As Xu Fan walked, he came to a dead end.

The two people who had been following him finally appeared.

“Get acquainted with each other, and hand over all the treasures on you!” Otherwise, don’t blame us two brothers for being unkind!

“Oh, you’re welcome? How do you want to be unkind to me? Xu Fan did not panic at all, but smiled at these two people.

“You inquire, our two brothers are hob meat in the city, and there are people on it!” If you don’t hand over the treasure, don’t blame us for your little life!”

“Little brother, this place is so remote now, even if you die, no one will know who did it.” The two of us only want money, not life, all your good treasures are handed over, and we will let you live. The

two big men looked like they were bound and walked towards Xu Fan.

At such a young age, and still a golden immortal, this fell into the hands of their two brothers, wouldn’t it be left to their kneading.

The boss thought about it, and his expression became more and more perverted.

This little boy looks fine-skinned and tender, and after robbing his treasure when the time comes, he can also sell him for a good price.

It is said that there are some young ladies in the Immortal Cultivation Family and female disciples in the sect who like such young boys the most.

“Want me to hand over the baby? Then we have to see if you two have this ability!

“Then don’t blame us two brothers for being unkind, the second brother, go on!”

One of them threw over a futon, and the futon suddenly became very large and smashed directly towards Xu Fan!

Xu Fan changed shapes, flashed behind the two cultivators, and slapped it with one move!

How could the two cultivators have seen this trick?!

I only felt a crispy and numb force enter my body, and I was shaken by electricity.

Originally between comfort and pain, who knew that the pain suddenly became intense, and he felt that his waist was about to explode!

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Why don’t you young man talk about martial virtue? Actually engaged in a sneak attack?! ”

The two men covered their waists and rolled on the ground, in pain.

Ah, suddenly feel that something is broken in my body, is this the dead discipline?!

The two people cried bitterly, and could only kneel and beg for mercy!

What a painful realization!

Originally, it looked like a little hairy child with a handle in his hand, but he didn’t expect to kick the iron plate today!

“Gongzi, you let us two go! Hurry up and collect your magical powers!

“Don’t dare anymore! It hurts me!

Xu Fan felt that the two people were too noisy, one person and one brick, stunned the two of them.

He hasn’t said anything about robbing others, these two people actually want to come and rob him?!

Xu Fan moved his muscles and bones and released the bursting beast.

Although the Bursting Beast came to the Penglai Immortal Realm with Xu Fan, because he had not come into contact with Chaos, his cultivation was still the Immortal King cultivation.

He muttered and rubbed on Xu Fan’s body.

Is this breath right?

But why doesn’t it seem to be quite right?

The Bursting Beast looked at Xu Fan carefully again, smelled the smell on his body, and then determined that, yes, this was his human being.

I just don’t know why it became what it is now.

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“You go and loot the treasures on them, and all the looting is yours.” Xu Fan said to the Bursting Beast.

When the bursting beast heard that there was a treasure, it didn’t care about anything, and directly began to arch the two cultivators who fell to the ground, and after a while, he took out two storage bags.

Although Xu Fan said that the treasure belonged to him, he still handed the storage bag to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan looked at the contents of the storage bag, no matter how small the mosquito was, it could be considered meat.

There were a lot of spirit stones in the storage bag, in addition to some immortal grasses that were not short of age.

Xu Fan fed all these things to the Bursting Beast, holding the Bursting Beast in one hand, and then got the two people up, stripped off their clothes, and threw them in front of the door of the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion.

When the two woke up, they only felt pain.

I finally relieved the pain for a while, looked around, and found that the people around me looked at the perverted eyes.

“Oh, tui! Where the hell is this exhibitionism! ”


“Aren’t these two Liu Da and Liu Er who often rob in the east of the city? Take a walk, stay away!

“Who gave a just sanction?”

“Who knows! Kicked to the iron plate, right? Hahaha.

Liu Da and Liu Er gritted their teeth, not knowing where to cover.

There is a kind of pain called heartache!

The two people planned to walk back with eight figures, but who knew that they were stopped by the old bustard on the side.

“Wait, you two don’t leave yet! The people who sent you here have already sold you to me! One person can get 100 Spirit Stones! ”

Liu Da and Liu Erqingjian are exposed, they used to come here often to be dashing, why did this old bustard turn his head and not recognize them?

“You can see clearly, I am your Uncle Liu, and that’s Second Uncle Liu! You said you bought us?!

“Hmph, if it weren’t for the fact that the muscles on the two of you are quite even, do you think my mother will pay for it?”

The old bustard touched the muscles on the two of them, and made a look at the turtle princes next to them, and the turtle princes immediately agreed, set up Liu Da and Liu Er and entered the building.

“Don’t look at it, don’t look at it, come and sit in our building when you have time!”

Liu Da and Liu Er were put in the building and wanted to cry without tears, even if they wanted to redeem themselves, there was no way, the storage bags had already been touched.

And they didn’t dare to mess with the old bustard, after all, the old bustard was covered by people from the Tianyan Sect behind him.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for having a blind eye and provoking someone you shouldn’t!


Xu Fan inspected the city for a few days, and finally decided to take down the restaurant.

He came to the restaurant and said to the small house inside the restaurant, “Where is the owner of the restaurant?” I want to talk to him about this restaurant. Xiao

Xiao glanced at Xu Fan, those who dared to do business here were either relatively high in cultivation, or there were people behind them.

Xu Fan is such a little hairy child, and his cultivation is not more than a golden immortal, he actually wants to see their boss?

“What did you just say, I didn’t hear clearly?” Xiao Wei glanced at Xu Fan with some disdain.

“I want to see the restaurant owner.” Xu Fan looked at this little man in his eyes, but just repeated what he had just said.

“Wait, I’ll go tell our boss first.” But if our boss can’t see you, then maybe it’s okay.

After saying that, he ran upstairs to find his boss.

“Master, there is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy downstairs who said he wants to see you, and he said that he wants to take down our restaurant.”

The rich middle-aged man was originally enjoying the song and dance, and when he heard this, he waved his hand, “Let him come up.” ”

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