The second elder of the Wei family and the third elder of the Wei family knelt and apologized, and then stood up again trembling.

The head of the Wei family smiled, “I always listen to Old Five, Xu Xianyou takes great care of him in the academy. This old fifth of my family is very proud on weekdays, and I ask Xu Xianyou to take more care!

“No, no, the fifth prince is very talented in swordsmanship, and it is also a great pleasure in my life to be able to compete with him from time to time.” Xu Fan said to the head of the Wei family with a smile.

The head of the Wei family nodded, and he was even more satisfied with Wei Yimin in his heart.

Originally, these children of his, both in talent and heart, are very good, especially the eldest fifth, who can be regarded as outstanding among the brothers.

However, in the previous two years, the fifth elder did not know what happened, his mood was damaged, he almost even shook his Dao heart, and his cultivation regressed sharply, so the head of the Wei family has always been hesitating whether to list him as a candidate for the family campaign.

Who knew that the cultivation of the old fifth in the past two years suddenly advanced by leaps and bounds, and the only thing that made people feel unsatisfactory was his nature.

Wei Yimin is not very good at making friends with people on weekdays, but most of the Immortal Sect Masters and Family Masters who watch the Immortal World are people who are left and right and have deep scheming.

The head of the Wei family originally thought that Wei Yimin, a pretentious and high-minded character, should not meet any powerful figures, but he did not expect that he actually met Xu Fan.

In this regard, it is barely qualified.

The head of the Wei family touched his beard with satisfaction, and suddenly remembered the fight between the ancestor of the Wang family and the lord of the Blood Moon Pavilion, he remembered that before the ancestor of the Wang family also planned to organize an alliance of various sects to eliminate the Blood Moon Pavilion, but the result was not done.

In this way, this Wang Family Ancestor and Xu Fan can be regarded as having a grudge, so they won’t have a conflict at the banquet, right?

The head of the Wei family was a little worried about this, but who knew but saw that the ancestor of the Wang family had an extremely good attitude towards Xu Fan, and even toasted Xu Fan, not afraid of losing the face of his predecessors at all, so he opened his mouth and asked, “I remember… The ancestor of the Wang family seems to have some festivals with the Blood Moon Pavilion, how come it seems that Brother Wang seems to be friendly with Xu Xiaoyou now? Is there some misunderstanding in this? When

the ancestor of the Wang family heard the Wei family master ask this, he secretly said in his heart, which pot does not open which pot, he smiled cheekily, “There was indeed some misunderstanding with the Blood Moon Pavilion before, if this is not not not a fight, you don’t know each other!” Since the last time I fought with Xu Xiaoyou, I felt that Xu Xiaoyou was talented and wanted to make friends with him very much, and today I just had the opportunity, so I came to talk to him for a couple of words. The

head of the Wei family naturally smiled, “Good! Good! ”

This old thing of the Wang family, I really don’t even want a face, so I rushed to make friends with a junior, but this also shows Xu Fan’s strength.

I’m afraid that the last time the ancestor of the Wang family fought with this Xu Fan, it should have learned a great lesson.

The ancestor of the Wei family thought in his heart, and looked up at Xu Fan a few times.

Lu Shaojin was on the side, looking at these family masters greeting, and for a while he felt extremely bored, so he wanted to pull Xu Fan away, so he said to Lu Immortal Emperor, “Father, you guys talk here, I’ll go over there with Senior Brother Xu and Wei Xianyou!”

Emperor Lu Xian nodded, and said to the Wei family master and the Wang family ancestor, “This group of young people is very compatible, so let them go.” ”

Who knew that the ancestor of the Wang family didn’t want Xu Fan to go, just kidding, this finally caught Xu Fan once, didn’t even leave a good impression, let him go?”

“Xu Xianyou, please stay, our previous affairs were all misunderstandings, and here I want to solve this misunderstanding with you.”

Without saying much, the friendship is in this glass. After

speaking, the ancestor of the Wang family drank all the immortal wine in his cup.

Xu Fan nodded slightly, “If you don’t fight, you don’t know each other.” ”

He doesn’t want to continue talking to this old thing, and if he says a few more words, he may be pulled by this old thing of the Wang family to worship.”

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He had long heard that the ancestor of the Wang family was extremely fond of making eight-worship friendships with people, and once the head of the Lin family was his eight-worship brother, but now the entire Lin family’s assets have been swallowed up by the Wang family.

Ahem, black eats black, he likes it too!

After Xu Fan and the ancestor of the Wang family finished drinking this cup, they wanted to leave again, who knew that the ancestor of the Wang family started talking again, “There are many young talents in our Wang family, since the last war, I admire the heroic posture of the lord of the Liu Pavilion very much, I wonder if Xu Xianyou can help introduce it?” Xu

Fan: (ー_ー)!!

Is this coming to pry his corner?

Before Xu Fan could speak, the ancestor of the Wang family rubbed his hands excitedly, “It’s not a secret, I have a daughter, since I saw Xu Xianyou’s heroic posture, I don’t want to eat tea, I want to see Xu Xianyou…”

Xu Fan: (⊙o⊙)

This is also okay?

This ancestor of the Wang family really didn’t have a good heart, and he still wanted to do both?

Xu Fan smiled slightly, and said to the ancestor of the Wang family, “It’s not a secret, I have a beast servant, since the last time I saw Wang Xianyou, I can’t forget it, otherwise I will release it to meet you?” The

body of the old ancestor of the Wang family was shocked, and he didn’t dare to touch Xu Fan’s tiger whiskers anymore.

Okay, okay, do you know that your husband and wife are stronger than Jin!

After the ceremony of the Wei family, Xu Fan did not take long to receive an invitation from the ancestor of the Wang family, wanting to invite him to come to the house as a guest, Xu Fan thought for a moment and rejected the kindness of the ancestor of the Wang family.


This time, Xu Fan had been inquiring about the news of the body, but he still found nothing.

Xu Fan looked at the moon in the sky, drinking and meditating, he was thinking about all the details of the body he saw last time, and suddenly smelled a burst of fragrant wind.

This fragrant wind was very familiar, Xu Fan slightly hooked his lips, opened his eyes and saw Liu Xin under the moon.

“I heard that you said at the banquet of the Wei family that I am your wife?” Liu Xin’s red lips showed slightly, and she walked in front of Xu Fan in a few steps, and pulled Xu Fan’s collar, “But I remember, it seems that I haven’t given you a name yet?” ”

Ahem, this woman!

Liu Xin sighed in Xu Fan’s ear, and hooked his belt again, “If you can’t satisfy me, I won’t give you a name.”

Xu Fan stretched out his hands and held Liu Xin in his arms, and I don’t know who bit the horn last time?!

He had to let this woman know how good he was!

“Weren’t you satisfied with last time?”


The two hugged each other and walked into the house, and the moon in the sky was covered by clouds in shame after a while.

Until the second half of the night, Liu Xin leaned on Xu Fan’s chest and kept drawing circles with her fingers, “If you want to leave this immortal world, will you miss me?”

Xu Fan was already drowsy, and listening to Liu Xin’s part suddenly came to the spirit again.

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