“Brother Xu, what happened, Odd Flower Realm Master?” Lei Ming looked behind Xu Fan.

Didn’t this Odd Flower Realm Lord say that he liked his Brother Xu quite a lot? Why did the whole spectacle disappear?

Xu Fan shook his head and held the transparent heart formed by the strange flower mirror in the palm of his hand, which should be the key to the core of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

No wonder when the system sent out the task, let him come to the Qihua Realm Lord, if he wanted to obtain the inheritance of the Huaqing Secret Realm Immortal Emperor, he really needed this core key.

I just don’t know what will happen if he reaches the core of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

Xu Fan thought about it and looked at the transparent heart to the bursting beast.

“Do you know what this thing is?”

The Burst Beast looked at the core key and widened its eyes.

He hadn’t seen this thing for a long time, and the last time he saw it, he was still a little beast that was feeding in the arms of the mother beast.

The bursting beast was able to cultivate to the realm of the immortal king, and it was naturally not an ordinary demon beast before the fall of the Huaqing Immortal Emperor.

His mother was the mount of the Huaqing Immortal Emperor, and since the fall of the Huaqing Immortal Emperor, his mother also left with the Huaqing Immortal Emperor and left her demon pill to him.

Therefore, even if he eats and sleeps every day, he can cultivate to the Immortal King cultivation.

“This has something to do with the treasure in a month, and after a month, there will be a big explosion of aura, you put this thing away, it will be useful in the future.” The Bursting Beast said to Xu Fan and stretched out his hand, “You hold me.”

Xu Fan took the Bursting Beast from Lei Ming’s arms, it seems that after a month, the core of the secret realm will open, and during this time, they can go to other places to explore around.

The last time they came to the Huaqing Secret Realm, there was not enough time, Xu Fan, Lei Ming and Wei Yimin did not have much time to collect all kinds of treasures, and this time, under the leadership of the Bursting Beast, they scavenged the secret treasures in various areas.

Along the way, the Bursting Beast also mentioned to Xu Fan the news related to the core of the Huaqing Secret Realm.

It turned out that the core location of the Huaqing Secret Realm was not fixed, and only when the aura exploded once in thousands of years, holding the core key of the Huaqing Secret Realm could enter the core.

After entering the core, he didn’t know what would happen, but there was a high probability that he would obtain the inheritance of the Huaqing Immortal Emperor.

It should be noted that once someone enters the core of the Huaqing Secret Realm, all the other cultivators in the Huaqing Secret Realm will be teleported out, and the Huaqing Secret Realm will also become an ordinary secret realm after Xu Fan obtains the inheritance, and will no longer hide himself.


“Say that there are more adventures in the Huaqing Secret Realm? I went around this area, and I didn’t find a valuable treasure! That’s it, he was actually chased and killed by monster beasts! What a shame! A monk complained a little indignantly, “I already knew that I wouldn’t come here, and this luck is too bad!”

“Besides, do you think I found any treasure?” Another cultivator took out his harvest for this while, only some ordinary demon beast scales and inner dan, plus some common immortal grass, the year is not particularly large. “Just this group of rags, is it worth our adventure?”

“Yes, otherwise it’s strange, yesterday I obviously saw a strange light, it should be that there is a strange treasure in the world, but I didn’t expect that just rushed over, there was nothing, could it be that there were other cultivators who quickly took the treasure away?”

“Everyone’s cultivation is not much worse, even if they have fast hands, they shouldn’t be fast to this speed, and they can’t even see the figure clearly!” I see 8 achievements are this place, there is nothing babe. After

a few cultivators complained for a while, they suddenly saw a strange light dozens of miles away.

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“Is there a strange treasure in the world again?!”

The monks rushed towards the place where the strange light was shining, and sure enough, they saw a huge tree, and on the tree there seemed to be a crystal clear golden fruit about to ripen.

There are already many monks waiting here, waiting for the moment when the fruit is ripe.

In addition to this group of cultivators watching the tiger, there are also some restless demon beasts.

After all, there must be demon beasts around the alien treasure.

I saw a huge two-headed snake hissing at the monks with a snake letter, and surrounded the spirit fruit with its tail.

“The demon beast cultivated by the Great Luo Golden Immortal is not something to fear! We’ll finish it off in a moment. A middle-aged monk said.

However, there is only one fruit of this fruit, in addition to defeating the demon beast, it must also prevent other cultivators from coming to grab it.

Almost all the monks had their eyes fixed on the fruit, waiting for the moment when it was ripe.

“I suggest that we kill this demon beast first, otherwise as soon as the fruit is ripe, the demon beast will swallow this spirit fruit.” A monk said.

But the other cultivators were unwilling to act, after all, if they made a move, what if someone sneaked up behind them?

“Yes, we can’t wait any longer, let’s strike together!”

Three or five monks began to fight with the two-headed snake, and as soon as one of the monks cut off a snake head, the fruit was ripe, and he quickly flew towards the fruit, but did not notice that another snake head behind him bit his shoulder fiercely!

This cultivator was naturally seriously injured and completely disqualified from competing for this spirit fruit.

The other cultivators rubbed their fists and flew towards the spirit fruit, who knew but felt a strong coercion, swoosh, a shadow passed in front of them, and when they looked at the tree, the spirit fruit had disappeared!

“Who is it? Who the hell is it? The monk who had thought he was going to pick the fruit looked confused, and before he could see what it was, the fruit had already disappeared.

The Bursting Beast lay contented in Xu Fan’s arms, holding a shining golden fruit in its mouth.

“Renxiu, do you want to eat it? This fruit can increase lifespan! The Bursting Beast spat out the fruit stained with his saliva into Xu Fan’s hand.

Xu Fan’s face was full of black lines, fruits that increased lifespan, there were quite a few in his Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and he didn’t need them at all.

“Eat it yourself! I’ll get it! When

the Bursting Beast heard Xu Fan say this, he swallowed the fruit in one mouthful.

Heck, this kind of predatory behavior unexpectedly has a refreshing feeling.

Xu Fan looked at the cultivators who were in a ball and wanted to find the spirit fruit, and directly hid their breath and went to the area where the next secret treasure would appear.

The next time the cultivators rushed to another location where the secret treasure appeared, they returned empty-handed.

“Who is in this secret realm? How can we be ahead of us every time?

“Yes, and the tricks are similar, even the figure can’t be seen clearly!”

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