The news that Xu Fan was still alive soon reached the Lin family, and the head of the Lin family was so angry that he blew his beard and glared after listening to his own son’s message.

“This useless thing, let people bully, forget it, even the black hand has not succeeded, and folded a Changping in it!” O Son is not a father! ”

The head of the Lin family is walking around the house, Lin Cong has now lost the identity of the core disciple of the first-class academy, it is indeed a shame, the face of the family is after all, the Lin family is a famous immortal cultivation family in the immortal world, and Lin Cong is the proud son of the younger generation.

Now they have all been beaten in the face, if their Lin family doesn’t make a move to get this Xu Fan, how can this be justified?

However, according to what Lin Cong said, letting the Lin family’s offerings help him get rid of Xu Fan, this matter is too cheap for their Lin family, after all, young people’s fighting is one thing, if these elderly immortal kings participate in the competition of juniors, won’t they seem too ungraceful?

Although he is indeed very protective and stingy, he cannot show it openly.

“Master, look…” The subordinate who came to help Lin Cong deliver the message observed the expression of the Lin family master.

“Hmph, junior’s affairs, I and the worship are inconvenient to interfere.” The head of the Lin family thought for a moment, and slowly spoke, “You let Cong’er settle down a little, just say that I will naturally find a way to clean up this Xu Fan.” The

subordinate nodded quickly, he could only persuade the young master, but he didn’t know if he could persuade or not, “Yes, the head of the family.” ”


After waiting for his subordinates to leave, the head of the Lin family immediately summoned someone, “You go to the Blood Moon Pavilion and reward the life of Xu Fan, the core disciple of the first-class academy.”

“Yes.” The man was dressed in black, his face had been covered by the cloak, and after listening to the orders of the Lin family master, he immediately disappeared.

As a well-known immortal cultivator family in the immortal world, although the Lin family looks beautiful on the surface, there are naturally a lot of unsavory things to do in secret, so they often contact an underground killer organization in the immortal world, that is, the Blood Moon Pavilion.

It is not clear who set up the organization of the Blood Moon Pavilion, but the only thing that is clear is that as long as you give enough spirit stones, there are a total of people who borrow your list to help you get rid of the people you want to get rid of.

Ordinary people did not have a channel to contact the Snow Moon Pavilion, and only a large immortal cultivation family like the Lin family could get in touch with the Blood Moon Pavilion.

The organization of the Blood Moon Pavilion was very mysterious, even the Lin family master did not know who the pavilion master of the Blood Moon Pavilion was and how to find such a powerful immortal cultivator to serve them.

In the Blood Moon Pavilion, a woman pointed at Zhu’s lips with her slender jade and looked at the name reported by her subordinate.

“A Grade A Academy disciple Xu Fan? It’s kind of interesting, I could go meet him. ”

That woman is Liu Xin’s appearance!


In the Immortal Mansion of the A-class Academy, Xu Fan suddenly sneezed, and a cold wind blew behind him, and he didn’t know who was thinking about him.

“Nine-tailed fox, come and warm my hands.”

Xu Fan shouted at the nine-tailed fox while closing the window.

Strange, there is no wind in this place, and the immortal world is like spring all year round, why did he suddenly feel a little cold.

“It’s been a little boring lately, and I don’t know where to look for news.” The urn lay on the stone table, eating grapes while stroking the bursting beast.

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Wang Cai stretched his neck to eat the grapes on the table, and lazily glanced at the urn.

Hum╭(╯^╰)╮This, this is really, idle, isn’t it grapes delicious?

Just when Xu Fan was basking in the sun while stroking the hair of the nine-tailed fox, suddenly the enchantment in the Immortal Mansion seemed to be moved.

Xu Fan immediately noticed it, and slowly went to check the enchantment of the Immortal Mansion, but he suddenly sensed a burst of aura.

How is this, this aura so familiar?

Good fellow, speaking of which, he hasn’t seen the body Liu Xin for a while, and I don’t know how, but today he suddenly remembered.

Xu Fan stretched out his hand to probe the enchantment, and suddenly touched a sign, and the sign stained with spiritual energy was written with three big characters of the Blood Moon Pavilion.

Xu Fan touched the brand, and the brand was wet, as if it was still stained with a familiar aroma.

Naturally, someone saw it, and he received the brand of the Blood Moon Pavilion, so the news spread among the core disciples.

“What? Xu Fan actually received the brand of Xueyue Pavilion? I don’t know who he messed with? Someone actually paid such a high price for his life!

“My God, the elders in the academy shouldn’t let the Blood Moon Pavilion run so rampant, right?”

“You think too much, it is said that every time the people of the Blood Moon Pavilion kill people, they plan very carefully, except that the price is too high, it is simply satisfactory everywhere.”

“In this way, how can someone who can pay this price be someone from the Immortal Cultivation Family, right?”

“Then of course, apart from Xiu Immortal who is a member of the family, who else can afford this price? Think about which person Xu Fan has offended recently, isn’t it very clear? ”

Haven’t the people of the Blood Moon Pavilion missed a hand?”

“Hmph, the people of the Golden Immortal Period they sent a few Da Luo Golden Immortals to besiege, and the people of the Da Luo Golden Immortal Period they sent a few Immortals to besiege, and I also heard that generally this kind of thing happens quietly, how can you say it is possible to miss?”

“Then if you say it like this, won’t Xu Fan’s life hang in the balance?”

“I don’t think it’s necessarily, maybe Xu Fan will apply for the protection of the elders in the academy!”

“It’s okay if Xu Fan has a relationship, it doesn’t matter, which elder is willing to protect him? I’m suspended! This

news naturally also reached Lin Cong’s ears, originally the Lin family master refused his request, he was very angry, now hearing that Xu Fan has been ordered by the people of the Blood Moon Pavilion, naturally knows that this should be a good thing done by his father.

Ginger is still old and spicy.

However, he really couldn’t take out so many spirit stones, and he didn’t have a way to contact the Blood Moon Pavilion, but he knew that as long as the Blood Moon Pavilion made a move, Xu Fan would not be able to run, so he laughed viciously.

“Xu Fan, I’ll make you crazy again, I see how long you can still be crazy!” Although many people now think that it was their Lin family’s hand, as long as there is no evidence, this matter has nothing to do with their Lin family.

Lin Cong was already waiting for Xu Fan’s miserable situation, and even drank two or two more good wines happily, as if he had heard the news of Xu Fan’s death.

Lei Ming and Wei Yimin didn’t know where they heard the news, and quickly looked for them in a panic, “Brother Xu, I heard that the people of the Blood Moon Pavilion gave you an ultimatum, and I heard that those who received the brand of the Blood Moon Pavilion will be chased and killed by the Blood Moon Pavilion within a month. ”

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