But I don’t know when I want to use this soft body, little human, I will rely on you during this time. The Bursting Beast hummed and leaned against Xu Fan.

Xu Fan, the novice daddy, is presentable, mainly the burst beast is more worry-free, although it looks like a very weak baby, but after all, it is also formed by the thick skin of the burst beast, so it is very resistant to beating.

“After leaving the Shen Ying Valley, you probably will follow us to travel in the Huaqing Secret Realm first, and when the Huaqing Secret Realm is over, we will return to the Immortal Realm together. If you want to come back, you don’t know that it will be thousands of years. Xu Fan said to the bursting beast in his arms.

“It’s okay, I’ve already packed up my big baby! Let’s go to my house first and take my things with me so I don’t have to come back. “The Bursting Beast has been planning to leave the Huaqing Secret Realm to the Immortal Realm since Xu Fan said last time that he wanted to help him cultivate his human form, so he has already packed his baggage.

Xu Fan. He Lei Ming and Wei Yimin originally thought of hurrying out of the Sinking Valley, hearing the Bursting Beast say so, and went to the Bursting Beast’s lair again.

“These, these, and these, all of them must be taken away!” The Violent Beast stretched out its small hand and said towards the piles of Immortal Fruits and Demon Beast Pills.

When Xu Fan came to the old lair of the bursting beast last time, he really didn’t find that the family of the bursting beast was quite rich, he only cared about looking at the heavenly thunder beads, but he didn’t expect that the bursting beast had a lot of other good things.

Xu Fan helped the Burst Beast put away all his treasures, originally planning to leave the Burst Beast’s lair, who knew that the Bursting Beast scratched its head again, “It’s the same, if I leave here, I don’t know how long it will take to come back, I still want to soak in the hot spring, can you help me take the hot spring pool away?” Xu

Fan had a black line on his face, can this thing be packed in a storage bag?

“You take me, I’ll try.”

The Bursting Beast pointed to the road and took Xu Fan to see his natural hot spring pool.

When Xu Fan arrived at the place, he knew that the natural hot spring pool that the Bursting Beast pointed to was actually a spiritual essence spring with abundant spiritual power, which was very rare in the immortal world, and the spiritual energy was even comparable to a superb spirit stone vein.

This is the hot spring that the bursting beast said?

This is really a human being, the sea is invincible.

Just when the people of the immortal world were constantly fighting for the spirit stone vein, the bursting beast had silently possessed the spirit essence spring that was comparable to the ultimate spirit stone vein, and only used this spirit essence spring as a hot spring pool.

Lei Ming and Wei Yimin were also shocked, and they glanced at the Bursting Beast with an indescribable expression.

Although they knew that the Bursting Beast was already an Immortal King-level demon beast, they had also shivered under the mouth of the Bursting Beast, but now looking at the soft and cute appearance of the Bursting Beast, this is really a young generation of trenches.

“Okay, take it away. When the time comes, I will also invite you to soak in the hot spring. The violent beast pointed at the Spirit Essence Spring and said.

Xu Fan adhered to the idea that mine is mine, and my friend’s is also mine, and the spiritual essence spring without any psychological burden was moved to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

It just so happens that the spiritual spring in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace can be upgraded and upgraded.

Seeing that Xu Fan had put away the Spirit Essence Spring, the Bursting Beast said to Xu Fan again, “I have cultivated into human form now, and I will have to trouble you in the immortal world later, so now I will pay you some food expenses.” You can capture all those giant spirit chickens I raised in my territory. As

soon as Lei Ming heard the Bursting Beast say this, he remembered that the delicious giant spirit chicken last time had not eaten it at all, and the Bursting Beast was quite generous to his own people.

Although Lei Ming caught his two giant spirit chickens last time and was chased and killed for so long, the generosity of this bursting beast also made Lei Ming feel very moved.

“Great, the giant spirit chicken I caught last time didn’t eat it at all! I’ve been thinking about it for a long time! Lei Ming looked at Xu Fan expectantly.

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So Wei Yimin and Lei Ming began to capture the giant spirit chicken again under the command of the bursting beast.




The appearance of the giant spirit chickens running wildly has become a miracle in the deep valley.

At the same time, the monk surnamed Chen, who was still waiting at the exit of Shen Yin Valley, was a little impatient, he listened to the cooing sound coming from Shen Yin Valley, and he had no idea what was happening.

“What the hell is going on? Why hasn’t this Xu Fan come out yet? Isn’t the alien treasure already alive?

“I heard that Shen Yu Gu will erupt at night, so listening to this movement, it won’t be that the beast tide has already come, right?”

“Senior Brother Chen, I don’t know when Xu Fan and them will come out? Are we still waiting here? The

monk surnamed Chen kept a calm face, his patience was almost exhausted, but thinking of the treasure that Shen Yougu released from the treasure light, he pressed his patience again, “Keep waiting, I don’t believe he won’t come out!”

While the monk surnamed Chen and his followers waited non-stop, Lei Ming and Wei Yimin finally caught most of the giant spirit chickens.

Xu Fan began to roast the giant spirit chicken, and several of them ate beautifully, and then walked towards the exit of Shen Yin Valley.

The monk surnamed Chen sensed that Xu Fan was coming towards the exit of Shen Yin Valley, and quickly raised his vigilance and said to the two cultivators beside him.

“They’re coming, pay attention!”

As soon as the monk surnamed Chen saw Xu Fan’s figure, he was stunned for a moment.

Where did Xu Fan get a little baby from? Didn’t three people go in when they went in? How can there be one more person when it comes out?

No matter, maybe it was picked up somewhere for the abandoned baby!

The monk surnamed Chen gave the other two cultivators a look, and the three of them planned to ambush Xu Fan, Lei Ming, and Wei Yimin.

Xu Fan had long known that someone had been paying attention to several of them, and naturally raised his vigilance, so as soon as the monk surnamed Chen showed his head, Xu Fan immediately reacted and dodged the full blow of the monk surnamed Chen.

“Chen Xianyou, we are both disciples of the A-class academy, I just came out, you sneaked up on me, this thing is not authentic.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hand over the exotic treasure, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind!”

Lei Ming and Wei Yimin were fighting with the fans of the cultivator surnamed Chen, and the two of them were also very angry, if the person who sneaked up was someone from another academy or the Immortal Sect, they didn’t expect to be the core disciples of their first-class academy!

“Be a person and leave a line, and see each other in the future.” Didn’t Ling Tang teach you this? Xu

Fan was holding the Bursting Beast, a little unable to use his fists and feet, so he constantly dodged the attacks of the monk surnamed Chen.

The monk surnamed Chen saw Xu Fan protecting the baby in his arms, and immediately felt that he had found Xu Fan’s weakness and attacked towards the bursting beast.

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