The nine-tailed fox felt very unconvinced in his heart, thinking that he was a nine-tailed fox that others had always massaged him, but he didn’t expect that feng shui took turns, and today it was actually him to massage others.

Forget it, the person who knows the time is Junjie.

Sooner or later, he will get this bead, and then flick the small leather whip and let the bursting beast do the coolies for him.

While helping the Bursting Beast massage, the nine-tailed fox glanced at the place where Xu Fan was hiding with a hateful eye.

Are you willing to let your little fox give someone a massage? Isn’t this another NRT?

Xu Fan said: You just stay here, look like you are doing a decent job, it is completely your job.

Of course, this is just a joke, Xu Fan must still have to find a way to fish out the nine-tailed fox, and since the nine-tailed fox has already shot, he also has to get the Heavenly Thunder Bead.

Xu Fan gave the nine-tailed fox a look.

Your bloodline is stronger than it, why don’t you try your Enchantment Dafa?

The nine-tailed fox immediately understood what Xu Fan meant, and stepped on the back of the bursting beast hard, the enchantment method is used against beauty, against such an ugly thing, how can I get my hand?

Xu Fan: Don’t pick it, you used the Great Method of Enchantment, I gave it a fatal blow from behind, and the two of us worked together seamlessly, there was absolutely no problem.

Nine-tailed fox: Hiss~ This ugly thing really can’t bear to look at directly, I really don’t want to do it.

Xu Fan: This is your aesthetic is relatively narrow, you look at the horns of this bursting beast, how majestic, you look at the eyes of the bursting beast, how deep!

Nine-tailed fox: I just don’t want to!

Xu Fan: You seduced him, next time you can sleep in bed for three days.

Nine-tailed fox: Five days!

Xu Fan: Four days!

Nine-Tailed Fox: Deal!

“How is this strength?” The nine-tailed fox asked questions to the bursting beast while stepping on it.

The burst beast hummed twice, not bad, the massage is very comfortable, step on it again, uncle I have a heavy reward.

Seeing that the Bursting Beast was enjoying it, the nine-tailed fox gradually lost his vigilance, and he began to cast the Enchantment Dafa.

The Bursting Beast listened to the voice of the nine-tailed fox, becoming more and more ethereal, and felt that the nine-tailed fox seemed to become more and more like the first love he met in his infancy.

His first love had majestic horns, white armor, and a pair of big eyes with affection.

Alas, the most regrettable thing in life is that when you are weak, you meet the beast you want to protect.

It was a restless spring, and although he was in his infancy, he was still restless, and on that day he met the beast of his dreams.

What a beautiful female burst beast!

It is a pity that he is too weak, and the beast in his dream disdains him and turns into someone else’s wife.

Today he has grown to such a powerful point, is his dream beast finally going to turn back?


you back to me?” Has my youth returned?

The Bursting Beast looked at the nine-tailed fox with affection, and the harazi simply flowed.

Spring is here, and it’s a beautiful season for falling in love.

Come on, dear! Let me see your wild passion!

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The Bursting Beast left the hara and pounced on the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox was almost frozen, hurry up! The fox is going to goo.

The nine-tailed fox looked at the figure of the bursting beast rushing over, and fled in a panic.

If you don’t run again, I’m afraid you will not be able to save money!

Said it was late, it was fast, the bursting beast rushed forward, gently bit the tail of the nine-tailed fox, and constantly rubbed the nine-tailed fox with its horns.

Come on, my love, let’s spend the night together!

The nine-tailed fox was bitten on its tail and constantly wanted to scratch the bursting beast with its claws.

“Don’t come, don’t come! Otherwise, Uncle Hu, I will scratch you to death with my paws!” However

, the Burst Beast took all this as flirting, enjoying the coquettishness of its beloved beast.

Seeing that the nine-tailed fox was about to be innocent, Xu Fan finally made a move.

He held the Heavenly Thunder Bead in one hand, and then began to condense the power of the Heavenly Thunder in his body and attacked towards the Bursting Beast.

The bursting beast was originally living with the nine-tailed fox, but he didn’t expect to suddenly suffer from five thunders, and the whole beast was numb for a moment, and even its tail was straightened.

“Let’s go!” Xu Fan shouted to the nine-tailed fox, and then flew towards the exit of the cave of the Bursting Beast.

However, although the bursting beast was numbed by electricity, it just pressed the nine-tailed fox with its claws, and the nine-tailed fox had no way to escape at all.

Xu Fan originally ran a long way to find that the nine-tailed fox did not follow, so he went back to find the nine-tailed fox.

Unexpectedly, the bursting beast had already slowed down in the strong heavenly thunder strike.

It had never felt such a cool heavenly thunder impact.

It’s just refreshing.

From the horn to the tip of the tail, this is much more interesting than playing with the Heavenly Thunder Bead by itself.

The bursting beast slowed down, originally wanted to find Xu Fan, but did not expect Xu Fan to send the door.

He picked up Xu Fan and ran into the hole, and he announced that from now on, this is the human being he is covering, and it is also his big treasure!

In this way, Xu Fan had a good relationship with the Bursting Beast, and he said that he had the Bursting Beast and let the Bursting Beast take him to inspect the Shen Ying Valley.

After the inspection of Shen Yin Valley, Xu Fan had already printed all the maps, only to remember that Wei Yimin and Lei Ming were still waiting for him, and then set off towards the entrance of Shen Yin Valley, just in time to meet Wei Yimin and Lei Ming.

Xu Fan hid the system task and the matter of the Heavenly Thunder Pearl, and only told Lei Ming and Wei Yimin, and the Bursting Beast succumbed to his Heavenly Thunder Power and liked the massage of the Heavenly Thunder Power very much.

Moreover, the nine-tailed fox’s horse killing skill also made the Burst Beast very satisfied, so the two of them became the personnel of the Burst Beast’s shelter.

When Lei Ming and Wei Yimin saw the spring color, it was precisely because the nine-tailed fox seduced the bursting beast, and because of the influence of the bursting beast, the entire area was full of spring.

“I’ve finished printing all the maps of Shen Glen.” Xu Fan said to Lei Ming and Wei Yimin.

Lei Ming didn’t expect Xu Fan to actually experience such a laughing experience, and as a result, he also completed the task of the academy in advance.

But it really deserves to be his brother Xu, it’s not just Jiren who has his own natural appearance.

After Wei Yimin listened to Xu Fan’s description, he relaxed his heart, “Brother Xu, since the mission of the academy has been completed, then we might as well hurry to the assembly point and wait for the teleportation.” ”

After all, there are still many dangers in the Huaqing Secret Realm, and since the task has been completed, it is better to go there in advance to join the large army.

Xu Fan didn’t plan to do this, he finally entered the Huaqing Secret Realm once, it was better to explore other areas as well, especially now that the Bursting Beast could provide Xu Fan with certain protection.

“Lei Xianyou and Wei Xianyou can meet at the meeting point first, as for my words, I still want to explore other places.”

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