before, but he still hadn’t beaten Xu Fan.

Xu Fan became the undoubted final winner of the ring match.

The cultivators of the advanced class were very active in participating in the ring match, one of the reasons was naturally to get a place to compete with the core disciples, but the other reason was that the prizes for the winners were indeed very rich.

The prize for the winner of this tournament was a high-grade elixir, which could reduce the possibility of failure to ascend and prompt the cultivators at the end of the Daluo Golden Immortal Stage to smoothly transition to Immortal Venerable cultivation.

This elixir can be described as priceless, which is enough to see how strong the strength of the first-class academy is.

Xu Fan couldn’t use this elixir for a while, so he put it away.

Now that the ring match is over, it’s time to go and get the spirit stone he won.

After Lei Ming saw that Xu Fan received the reward, he walked in one direction, and he quickly followed.

“Xu Xianyou, can I call you Brother Xu?”

Xu Fan glanced at Lei Ming and nodded, since the end of the game, this Lei Ming was like entangled him.

“Brother Xu, where are you going?”

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Xu Fan didn’t answer, just went straight to the biggest bet around the ring match, “I made a bet, now come to get the spirit stone.” The

surrounding cultivators gave way one after another, either in reverence or fear or sadness, or with mixed gazes looking at Xu Fan.

The cultivator who opened the gambling game glanced at Xu Fan, and naturally recognized Xu Fan at a glance.

Xu Fan had become famous in the entire A-class academy since the ring match, after all, that shocking brick was enough to deter the disciples of the low-level and intermediate classes of the A-class academy.

In addition, Xu Fan became the winner of the ring competition this time, which can be described as a big upset, and many cultivators lost their pants left, and they all gathered around the gambling situation, crying their faces.

Why don’t they have the insight to gamble on it, but who would have thought of such a thing? The most infuriating thing was that Xu Fan not only won the competition, but also won all their spirit stones.

I want to find him to settle the score, but I can’t beat people.

Don’t ask him to settle the score, and you can’t be angry.

Now many monks want to find a piece of tofu to bump into.

The cultivator who opened the gambling game was very polite, and he felt that Xu Fan was too confident in betting 100 Shangpin Spirit Stones on himself.

Now that I think about it, I have strength and natural confidence!

So in Lei Ming’s stunned eyes, Xu Fan put a large pile of spirit stones pushed by the gambling game decoration into the storage bag.

That’s a win rate of nearly one to seventy!

The surrounding cultivators looked at the white-flowered spirit stone, and their hearts were dripping blood.

Hear that? The sound of that spirit stone colliding is like the sound of my heartbreak!

Lei Ming watched Xu Fan put the spirit stones into the storage bag without being shocked, only then did he figure out what the situation was, his new friend actually bet 100 top-grade spirit stones and bet on himself to win!

Lei Ming slowly gave a thumbs up, “Brother Xu, he is a wonderful person!” ”

What a ruthless person!

Xu Fan was collecting the spirit stone when he happened to come across an excited urn.

“Brother, yes, thank you for your blessing, hahahaha!” The urn smiled and couldn’t see his teeth, thinking that he only had dozens of top-grade spirit stones, and after such a gamble, he was also a very asset-oriented person!

Sure enough, believe in Xu Fan and have eternal life!

“I’ll withdraw the money!” The urn said to the monk who opened the gambling game, and as soon as he finished speaking, he felt the resentful eyes of the monks around him.

Xu Fan bet on himself, if a person wins, forget it, how can this come again?

In other words, can’t you take them with you if you have money to earn?

Is it remarkable to have a relationship with Xu Fan?

Can’t you reveal some news and tell them how powerful Xu Fan is?

The urn indicates that there is a relationship, which is remarkable!

In the eyes of everyone’s resentment, he put away the large pile of spirit stones.

I’ve never been so happy.

It seems that one of the essences of humanity is schadenfreude.

Originally, I was very happy after winning the spirit stone, but I was even happier when I looked at the resentful eyes of the people around me.

The people around hated their teeth itching, hum, who the hell is this kid?

Their emotions are worried and there is no place to vent, they can’t beat Xu Fan, can’t they beat this kid?

One by one, the monks secretly glanced at the urn twice, and secretly rubbed their hands.

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