After the head of the Lin family collected Lin Cong’s body, he was very sad, but he did not expect that his son did not even leave a whole corpse, and even his head was cut off by the evil man.

“Say, what the hell is going on here? Why didn’t you all react that someone was trying to assassinate me?!” The

head of the Lin family was furious in Lin Cong’s Immortal Mansion, “How did that assassin break in?” Did anyone witness the whole incident? ”

After all, Lin Cong’s Immortal Mansion has set up a formation, and ordinary people can’t break in at all.

Lin Cong’s fans knelt in a row, you push me, I push you, no one dares to speak.

“Speak! Where were you all when the young master had an accident? Why didn’t you accompany him ?! One

of Lin Cong’s fans was pushed out, and he endured the coercion of the Immortal King, and his whole body trembled.

“Home, master, it’s really not that we don’t want to follow the young master! The young lord’s mood that day was very bad, not only let us all get out, but also stayed in the house alone for a long time, drinking alcohol…”

“The young lord’s mood is bad, won’t you persuade?” Let you go down, will you go down?! So what the hell is the use of you?!

“We persuaded us, but the young master said that we were upset when we saw us, and let us stay where we were cool.” Later, the young master was afraid to drink, and he was not happy to drink, and let us call Ge Ji, who was drinking and having fun in the house, of course, we did not dare to disturb his good deeds… Who knows that this one is not paying attention, just…” The

monk lowered his head deadly, his body still shaking.

The head of the Lin family was angry and kicked down the cultivator.

“If you say that, were those singers next to him when I was killed? Where are those singers now? Call them all! ”

Yes!” One of the fans ran out of the house and went to invite the singers who were there that night.

The singers were brought in soon, and after hearing the Lin family’s master’s inquiry, they timidly slowly spoke and talked about the situation at that time.

“At that time, we were serving the young lord to drink, there were many sisters playing the lute and dancing, who knows what happened, a woman suddenly appeared in the air, I swear, we really don’t know the woman… We’ve never met her! As soon as she appeared, the young lord was very interested in her, let her come forward, and then… And then she…” said Ge Ji, as if frightened, she began to tremble, her eyes widened, “We didn’t see what happened at all, and when the woman disappeared, we saw the young master become like this…”

The head of the Lin family asked with a frown.

“Yes, and she is very beautiful, if I see her again, I will definitely recognize her at a glance!” Ge Ji kept kowtowing, “Ask the family master to let us go!”

“Hmph, I haven’t said what I’m going to do to you.” The head of the Lin family hooked Ge Ji’s chin with his hand, “You foxes, you look good.” Ge

Ji was forced to raise her head and did not dare to look directly at the Lin family master, but the Lin family master used his palm hard and began to search her soul.

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The soul search spell is very vicious, it can search the memories of all people, but those who are cast the soul search spell will eventually lose all their sanity and become a dumb wood.

Poor Ge Ji, before she could react, was directly cast a soul-searching spell, and of course, the head of the Lin family also saw the woman who killed Lin Cong from her memory.

With such a neat posture, such cultivation, and such a technique, the Lin family master guessed at a glance that this was Liu Xin, the pavilion master of the Blood Moon Pavilion!

The Blood Moon Pavilion Pavilion Master has not personally killed anyone for thousands of years, and I heard that she often wears a purple robe, and her beauty is thrilling, but no one has ever seen her face, because everyone who has seen her face is already dead.

The head of the Lin family saw Liu Xin in Geji’s memory, and suddenly changed his mind, although this person killed his son, he did not plan to kill Liu Xin, on the contrary, he wanted to control this woman, pocket this woman, and bear children for him.

Such a powerful and beautiful woman, presumably the child born in combination with him should also be very powerful!

However, the head of the Lin family was very puzzled, what price did the person who wanted to kill his son pay to let the pavilion master of the Blood Moon Pavilion personally take action?

The Lin family pondered this question and let go of the hand that was still holding Geji’s chin just now.

After Ge Ji experienced the soul search, the whole person’s eyes became stunned, and after the head of the Lin family let go of her, she collapsed to the ground.

Several singers behind her hurriedly stepped forward to support her, feeling both afraid and sad in their hearts, but they did not dare to show these emotions.

Since he had already collected Lin Cong’s body and figured out who had done it to him, the head of the Lin family had no reason to stay in Lin Cong’s Immortal Mansion longer, so he only snorted coldly and flew towards the elder hall of the first-class academy.

The news of the Elder Hall was naturally very well-informed, and almost all the elders knew about the murder of Lin Cong, the young master of the Lin family, but none of them wanted to deal with this matter, but just blamed each other.

After all, there are many people in the Elder Hall who are related to the Lin family, and now that something has happened to the young master of the Lin family, they can’t do anything, even the Blood Moon Pavilion does not dare to investigate, and of course, they dare not come to the front of the Lin family master.

“Alas… How is this good?

“I’m afraid that the Lin family master will soon find it, although this matter is not the fault of the academy, we still have to give an explanation to the Lin family master!”

“Confess? What you said is good, how to give this explanation? Can you be tough with the Blood Moon Pavilion, or can you find someone behind your back who wants to kill Lin Cong?

“Then you can’t do nothing!”

“To put it bluntly, this matter really has little to do with our academy, I see that this is obviously the Lin family’s personal feud, but it has made our academy back!” If any of you are willing to give an explanation to the head of the Lin family, just go, anyway, I won’t do this thing!” ”

I have long heard that the Lin family family has gone to Lin Chong’s Immortal Mansion, and it is estimated that they will soon come to the Elder Hall, and now the personal safety of the disciples of our academy, we have no way to guarantee it, then what will the major families and immortal sects think of our academy after that?”

“What do you think? Then look up! To put it bluntly, the organization of the Blood Moon Pavilion was not raised by their group of immortal cultivators! Raising tigers will eventually become a disaster, this is reaction! Just

as the elders were arguing, the head of the Lin family arrived.

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