While eating the spirit fruit, the urn asked Xu Fan, “Brother, there has been a lot of panic recently, what are you going to do?”

But I heard that the people of the Tianlin family and the people of the Wang family came to the door, even if you can withstand the attack of the ancestor of the Wang family, those people from the Lin family are not vegetarians!”

Xu Fan listened to the words of the urn, and did not reply, but the whole person suddenly disappeared in place, and the urn was stunned.

“No, it’s a little late for you to run now! And wait for me if you want to run! After eating the last bite of the spirit fruit, the urn threw the core and went out to look around for Xu Fan’s traces.

Of course, he knew that Xu Fan couldn’t leave him here alone, after all, it was impossible to leave directly without even packing his luggage.

Could it be that Xu Fan wanted to enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace and hide from the people of the Lin family and the people of the Wang family?

Shouldn’t you take him with you?

The urn and the nine-tailed fox stared wide-eyed.

Oh yes, there’s a fox, a turtle and a doll.

Could it be that they should directly face the bloody storm of the Lin family and the Wang family?


Just when the urn was immersed in his imagination, Xu Fan suddenly appeared from nowhere, and patted the ash on his hand.

The Bursting Beast seemed to smell something, and after circling Xu Fan a few times, the nine-tailed fox was faintly restless.

“Good brother, I knew you would come back!” The urn patted Xu Fan’s shoulder, “Where did you just go?” Why did it disappear in one fell swoop? I thought you had entered the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and if you entered the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, you wouldn’t have come out so soon!” ”

After all, if Xu Fan wants to enter and exit the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, he must stay inside for at least 7 days or so, unless his cultivation reaches the Immortal King, he will be able to enter and exit with him.

But according to the understanding of the urn, Xu Fan is now one step away from the cultivation of Immortal Venerable, let alone the Immortal King.

“Wasn’t I always busy refining pills some time ago? It’s to deal with this. Xu Fan looked very confident, and the urn sighed twice.

He had been busy refining pills a while ago, wasn’t he busy with a tryst with Liu Xin, the master of the Snow Moon Pavilion, a while ago?

Could it be that he is doing a favor in his leisure and secretly looking for a time to practice Dan Pill?

However, the urn is also a little puzzled, if ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, shouldn’t they hurry to cultivate or run away? What can alchemy do? Could it be that it is a strong pill or some other panacea, so that after people eat it, they can immediately fight chicken blood like Popeye eats spinach, and their combat effectiveness is bursting?

“What the hell is a good thing? Can I raise my combat effectiveness to another level after I eat it? Take it out and show it to your brother!

Xu Fan smiled and shook his head, “It’s not for you to eat, just wait for the people of the Wang family and the people of the Lin family to come to the door.” ”


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The people of the Blood Moon Pavilion quickly released the news, and it turned out that the Immortal Realm, which was still very peaceful on the surface, suddenly had more friction between the Immortal Cultivation Family and the Immortal Sect.

“What?! Three thousand years ago, our great disciple of the Lingyue Sect was actually killed by the ancestor of the Wang family?! Our Lingyue Sect will definitely take revenge! ”

Huh? That branch of our Chen family was actually destroyed by your Huaqing Sect? No, we must get this justice back! ”

These immortal sects and families who already had an alliance suddenly began to quarrel internally, and there was a big gap.

“Everyone be quiet first, don’t fall into the trap of the Blood Moon Pavilion! We should work together now to wipe out the Blood Moon Pavilion first!” The ancestor of the Wang family shouted loudly from the main throne.

“You old puppy, you look sanctimonious every day, who doesn’t know that you do the most dirty things! I see that this alliance is unattainable, and our Liu family will not follow you to mix this matter! The head of the Liu family flicked his sleeves and left after speaking. Of course, he also received the things sorted out by the Blood Moon Pavilion, and found that the disciples of their clan thousands of years ago had actually been secretly attacked by the Wang family, although they did not succeed in the end, but this also made him angry enough, of course, he was not willing to mix this matter again.

“It’s ugly, it’s so ugly! More than 100 years ago, our disciples of the Immortal Sect went to explore the secret realm, and they should not have encountered any danger, but as a result, most of the disciples were folded inside, did they have the hands and feet of your Zhang family?!

“None of you are clean, so don’t accuse each other, don’t fall for the poisonous schemes of the gang of traitors in the Blood Moon Pavilion!” Another head of the Immortal Cultivation Family persuaded.

“you, what you say now sounds good, with Your Excellency Blood Moon, it’s not this face when you want to kill!” The old man won’t talk to you today, let’s be fine with each other, don’t bother each other anymore!” ”

The ancestor of the Wang family invited people from various immortal sects and immortal cultivation families to come, originally wanting to discuss the matter of annihilating the Blood Moon Pavilion, but now all the people were arguing, and it was almost a big noise.

He should have expected that the Blood Moon Pavilion’s deep roots and had been cultivated in the Immortal Realm for thousands of years were not so easy to extinguish.

“Send-off, drop-off.” The ancestor of the Wang family had a headache and asked the disciples of the Wang family to send away all the cultivators of the Immortal Sect family.

In the end, only the representative of the Lin family remained.

“Old Ancestor, I see that the Blood Moon Pavilion can’t be wiped out for a while and a half, according to the agreement between the Lin family and the Wang family, you have to kill Xu Fan first, so that you can obtain some of the resources of the Lin family, will we go to the first-class academy tomorrow to find Xu Fan?”

The ancestor of the Wang family was having a headache over this matter, and he didn’t take Xu Fan seriously in the first place, so he found people from the Immortal Cultivation Family and the Immortal Sect to discuss the matter of eradicating the Blood Moon Pavilion.

Now the matter of eradicating the Blood Moon Pavilion is the mirror flower water moon, seeing that it is a failure, but he can’t find Xu Fan to get angry again.

After all, the Blood Moon Pavilion Lord made him unhappy, then he would engage in the Blood Moon Pavilion Lord’s little lover, and Persimmon had to pick a soft pinch.

Soft persimmon Xu Fan said: You come over❛˓◞˂̵✧So

the Wang family and the Lin family immediately gathered personnel and rushed to the first-class academy on the second day.

The disciples of the first-class academy faintly felt that the mountain rain was about to come, and even the cultivators on the road were in a hurry.

“This Wang family and Lin family people are menacing, it doesn’t look good! It’s better to go back to Xianfu early and don’t linger outside.

“Also, maybe it will be injured by mistake, I see a lot of people, this Lin family and Wang family are really enough to see Xu Fan, so many people come together to seek revenge.”

“Speaking of which, why don’t I seem to have heard about Xu Xianyou in the past few days? If I hadn’t run away, he wouldn’t have sneaked away, right? ”

Huh? Don’t, if he leaves, will the people of the Lin family and the Wang family find others in our first-class academy to settle accounts?” ”

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