“Dingdong~ Dear host, congratulations on having started the main quest of the Huaqing Secret Realm: obtaining the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor. Please go to the Odd Flower Realm immediately and get the mercy of the Lord of the Odd Flower Realm~ Brave young man, rush forward! Xu

Fan supported his forehead, what kind of mercy of the Odd Flower Realm Lord? It doesn’t sound like a serious task.

He originally listened to the words of the bursting beast, and there was a trace of hesitation about whether to go to the Odd Flower Realm, but he didn’t expect to suddenly receive the task of the system, it seems that this Exotic Flower Realm, he has to go.

The Qihua Realm was in the south of the Huaqing Secret Realm, and they had to pass through several more dangerous areas along the way, and the three did not intend to explore these areas in detail, directly using flying magic weapons, and flew for less than two days to reach the junction entrance between the Qihua Realm and other areas.

“Brother Xu, I always feel that there are people behind us.” Lei Ming whispered to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan frowned, he naturally felt it, since entering the Huaqing Secret Realm, he always felt that someone seemed to be spying on several of them behind him.

Originally, he thought it was a monk surnamed Chen, but after solving the monk surnamed Chen, the sense of voyeurism did not disappear, but reached its peak when they were walking in the past two days.

What the hell is going on here?

There is a layer of enchantment at the entrance of the Odd Flower Realm, and the location of the hiding is relatively hidden, and ordinary people may not be able to find it here.

Last time, Xu Fan did not enter the Odd Flower Realm because it would take some time to crack the enchantment if he wanted to enter the Odd Flower Realm.

After Xu Fan and the others arrived at the enchantment of the Odd Flower Realm, they began to probe around and enter the enchantment method.

Suddenly, an extremely fast figure rushed out of the secret place, and Xu Fan didn’t even have time to see the man’s face clearly, when he felt a huge energy rushing towards him.

Presumably this is the person who has been following them behind their backs.

But fortunately, the Bursting Beast helped Xu Fan block this all-out blow, and Xu Fan took a few steps back, only then did he see clearly that the person who attacked him was actually the leading core disciple of the A-class Academy, Chang Ping.

“Chang Xianyou, I have no wrongs with you in the past, and I have no enmity in recent days, why did you suddenly attack me?”

Chang Ping snorted coldly, and two other figures emerged from behind him and began to attack Lei Ming and Wei Yimin.

“Hmph, if you want to blame, blame you, it’s not a person who provoked the Lin family, today I will give the three of you a ride.”

Xu Fan suddenly realized, no wonder the people of the Lin family never came to the door, he thought that the people of the Lin family did not intend to stand out for Lin Cong, so they did not take this matter to heart.

Unexpectedly, the Lin family’s power was so great, and there were actually several core disciples of the A-class academy, who were already under their power, and were secretly waiting to kill Xu Fan in the Huaqing Secret Realm.

“Human, don’t worry, I will protect you, Great King!” The Burst Beast said, and began to change its shape again.

Although the last time he beat the cultivator surnamed Chen, the bursting beast briefly changed back to its beast form, he had taken the Demon Spirit Pill for a short time, so his strength was not stable.

“I don’t know what kind of good luck your kid is, he was actually able to subdue a demon beast at the level of the Immortal King. But since I dare to besiege you, of course I am fully prepared. ”

This Chang Ping is so confident, I am afraid that there are more than three people who have come to besiege the three of them.

Sure enough, Chang Ping clapped his hands, and suddenly two Immortal Venerable junior cultivators appeared.

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Now there are a total of five cultivators to besiege Xu Fan and the others, three of them are at the Immortal Venerable level, and two are at the end of the Daluo Golden Immortal Period.

There were a total of five core disciples, and Lei Ming and Wei Yimin were naturally no match for each other, and they were even seriously injured in the fight.

Xu Fan also resisted very hard, after all, Chang Ping was the head of the core disciples of the A-class Academy, and his cultivation had already reached the end of the Immortal Venerable stage, and he was about to rise to the Immortal King level.

“Hahaha, don’t you hurry up and surrender as soon as possible?! I’ll give you a blast too! The monk surnamed Wang shouted loudly towards Wei Yimin.

Wei Yimin had lost to his men before, and now he was fighting with him, which was simply a nightmare.

At this moment, he was not only physically and mentally exhausted, but also weaker and weaker, and he saw that he was about to be killed by the monk surnamed Wang.

At this time, Xu Fan separated his mind and said to Wei Yimin, “Calm your breath and concentrate, think about what I told you, believe the sword in your hand!” The sword will take you in the direction you want to go.

At this moment, Wei Yimin’s speed of swinging his sword became slower and slower, and he seemed to feel the feeling of the unity of the human sword and the vibration of the divine soul.

The monk surnamed Wang saw that Wei Yimin’s swinging speed was getting slower and slower, thinking that he had caught his flaw, and directly launched a big move and attacked Wei Yimin.

Who knew that Wei Yimin’s figure seemed to suddenly become extremely sensitive, not only dodging the attack of the monk surnamed Wang, but also the whole person exuded a sharp aura of sword cultivation.

This sharp aura had not appeared since he was unstable, but at this moment, Wei Yimin seemed to wash away the dust, revealing Baohua’s sword, and attacked towards the monk surnamed Wang.

In his mind, there was not only the sound of the sword, but also Xu Fan’s voice.

“Yes, poke him in the chin! Attack him down three ways! Eyes eyes, stab him in the back! These

were clearly what Xu Fan whispered in his ear when he usually pointed him out.

He still didn’t understand at that time, but now there is the continuous oppression of the monk surnamed Wang, and he seems to have suddenly had an epiphany, his sword speed from slow to fast, from tangible to invisible, after condensing the sword intent, he even faintly overwhelmed the head of the monk surnamed Wang.

The Bursting Beast kept fighting with Chang Ping, and although Xu Fan was a little hard to fight with the two people in the early stage of Immortal Venerable, he could handle it.

“Hmph, you still have spare time to watch others? Take care of yourself first! “One of the core disciples of the early Immortal Venerable. While fighting with Xu Fan, he said.

This Xu Fan was really arrogant, but he was just a small Da Luo Golden Immortal, and he actually dared to be distracted when he was fighting with their two Immortal Venerables.

At this moment, Chang Ping suddenly broke free from the entanglement with the Bursting Beast, and directly charged up his power to attack Xu Fan.

Looking at Xu Fan, there is no way to resist, the full force of the Immortal Venerable’s final blow, this move is afraid that Xu Fan is fierce.

The other two Immortal Venerables also cooperated with Chang Ping and attacked Xu Fan from the other two directions.

A golden hood rose around Xu Fan’s body, just blocking the attacks of the three cultivators.

The golden hood let out a striking sound, and all three cultivators flew out with a huge counterattack.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly felt a burst of coercion and heard a voice.

“Who is fighting here?”

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