The ancestor of the Wang family has been very low-key since he was chased by the demon beast.

After fighting with Lu Yun’s demon beast legion, there were few Lin family left, and many of the Wang family’s disciples also died.

Although the ancestor of the Wang family does not want to give up, but now the situation is stronger than people, this is not okay if you don’t bow your head.

As far as the battle situation that day was concerned, it was most likely that Xu Fan let him go, so that he could survive, otherwise I am afraid that even he would have to die in the mouth of that group of monster beasts.

People, you must be self-aware.

Since you can’t beat it, then lie down as soon as possible.

“Old Ancestor, is it really just that? Our Wang family has died more than a dozen excellent children!

“Yes, we must not be so good at giving up, we have to fight this Xu Fan to the end!”

“The life of my Wang family disciple must be repaid by Xu Fan’s blood debt!”

“Old Ancestor, there are not a few people from our Lin family left now, is it really that Xu Fan is so arrogant? Are you talking about avenging our master?! ”

The ancestor of the Wang family feels very upset, originally as a master in the immortal world, it was already a shame to be defeated, and now he finally picked up a life, do you want to let him fight with his own life?!”

What’s more, this matter had nothing to do with him, he really shouldn’t have been forced out of this head in the first place, but now it’s good, not only the power of the Lin family is not included, but also many children of the Wang family have died.

The ancestor of the Wang family looked at the young people in the family who were indignant in front of him and the few Lin family disciples left, and his heart was on fire for a while.

Persuade and persuade, what is the advice?

Do you still let him take his own family to die? Isn’t it bad to be alive?

However, at the beginning, he had indeed promised the people of the Lin family that he would help the head of the Lin family to take revenge, but now he did not succeed in revenge, and he was beaten to the ground.

If you think about it, although there are not many people left in the Lin family now, there are still some assets.

If all the Lin family members were killed, even if he did not avenge the Lin family master, no one would always poke his spine with this matter, after all, the people who really cared about this matter were already dead.

As soon as the ancestor of the Wang family had this idea, his heart suddenly felt ruthless, yes, just do it. As long as all the Lin family members are dead, no one can fault him.

Solving the problem is to solve all the people who have problems, and the logic is perfect.

The people of the Lin family were still asking the ancestor of the Wang family, wanting to let the ancestor of the Wang family help the head of the Lin family and the dead Lin family to take revenge, but who knew that they were suddenly killed by the ancestor of the Wang family, all of them were killed in one move.

The people of the Wang family were simply stunned when they saw this scene, didn’t they still chat well just now? How did it suddenly kill people?

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Is Lao Zu insane, how could he suddenly attack the people of the Lin family? Isn’t the head of the Lin family his eight worship friends? Okay, the Lin family, the Wang family, the relatives.

The ancestor of the Wang family said: Still too young.

The matter of interest is, of course, the supremacy of the royal family!

“Lao Zu, this…” ”

Lao Zu! Why did you suddenly kill everyone in the Lin family?! A

few Wang family disciples looked at the Lin family’s corpse in shock, and couldn’t figure out why the Wang family ancestor would do this?

The ancestor of the Wang family wiped his hands with a white ice silk cloth and threw the silk cloth on the body of the Lin family.

“You just said that you want Xu Fan to pay in blood, do you think that not enough people from our Wang family have died? I want to die again, right? Old man and I almost lost my life in the mouth of the demon beast, do you want to drag the entire Wang family to become like the Lin family to be satisfied?! The ancestor of the Wang family shouted sharply.

Several of the children of the Wang family looked at each other, “This…” ”

Hmph, those who become great things must be able to flex and stretch.” You went to bury these corpses of the Lin family, and said to the outside world that they were all killed by the Demon Beast Legion. After today, this matter is buried in the bottom of my heart, don’t let me hear anyone talking about the people of the Lin family and the agreement reached with the Lin family, have you heard it? All the people of the Lin family had already died in the mouth of the Demon Beast Legion. The

ancestor of the Wang family took a cup of spirit tea, blew the tea leaves floating on it, and drank a sip of spirit tea before saying slowly.

“But…” A disciple of the Wang family still had some doubts, and just wanted to question something, but was stopped by another middle-aged man.

“Obey the orders of the ancestors.”

“Obey the orders of the ancestors.”

The other Wang family disciples responded one after another, and the Wang family ancestor saw that they looked informed and knowledgeable, waved their hands and asked them to retreat, leaving only the middle-aged man.

“Old Ancestor, this time our Wang family’s disciples lost more than a dozen people, it can be said that it is a heavy loss, is it really like this to let that Xu Fan and Blood Moon Pavilion go?”

“The young man’s mind is not clear, is your mind also not clear? Have tens of thousands of years been lived in vain? If I can beat Xu Fan, I won’t take revenge?!” We can’t afford to mess with this person! Now it is only a dozen disciples, if we really fight with the Blood Moon Pavilion and that Xu Fan, all of our Wang family will have to finish playing!” The ancestor of the Wang family took another sip of spirit tea, thinking that an old man who had lived for tens of thousands of years had long not cared about face-saving things, and only the tangible benefits in his hands could really impress him.

In addition, timely stop loss is something that every family that can last for thousands of years must do, and if he wants to be wise, he can’t plant a head on this.

“There are only a dozen young disciples who died, and in thousands of years, a batch will grow up, fortunately, my royal family has not moved the most fundamental foundation, and other people care about the love of these sons and daughters, and we who are in power cannot be so short-sighted.”

“Yes, I understand what Lao Zu means, and I will try to appease the younger generation. But now that the people of the Lin family are dead, that part of the Lin family’s resources has become ownerless, do you see if we…”

The ancestor of the Wang family hooked the corner of his mouth, “Who said that this is an ownerless thing?” We signed an agreement with the Lin family before, and now that the people of the Lin family are dead, and our Wang family has also folded more than a dozen disciples for their Lin family’s affairs, it makes sense that this asset shouldn’t be taken over by us? ”

Old ancestor Yingming!” The middle-aged man hugged his fist, “I will immediately send someone to take over the assets of the Lin family, and then all the people of the Lin family will die in the mouth of the demon beast, and this news will be released.” The

ancestor of the Wang family nodded with satisfaction, and the son can be taught, and he is worthy of being the next successor of the Wang family appointed by him.

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