When Luo Yu came to the door, Xu Fan was still refining pills, and suddenly an immortal attendant came to report that Luo Yu fairy friend came to visit.

Xu Fan was still a little puzzled, since the ring match, there were many cultivators of the middle and lower classes who wanted to come to bother him, and they were all rejected by him.

There were even many core disciples who sent people to visit, and Xu Fan did not give these people face.

Since learning about his temperament, almost no one has visited him.

I don’t know what happened to Luo Yu today.

“Didn’t you say that? I haven’t seen anyone lately. Xu Fan said to the immortal attendant.

“However, Friar Luo said that she had come to give you spiritual pets. She said that she had picked up a very strange-looking demon beast at Floating Cloud Peak, and the demon beast said that it was your beast servant.

Xu Fan supported his forehead, well, the nine-tailed fox seems to have had a temper for several days, and he didn’t go to find the nine-tailed fox, it is estimated that it was that guy, the idiot committed again, and when he saw the beautiful girl, he wanted to go up.

“Ask Brother Luo Yu to come to the hall, I’ll go in a moment.”



Luo Yu looked around at Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion, this was the first time she had seen Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion.

She had long heard that Xu Fan had ascended from the small world, and did not have any backers in the immortal world. Generally, cultivators who do not have a backer in the immortal world, even if they are very strong, will have a relatively difficult life. But as soon as she arrived at Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion, she immediately felt that the immortal aura here was very strong, and the environment was also very stylish.

I think that Xu Fan Xianyou should be a person who pays attention to the quality of life, and he is quite generous, and has opened a very spirit-consuming spirit gathering array in the immortal mansion.

The nine-tailed fox twisted around in Luo Yu’s arms, “Touch again, touch this, the tail is a little back…”

As soon as Xu Fan entered the hall, he saw a scene with very spicy eyes, and the nine-tailed fox that looked like a white-haired pig kept rubbing Luo Yu, making a whining sound while rubbing back.

Ah, it’s a little ugly, even a little spicy eyes.

As soon as the nine-tailed fox saw Xu Fan, he remembered who made him like this, and immediately pouted his butt to Xu Fan, and then drilled into Luo Yu’s arms, “Hmph, I don’t want to look at the big bad guy and make me so ugly.”

Luo Yu smiled embarrassedly at Xu Fan, “Xu Xianyou, this little demon beast said that it was your beast servant, so I sent him back.” He didn’t seem to be in a good mood, but he was still quite cute.

Luo Yu said, handed the nine-tailed fox in his arms to Xu Fan, the nine-tailed fox was still very unwilling, and hummed in his mouth, “Don’t look for him, I want to stick with my beautiful sister!” ”

This old fox, can you order a face?

The old fox of 10,000 years is still pretending to be tender here!

At your age, you are already enough to be Grandpa Luo Yu!

Xu Fan felt that he really didn’t look at it, and grabbed the hot-eyed nine-tailed fox over, “Don’t be angry, now change you back.” ”

The elixir he refined in the alchemy room in the past two days is the kind of transformation pill he gave to the nine-tailed fox last time, but he has improved the medicinal effect, and he can try to fight poison with poison.

Saying that, Xu Fan took out an elixir and fed it to the nine-tailed fox. The nine-tailed fox originally grinned and didn’t want to eat it, but one swallowed it without paying attention.

The nine-tailed fox swelled all over his body, turning round for a while, square for a while, anyway, it was strangely shaped.

Luo Yu looked at the nine-tailed fox curiously, no wonder this little demon beast looked so strange, it didn’t look like it was grown like this.

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Changes came, changed, changed for a while, and the nine-tailed fox returned to its original form.

“It turns out that he said he is a nine-tailed fox, which is actually true!” Luo Yu looked at Xu Fan with some surprise.

You must know that the nine-tailed fox is an ancient demon beast with a very strong bloodline, how can it be willing to be someone else’s beast servant?

This is also why Luo Yu did not believe it when the little demon beast said that he was a nine-tailed fox just now.

“Hmph, but it kind of changed me back. I’ll forgive you this time.

Next time, uncle, I will never give you another trial!” The nine-tailed fox hummed and sharpened its claws, and jumped on Luo Yu again.

“Look at the big fluffy tail, is it beautiful? Hee-hee, just don’t touch you!

After that, he jumped down again and ran to the yard to find Wang Cai to play.

“My beast servant often makes some little tempers, thank you for sending him back.” Xu Fan smiled at Luo Yu and asked the immortal attendant to brew two cups of tea and send it over.

Luo Yu sipped the spirit tea, constantly guessing Xu Fan’s origin in his heart.

Their Luo family can also be regarded as a famous family in the immortal world.

A cultivator like her, who is already considered to be a very good cultivation qualification and resources, may not be able to get the favor of a demon beast like the nine-tailed fox.

How did Xu Fan, a cultivator with no background, subdue the nine-tailed fox?

It is because of too good luck and encounters more adventures.

“The last time I had a very good competition with Xu Xianyou in the ring, I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to compete with Xu Xianyou.”

Xu Fan smiled and did not speak.

Just as the two were talking, Lei Ming suddenly came to visit.

As soon as he came, he hurriedly wanted to find Xu Fan.

“Brother Xu, I found out who is making trouble behind it!” When she entered the hall, she happened to see Xu Fan and Luo Yu drinking tea.

“Luo Xianyou, why are you here?” Lei Ming’s eyes widened, but he knew that he had never seen any other outsiders except him.

Could it be that it rained red today?

Xu Fan smiled slightly, “Luo Xianyou touched my ignorant beast servant, so he sent it back to the house.”

“Oh, so it is.” Lei Ming was already familiar with Luo Yu, so he didn’t treat Luo Yu as an outsider, and said to Xu Fan, “I’ve heard in the past few days, who is making trouble behind it.” Brother Xu, among the core disciples of the A-class Academy, but there is a cultivator surnamed Lin who sent someone to visit you two days ago, and then you turned him away?

Xu Fan thought about it and didn’t think about it, after all, after the ring match, he turned away more people.

“There should be such a thing, it seems that there is indeed a core disciple surnamed Lin who sent someone to win me over.”

“That’s right, it’s that Cultivator Lin Cong who makes it bad! Cultivator Lin had reached the Immortal King, with his back to the Lin family, a family of immortal cultivators. After you rejected him last time, he felt very faceless, so he used the Lin family’s connections to let the academy arrange such a bad task for you. Lei Ming frowned and snorted coldly, “Hmph, it’s really better to offend a gentleman than a villain!”

Luo Yu didn’t quite know what happened to the whole thing, and asked Lei Ming, “What task?” ”

Huaqing Secret Realm Rubbing Map.”

“What?” Luo Yu’s face also changed, and she naturally knew that this task was extremely dangerous.

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