Liu Xin naturally also released her own Ten Thousand Zhang’s Dharma Body to compete with the Lin family.

“Who is this?”

“Seeing that she has a lot of killing intent, she is also at the level of an immortal king, it is not someone from the Blood Moon Pavilion!”

“This man is the Blood Moon Pavilion Master who is rare in a hundred years, Liu Xin?!”

This posture is so beautiful!

This look is really overwhelming!

Good fellow, I didn’t expect it at all, the elders just read the announcement of the Blood Moon Pavilion before connecting this woman with the Blood Moon Pavilion Pavilion Lord, this Xu Fan is He De He Neng, actually became the woman behind the Blood Moon Pavilion Lord.

“Hmph, there is no place to step on iron shoes, and you don’t waste all your efforts!” Blood Moon Pavilion Lord, I just wanted to find you, since you sent it yourself, then don’t blame me for being unkind!” ”

Patriarch Lin has been thinking about Liu Xin since he saw Liu Xin in Ge Ji’s memory, and he only wants to pocket her.

Now that Liu Xin has sent him to the door, of course, he is extremely happy, but he solved Xu Fan’s little white face, and then accepted Liu Xin, and let Liu Xin give birth to children for him, wouldn’t it be the three major pleasures in life!

Liu Xin made a ruthless move, and the Lin family owner fought with Liu Xin while resisting the itchy itchy powder, and naturally it didn’t take long to gain the upper hand.

He shouted in the air, “What are you still stunned for? Don’t hurry up to help yet! ”

Obviously speaking to the group of elders like the elders.

Several elders belonging to the Lin family’s forces naturally wanted to help the Lin family master fight against Liu Xin and Xu Fan, but who knew that they were held back by the other elders.

“Have you thought about it, you want to be the enemy of the Blood Moon Pavilion?”

“I see that this battle is really difficult to win, even if you go to help the Lin family master, if this Blood Moon Pavilion master still has a glimmer of life, I am afraid that he will definitely retaliate later, and by then my first-class academy will have no peace.”

These elders were really persuaded, after all, they defected to the Lin family’s forces because they wanted to back against the big tree to take advantage of the cool, now looking at the Lin family master’s appearance, this big tree is likely to fall, why take this risk.

So the elders all quietly watched the fight between the head of the Lin family and Liu Xin.

The head of the Lin family saw that Liu Xin was invulnerable, and now that he was down, of course, he hit Xu Fan again.

This Blood Moon Pavilion Pavilion Master must have cared about this little white face very much, as long as he took this little white face, the Blood Moon Pavilion Pavilion Master was not yet captured, so the Lin Family Master began to attack Xu Fan again.

Does he look so much like a soft persimmon? Everyone wants to pinch it. Xu Fan took out another package of medicinal powder in his hand, and he came to the invincible gift package of the system anyway, and he just wanted to try again.

That package of medicinal powder originally flew towards the Lin family master, who knew that it was taken by the Lin family master’s palm wind, although most of it still fell on the Lin family master, but a small part just flew along the wind to all directions of the elder hall.


“Not good, hold your breath!”

“Don’t get contaminated with this powder!”

“Stinky boy, what the hell did you drug?”

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After the head of the Lin family inhaled this powder, he only felt that he was still itchy just now, and now he not only felt that this itch was getting stronger and stronger, but also felt that his body began to heat up, and a certain part was a pillar of Optimus.

The elders also seemed to feel rejuvenated, full of endless energy.

Xu Fan raised his head and looked at the Lin family master’s Dharma body seemed to have a mysterious bulge, and suddenly felt very spicy eyes, and looked at the medicine bag that he had just thrown out the medicinal powder, only to see that it was proudly written, “Invincible strong powder”.

Xu Fan: (ー_ー)!!

I already knew that I should have seen it before taking it out, and I didn’t know if Liu Xin’s woman would have any reaction.

But fortunately, Liu Xin seized this opportunity and directly pinched Xu Fan with her magic body.

Xu Fan said to Liu Xin, “Lend me a trace of spiritual power!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a steady stream of power spread from Liu Xin’s Dharma body to his body, and with this power, Xu Fan made a tiger-shaped whale drop fist, and a giant whale swam towards the Lin family master’s Dharma body, and there seemed to be a very loud whale sound in his ears.

This is exactly the final move of the tiger-shaped whale falling fist that Xu Fan experienced a while ago, no. However, because his cultivation is still in the Daluo Golden Immortal, there is no way to exert the full strength of this trick, and now that Liu Xin has borrowed a trace of his spiritual power, his ascetic meridian power can certainly exert his maximum strength.

The elders, who were still very restless, heard this huge exclamation, as if they sensed a particularly terrifying force, which was the power of the law.

“The Law of Time!”

“He actually comprehended the power of the law of time!”

“This Xu Fan, it’s really terrifying!”

And the Lin family master, who had not dodged this trick, seemed to have heard the ancient call, which was the power of aging and death that they could not get rid of even if they cultivated into an immortal body.

Why?! Why can’t they live forever even if they become immortals?

The head of the Lin family was very unwilling in his heart, but this strong unwillingness could not resist the power of the law of time, he could only watch his Dharma body, shrinking inch by inch, until it collapsed.

After the Ten Thousand Zhang’s Dharma Body dissipated, the Lin Family Master seemed to have been absorbed from the life force, and he quickly aged and turned into a pile of dust in front of everyone.

This scene shocked all the elders of the Elder Hall.

What a powerful force! It could actually make the head of the Lin family, who was only one step away from the Immortal Emperor, turn into dust in an instant.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin slowly landed on the ground, and the elders looked at the two of them and took a few steps back uncontrollably.

“You weren’t affected by anything just now, did you?” Xu Fan asked Liu Xin casually, after all, it was a little embarrassing to think about it, the medicinal powder just now belonged to an indiscriminate attack.

Liu Xin showed a bad smile and shook her head, “But I feel that you seem to be a little affected!” Let’s go~ Solved such a big trouble for you, you have to pay me. ”

The elders didn’t count when they saw the two flirting, and now they actually planned to leave here directly, and naturally a bold one suddenly stopped them.


Xu Fan turned his head and looked at the elder who had just stopped him with a kind expression, “May I ask the elder what happened?”

The elder felt Liu Xing’s murderous gaze and touched the sweat on his brain, “No, it’s nothing, I just want to say, you kid, don’t take out such a good thing and hurry up and use it for us!”

Liu Xin raised her eyebrows and smiled, and directly hugged Xu Fan and disappeared into the Elder Hall. All the elders were affected by the drug, and the spirit chicken moved, and spent a wonderful afternoon and seven days of pain.

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