Who knew that Wang Shou looked at Xu Fan and nodded, thinking that Xu Fan was also here to print the map of the Ice Peak Snow Mountain area.

Wang Shou felt very happy, they had not completed all the rubbing tasks yet, and if Xu Fan could walk with them, their survivability would be greatly improved.

“If Xu Xianyou also wants to print the map of the frozen snow mountain area, it is better for us to cooperate. We have now printed a map of a third of the area, and we can exchange information, or walk together, so that we can take care of each other.

Xu Fan waved his hand, “My Wang Xianyou misunderstood, although I received the task of rubbing the map, I have completed the task, and now I have come to the frozen snow mountain, but I am just a little curious and want to explore, so we don’t have the same path.” It

had only been 7 days since they came into the Huaqing Secret Realm, and Wang Shou didn’t expect that Xu Fan had actually completed the task, and people were just playing around when they came to the Frozen Snow Mountain now.

Abominable, people are really angry with people than people!

“Then can I ask Xu Xianyou to come with us, and count it as our Spirit Stone hiring you?” Wang Shou asked Xu Fan.

Xu Fan shook his head and refused.

Just kidding, Lei Ming and Wei Yiming wanted to come to the Frozen Snow Mountain with him, but he didn’t agree, how could he bring such a few more drags now, and he also thought of hurrying up and exploring all the areas of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

Wang Shou saw that Xu Fan rejected him, but he didn’t force it anymore, after all, Xu Fan had just helped them, and they couldn’t ask for anything more.

“I wonder where Xu Xianyou is going next?” Wang Shou asked Xu Fan.

Xu Fan pointed to the top of the mountain, “I heard that the scenery at the top of Ice Peak Snow Mountain is excellent, so I plan to climb to the top of the mountain.

Wang Shou listened to Xu Fan’s words and frowned, “Xu Xianyou, I advise you not to go to the top of the mountain, we just came down from the area on the mountain, the top of the mountain exudes huge coercion, it should be an extremely powerful demon beast.” ”

Of course, Xu Fan knows that there are demon beasts on the top of the mountain, and the bursting beasts once said that the group of snow mountain monkey monsters are guarding the treasure, and they are going to go over now, just to meet the monster beasts for a while.

As soon as Xu Fan was about to reply, the Bursting Beast was a little impatient and roared, exuding a powerful coercion.

Wang Shou felt this coercion, his face changed, he didn’t expect at all that this demon beast walking with Xu Fan was actually at the level of an immortal king!

This demon beast looked humble, they all thought it was Xu Fan’s beast servant, but they didn’t expect it to be such a strong person.

“I’m in a hurry, so I won’t say more to Wang Xianyou and leave.” After Xu Fan finished speaking, he flew onto the back of the Bursting Beast, and sat on the Bursting Beast and set off towards the top of the mountain.

Only Wang Shou and the others were left messy in the wind.

“Brother Wang, did you see it? What is white on top of the demon beast’s head?

Wang Shou nodded, “It’s actually the Demon Beast Nine-Tailed Fox.” Who is this Xu Fan? ”

They really don’t believe it, Xu Fan is an ordinary disciple of a first-class academy, but there doesn’t seem to be an immortal cultivation family surnamed Xu in the immortal world?”

The Bursting Beast carried Xu Fan and ran at speed, and it didn’t take long to come to the territory of the Snow Mountain Demon Monkey.

They hadn’t reached the top yet, and the Bursting Beast had sensed a faint threat.

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The snow mountain demon monkey, as a group of monster beasts, is naturally very organized and disciplined, the sentry demon monkeys soon saw that Xu Fan and the bursting beast, with their special contact method of inviting the group, informed the other demon monkeys in the territory.

“Roar~” The bursting beast twisted twice, obviously dealing with the snow mountain demon monkey, very experienced.

Attention, attention, sit down, I’m going!

Xu Fan grabbed the hair of the bursting beast, and the whole person floated on the bursting beast.

The body of the Bursting Beast enlarged more than ten times and rushed towards the territory of the Snow Mountain Demon Monkey at a rapid speed.

The Snow Mountain Demon Monkey knows that the Bursting Beast is coming, and naturally it is not to be outdone, after all, the Bursting Beast is their old opponent, and after hundreds of years, they will come to harass them from time to time, and they have enough experience in coping.

Because the Snow Mountain Demon Monkey has wings and is very agile, as long as the group attacks the back of the Bursting Beast, it can prevent the Bursting Beast from continuing to break into their territory.

The Snow Mountain Demon Monkey was about to repeat the trick, and gathered in a team and rushed towards the back of the Bursting Beast.

In the past, the bursting beasts could only carry it hard, and the attacks of this group of demon monkeys broke into their territory, but this time it was different, and he had Xu Fan on his back.

Hee-hee, the Burst Beast felt that his IQ had reached its peak, and as long as the human helped him block the attack, he would not be able to enter and eat beautifully.

As soon as Xu Fan saw this group of demon monkeys, he rushed directly towards him, and immediately understood a little what the bursting beast meant.

Good fellow, looking at your thick-eyed bursting beast, I didn’t expect it to be an old sixth.

Xu Fan happened to have been studying the use of the Heavenly Thunder Bead these two days, he sensed the power of the Heavenly Thunder in his body, and then stored the Heavenly Thunder Bead in the dantian, and the power of the Heavenly Thunder slowly wrapped the Heavenly Thunder Bead and became a thunderbolt ball.

Xu Fan felt that his body was filled with electricity, as if he had now become the embodiment of Heavenly Thunder.

He gathered the power of heavenly thunder in his body in his palm and attacked towards the swarming snow mountain demon monkeys.

The power of heavenly thunder gathered into a huge thunder ball, booming, clicking, clicking, the thunder ball engulfed all the attacking snow mountain demon monkeys, and released a very dazzling light.

In a short time, a large number of snow mountain demon monkey corpses fell to the ground, emitting the aroma of roasted meat.

The Bursting Beast was simply excited, and without the attack of the Snow Mountain Demon Monkey, it rushed on a rampage into the territory of the Snow Mountain Demon Monkey.

As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, Xu Fan was also shocked for a moment by the scene in front of him, and the red gem-like spirit fruit covered the entire mountaintop, exuding a rich spiritual aura.

The Burst Beast rushed forward to feast, which was simply a free buffet!

The nine-tailed fox kept running and jumping, and it was very happy, thanks to the gift from heaven, hee-hee.

It turned out that these red fruits were called demon spirit fruits, which were very beneficial to the cultivation of demon beasts, which was why the snow mountain demon monkeys had been occupying the top of the frozen snow mountain.

It was precisely by relying on this pair of demon spirit fruits that they constantly improved their cultivation, thus becoming the overlord of the frozen snow mountain.

In addition to being of great help to demon beasts, this demon spirit fruit can also be used to refine the imperial beast elixir, Xu Fan thought about it, and couldn’t bear to let the bursting beast and the nine-tailed fox ruin this demon spirit fruit field, and with a wave of his hand, all the demon spirit fruits were collected into the storage bag.

In addition, Xu Fan also summoned the palace spirit of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace and asked him to collect all the spirit plants into the spirit field in the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace.

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