“Have you ever felt the coercion of the demon beast?!”

“Of course I feel it, and it is extremely terrifying coercion, and there is more than one! How could such a powerful demon beast appear in our first-class academy! ”

It feels like the coercion coming from Xu Xianyou’s Immortal Mansion, it’s too powerful, and I don’t know what’s going on!”

“I can only see that the ancestor of the Wang family is fighting with the master of the Blood Moon Pavilion now, and the things in Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion, I don’t really see it!”

“So where the hell did the demon beast come from?! Could it be that it was brought by the people of the Wang family and the Lin family?

“Probably not, I heard that Xu Fan has a beast servant, a high-level nine-tailed fox, could this coercion be released by that nine-tailed fox?”

“It’s impossible to think about it with your toes, this is the coercion that can only be released by immortal king-level demon beasts, and there is more than one, which can only show that a large number of immortal-king-level demon beasts have appeared in the academy.”

“Hey, our academy is too unpeaceful. I don’t know what happened to Xu Fanxian’s mansion. ”

Just as the disciples of the A-class academy were talking about it, something extremely terrifying was happening in Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion.

Dozens of demon beasts continued to tear at the cultivators of the Lin family and the Wang family, and after a while, in Xu Fan’s immortal mansion, only the wailing of the cultivators and the roar of the demon beasts remained, most of the cultivators had died, and only a small number of cultivators were still struggling to support.

“Otherwise, let’s retreat quickly, why risk your own life for other people’s affairs!” A disciple of the Wang family supported his clan and wanted to leave this land of right and wrong, but he was still one step late and was bitten off his head by a demon beast.

Before he died, he didn’t understand that Xu Fan was obviously an ordinary Daluo Golden Immortal at the end of the period, how could he command so many Immortal King-level demon beasts?

The ancestor of the Wang family was naturally taken aback, originally in the battle with Liu Xin, he was slightly superior, who knew that when he was fighting, he sensed countless coercion, most of them were the coercion of immortal king-level demon beasts.

He also thought that there was an illusion, who knew that when he looked back, he saw a scene that made him dazzled.

The corpses of dozens of cultivators of the Lin family and the Wang family were in Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion, each of which was mutilated, and it seemed that they had suffered very horrible treatment before their deaths.

And those demon beasts are so imposing that they seem to be about to wipe out the remaining cultivators.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the ancestor of the Wang family no longer loved war, directly opened his cuffs, let his cuffs become a sleeve, and put all the surviving people of the Lin family and the people of the Wang family into his sleeves, and left the first-class academy with a swoop like a shooting star.

Liu Xin hadn’t hit enough, the old man of the Wang family had already run away, she could only snort coldly and coldly, “Shrunken head turtle, haven’t hit enough, what to run?!” ”

The demon beasts saw that the cultivators they were still attacking just now suddenly disappeared, and they were angry and wanted to chase the ancestor of the Wang family.


” “Roar~”

Don’t run, stay for the master!

All the demon beasts rushed in the direction where the Wang family ancestor disappeared, and the Wang family ancestor was very glad that he had escaped, who knows, when he turned around, he actually saw dozens of imposing monster beasts still chasing him.

I was almost scared on the spot, wasn’t it a Blood Moon Pavilion Pavilion Master? Isn’t it just an ordinary Da Luo Golden Immortal End? It’s not scientific at all! How could this Xu Fan drive so many demon beasts? They are all at the level of the Immortal King!

Tell him early, so he won’t take on this chore!

The disciples of the A-class academy saw such a spectacle, the ancestor of the Wang family flew forward like a shooting star, followed by a group of demon beasts whistling by.

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The wild rush of the demon beasts caused a huge air current, which coldly slapped on the faces of the disciples of the first-class academy.

“Xianyou, did you just see what that thing was?” A groomer asked blankly in the face of the whistling monsters.

“Like, like seeing a shooting star? Could it be that this is a monster beast chasing stars?! A monk’s cultivation was relatively low, and he didn’t see clearly what was going on, so he could only scratch his head and guess.

A cultivator with a relatively high cultivation said with a serious face, “That’s not a shooting star, it’s the ancestor of the Wang family.”

“What is that black shadow that just whistled by?!”

“It’s the Immortal King-level demon beast legion.”

After hearing this answer, the surrounding monks were stunned, and it took a while before they let out a sigh.

“Ah, this…”

“Can’t imagine!”

“Where did so many high-level demon beasts come from in the immortal world?”

“One of the demon beasts, I seem to have seen it in the Huaqing Secret Realm.” A core disciple of a first-class academy said in a deep voice.

“Ah, this…”

the low-level cultivators simply didn’t know what to say, “I remember that after the last expedition, didn’t the

Huaqing Secret Realm disappear?” Could it be that he is now alive again?

“Why would this group of demon beasts chase the ancestor of the Wang family so neatly? Could it be that the ancestors of the Wang family have what they want? Many

cultivators didn’t have any clues, but they still felt very curious, of course, in addition to curiosity, they also sighed that Xu Fan was lucky.

“This Xu Fan’s luck is really good, just forget about the green eyes of the Blood Moon Pavilion Lord, the ancestor of the Wang family brought the people of the Wang family and the people of the Lin family to besiege him, and even the heavens were helping him, and the demon beasts in the Huaqing secret realm ran out, just chasing the ancestor of the Wang family. This is really a rare thing to see in a thousand years!

“Yes, if I were Xu Fan, I would have run away in fear, and we don’t have the luck of anyone.”

The high-level cultivator shook his head in a dark and solemn manner, “This is not luck at all, I’m afraid that this group of immortal king-level demon beasts did not appear rashly, you look at their trajectory, it seems that someone is commanding.” ”

While the disciples of the A-class academy were still discussing, the group of demon beasts that rushed out to chase the ancestor of the Wang family all rushed back again, all heading straight towards Xu Fan’s Immortal Mansion!

“Hahaha, I just said that Xu Fan was lucky, so many demon beasts rushed to his Immortal Mansion, and they couldn’t pry him!”

“Open, open, who wins this game!”

“I think Xu Fan won, after all, the ancestors of the Wang family have already run away!”

“I’m not convinced, it’s still inconclusive, maybe Xu Fan will be pouted by the monsters and beasts in a while, and he may not even save his life!”

“That’s it, and even if the ancestor of the Wang family runs, he wasn’t beaten away by Xu Fan, but it’s just luck!”

The public said that the public was reasonable, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was reasonable, and the monks who opened the gambling game quarreled.

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