Looking at the earnest expressions of the core disciples, Xu Fan sighed, what else could he do? Of course, he could only agree, so Xu Fan became the leading senior brother of the core disciples of the first-class academy among the expectations of everyone.

A good day starts early in the morning.

“Senior Brother Xu, good morning.”

“Senior Brother Xu, good morning!”

Xu Fan smiled and nodded, his current prestige among the core disciples of the A-class Academy was very high, most of the core disciples respected him, of course, there were a small number of people who had no eyes.

For example, Lu Shaojin, a disciple of the Lu family of immortal cultivation families, snorted coldly, feeling that the sycophant looks of the other disciples were too ugly, so he raised his head very personally and left without even saying hello.

Of course, Xu Fan didn’t care too much about these, after all, he could be regarded as being pushed to the position of a leading disciple, and he didn’t want to be one at first.

“Lu Xianyou, you are too rude to the leading senior brother!”

“Yes, yes, are the eyes on the top of the head? Usually you treat us like this, how can you treat the leading senior brother like this?! ”

When the Lin family’s power in the A-class academy was relatively large, Lu Shaojin also looked down on Lin Cong very much at that time, and now it is Xu Fan’s turn, he is still like this.

He is such an arrogant iron-blooded real man!

The main thing is that the Lu family, where Lu Shaojin is located, is also a behemoth compared to the Lin family, but the power of the Lu family is not distributed in the first-class academy, but in the major immortal sects, so Lu Shaojin’s eyes are usually higher than the top, and he can’t see that this group of people who tend to be inflamed is also talking about the past, after all, who is not a little son of a family.

As if he hadn’t heard what the person next to him said, Lu Shaojin directly left the crowd that was hugging Xu Fan.

“Senior Brother Xu, you have to teach him a good lesson!”

“Yes, I have to let Lu Shaojin remember it for a long time! This kind of character is not good in the first-class academy!

Xu Fan waved his hand, “It’s okay, everyone is a junior brother, and they want to be harmonious!” ”

Just kidding, how can the group of people around him not have long brains, as long as they stand in this position, they will come together with a group of inflamed and eager to bully people?!”

Although Lu Shaojin had already left here, the people who cultivated immortals were clear, and naturally heard what Xu Fan said.

He snorted coldly, secretly saying in his heart that Xu Fan was hypocritical, so that he would not be in the same league as this group of people!

Xu Fan didn’t take Lu Shaojin’s behavior to heart at all, after all, he was not a spirit stone, he could do it that everyone loved, besides, since he had been thinking about leaving the immortal world, now he looked at everything in the first-class academy as if it were a family.

Now as the leading disciple, he is also a monk who hits the clock one day, only waiting to quickly check the whereabouts of the body, and then go to the higher-level immortal realm.

After Xu Fan was selected as the leading cultivator, many cultivators wanted to consult Xu Fan, discuss with Xu Fan, and let Xu Fan give guidance, after all, everyone wanted to understand Xu Fan’s true strength.

Although it was said that the ancestor of the Wang family was not defeated by Xu Fan at the beginning, since Xu Fan was able to subdue so many Immortal King level demon beasts, he must naturally have his strength, so there were many core disciples of the Immortal Venerable level who wanted to compete with Xu Fan.

Xu Fan, as the leader of the core disciple of the first Great Luo Golden Immortal cultivation in the history of the A-class Academy, felt a little embarrassed.

He was not only the first Daluo Golden Immortal in the A-class Academy to be the leading disciple in tens of thousands of years, but also the youngest core disciple leader in hundreds of years.

Now seeing the cultivators of Immortal Venerable cultivation calling him Senior Brother, I think that there is still a little bit of weakness, although his cross-step combat ability is very strong.

“Senior Brother Xu, I want to ask you about swordsmanship!”

“Senior Brother Xu, look at me, let’s compete in boxing!”

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“I want to compete with Senior Brother Xu!”

“I want to compete with Senior Brother Xu about wood spells!”

“Senior Brother Xu, I want to learn your thunder spell!”

Xu Fan looked at this group of enthusiastic cultivators and nodded helplessly.

“Don’t worry, come one by one!”

Good guy, this is taking him for an all-rounder, right? The sword technique must also be exchanged, the palm technique must also be exchanged, and the spells of various departments must also be exchanged, which is really endless.

He said, he already knew that he was not the leading cultivator!

Xu Fan was discussing with the cultivators, and the audience applauded.

“Senior Brother Xu is so powerful! Three moves subdued Wang Xianyou!

“Actually, Senior Brother is also too handsome, if I were a female cultivator, I would definitely give Senior Brother Xu a hug!” A five-year-old monk said hesitantly.

Xu Fan said: Thank you, you don’t have to.

“Senior Brother Xu, come on!”

“I’ve never seen someone as genius as Senior Brother Xu, but it’s strange to say, why does Senior Brother Xu keep stuck at the end of the Daluo Golden Immortal Cultivation? It was clear that he had already been able to defeat Immortal Venerable in one step. When

Xu Fan heard this question, his feet were soft, what else could be going on, and it was a bottleneck again.

The system is also yes, since the last time he said upgrade, it has not appeared again, he has now practiced most of the exercises produced by the system, but I don’t know what’s going on, the combat power is rising, but the cultivation is stable, it is also a bit of a headache to think about.

Xu Fan suddenly thought of Liu Xin, who laughed very chicken two days ago, and felt that his waist and eyes were soft, it wouldn’t be that this woman was making bad again, how did he always feel that after meeting her, his cultivation was stable?

Xu Fan shook his head, no, he must have thought too much, and Liu Xin had no reason to jam his cultivation.

Just as Xu Fan was constantly discussing with the core disciples of the A-class academy, a sneaky figure quietly observed him.

While observing, I pretended to be looking at the scenery.

This figure is the very arrogant Lu Shaojin.

Well, this Xu Fan’s strength looks pretty good, so it is worthy of the position of the leader of the core disciples.

Wow, this palm is really technical!

The force of this punch can be made by their cultivation? That’s awesome!

No, no, he must stabilize himself, that is, he is generally powerful, how can he be in the same league with this group of people?

But I have to say that this Xu Fan is really handsome!

While secretly observing Xu Fan, Lu Shaojin gestured to the palm technique that Xu Fan had just passed.

In this way, and in this way, it should be possible to play such a high-end operation.

“Lu Shaojin, what are you doing sneakily there!” A monk asked loudly.

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