Recently, there have been rumors in the A-class academy that Xu Fan, a disciple of the high-level class, has a very strong peach blossom luck.

“Hey, did you hear that? Senior Brother Xu of the high-level class was confessed by the nun again!

“Hey, how could I not have heard, you still say confession, is this a confession? It’s clearly touching porcelain!

“If that’s the case, I’m willing to touch porcelain!” People have been single for more than 10,000 years, and they can only love each other with their left and right hands every day, which is really unfair!

“Don’t be convinced, don’t look at Senior Brother Xu, he has good luck in peach blossoms, but he is also very worried about these peach blossoms!”

“Alas, this is really a full man, I don’t know if the hungry man is hungry, so many nuns, can he bear it? Might as well divide a few of us in this group!

“You said this, can you look at yourself in the mirror first, you want it, those nuns can’t look at us yet!”

“Look at my handsome and dashing beard, it is clearly Mei Ran, why don’t the nuns of our academy eat this piece!” How about I go buy some of that transfiguration pill? Just change according to Senior Brother Xu Fan’s appearance!

“Pull it down, you can! I see that Senior Brother Xu Fan may not be impressed by the female cultivator’s appearance, but it may be…”

“What is it?” Is it technology?

“Something is going on in your head every day, of course, it’s that powerful temperament!”

While everyone in the academy was talking about it, Xu Fan had been closed for three days in order to reduce his sexual encounter.

“I said brother, if you don’t go out, how can you meet your old lover?” The urn watched Xu Fan walking inside the Immortal Mansion and asked with some curiosity.

Hmph, he is not naïve at all, and his eyes are vicious.

Although Xu Fan looked very troubled by these encounters, he had already discovered Xu Fan’s restless heart.

Especially Xu Fan once said that he had already seen the old man, there was a problem, there was definitely a problem here!

Not to mention that in the Immortal Mansion, he was simply inseparable from Xu Fan. In the academy, I haven’t heard that Xu Fan has met any strange people or strange people, but he has had a lot of encounters in recent times.

Speaking of which, Xu Fan’s old man won’t be a Hundred Transformation Witch, right? For example, pretending to have various identities to seduce Xu Fan, it’s quite exciting to think about.

“If I don’t go out, she will naturally come to the door, after all, the Blood Moon Pavilion still has to complete the task!” Xu Fan said.

“Good fellow, you’re awesome, brother!” The urn gave a thumbs up to Xu Fan, it turned out to be in a hurry to send business to people.


Seeing that the time of a month is about to come, but Xu Fan’s life is still very moist.

At this time, not only Lin Cong was very anxious, but the head of the Lin family also began to be anxious.

“What the hell is going on, why haven’t the people of the Blood Moon Pavilion moved yet? This has never happened before! The head of the Lin family waved his hand and summoned a person, “You go and contact the people of the Blood Moon Pavilion and ask what is going on!”


The man received an order from the head of the Lin family, and immediately took out a jade tablet and came to a secret location to contact the informant of the Blood Moon Pavilion.

“Our family master has already paid all the spirit stones to the Blood Moon Pavilion more than half a month ago, please help me ask why the Blood Moon Pavilion has not made a move yet, trouble. If anything, please give a letter. The

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seemingly ordinary informant over there lowered his voice and said, “Our Blood Moon Pavilion is doing things, isn’t the head of the Lin family still at ease?” Don’t worry, I will inform the Pavilion Master of this matter immediately, and I will tell you when I have news.

“Then thank you.”

The head of the Lin family and Lin Cong were anxious here, but the pavilion master of the Blood Moon Pavilion over there was very moist.

She held an immortal weapon in her hand, and that immortal artifact was like a mirror, and the scene of the first-class academy appeared in the mirror.

Strange, why hasn’t Xu Fan come out in the past few days, could it be that he was entangled by her?

Her eye on the ontology is not very good, isn’t it just an ordinary brat, well, she admits, there is indeed a special charm, but this is not enough to turn the ontology fan upside down.

Oh, she forgot that this Xu Fan was only Xu Fan’s distraction, and he hadn’t seen Xu Fan’s body yet.

Liu Xin couldn’t restrain her curiosity about Xu Fan, and after a while, she would pick up the mirror and take a look at Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion.

At this moment, everyone who was in Xu Fanxian’s mansion seemed to feel a sense of peeping.

Wang Cai was still wandering around the yard leisurely, but the nine-tailed fox shivered.

“Damn, who the hell is coveting my beautiful face!”

The violent beast’s reaction was even more direct, and it roared directly towards the enchantment of the Immortal Mansion.

Just as Liu Xin was observing Xu Fanxian’s Mansion with the artifact, suddenly a subordinate in a black robe knocked on the door.

“Pavilion Master, there is news coming over.”

“Come in.”

Liu Xin changed her posture and leaned back on the chair, with a weak Liu Fufeng posture.

After his subordinate walked in, he did not dare to be presumptuous, because he knew that the woman in front of him looked beautiful and extremely beautiful, but in fact she controlled the entire Blood Moon Pavilion and was an absolutely outstanding assassin.

“People from the Lin family, news came asking why our Blood Moon Pavilion still didn’t make a move. Pavilion master, subordinates are willing to serve. The subordinate in the black robe said respectfully, after all, this list was directly delivered to the Pavilion Master, but Liu Xin never sent someone to assassinate Xu Fan.

The black-robed man was also very curious, this kind of thing had never happened before, he once thought that the pavilion master wanted to personally take action, but after waiting for such a long time, he waited for the urging of the Lin family.

Liu Xin’s slender hands crossed ten fingers, and the bright red kodan on it seemed to be like blood, and she slowly spoke, “Let the head of the Lin family don’t have to worry, I will definitely give him a big gift, let him wait patiently.”

“Yes! Then the subordinate retreated.

Liu Xin waved her hand lazily, and let the black-robed man retreat.

Speaking of which, she hadn’t seen Xu Fan for three days, so it was time to find an opportunity to meet him.

However, before meeting, you still have to give him a gift.

She had to think about it.

Here, after the head of the Lin family got the news from the Blood Moon Pavilion, he was much more relieved, and he even had some faint expectations, after all, he was the old patron of the Blood Moon Pavilion, and he didn’t know what big gift the Blood Moon Pavilion would give.

He immediately let people pass the news to his son, telling him not to worry, continue to wait patiently, and not make trouble in the academy.

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