“Good! Good! Good! Brother, brother give you a preferential price, how about 2900 Shangpin spirit stones?

It’s all about your face! The

restaurant owner narrowed his eyes slightly drunk, but he still kept his heart and didn’t want to reduce the price no matter what he said.

“Brother Tai said that he hated to meet me late, could it be that our friendship today is only worth 100 top-grade spirit stones? If you are really sincere, how about 1,000 top-grade spirit stones?

“No, no, no, this can’t be done, I want to sell it to you at this price, and the pants will be lost!” At least 1500!

“Well, 1500 is 1500! Let’s make a decision and conclude an agreement now. The

restaurant owner was already groggy in his head at the moment, and he accidentally burst out his bottom price.

However, the words had already come out, if he still wanted to sell this land to Xu Fan, he would no longer be able to bargain.

1500 is 1500, anyway, he is also a steady profit.

So Xu Fan pulled the restaurant owner to conclude a contract, only waiting for the title deed of the restaurant to be sent tomorrow.

At this time, it was already late, and the restaurant owner and the two beauties were drunk on the table.

Xu Fan didn’t care about them anymore, and directly found a guest room to rest.

After Xu Fan left, the boss sat up again, although he did not expect Xu Fan to not pour a thousand cups, but he had already played some tricks when he saw this sign.

Now it’s just slightly drunk, just pretending to be drunk.

By entertaining with Xu Fan at the wine table, the boss probably figured out Xu Fan’s way.

Xu Fan is not from this place, and he came to this city alone, and if he really disappeared here, he would also be unconscious.

Not only that, Xu Fan this person looks like a treasure, not only is he not a master who lacks money, but his cultivation is not high, isn’t this a child with gold walking around the busy market, waiting to be robbed by someone?

Anyway, if he doesn’t rob, he has to be robbed by someone else.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Xu Fan for being unlucky! I don’t know that before he opened the restaurant, he was engaged in murderous trading.

The owner of the restaurant called the small house and whispered a few words.

After hearing this, Xiao Wei nodded and quietly sneaked out of the restaurant while the night was dark.

Not long after, a few big men flew into the restaurant and went directly to the room where Xu Fan was resting.

Xu Fan originally closed his eyes on the bed and suddenly sensed a strong killing intent.

He opened his eyes and smiled.

Really, anyone wants to step on his feet.

But if you want to take the treasure from him, you have to see what you can do!

Xu Fan took out the elixir given from the last system gift package from the storage bag, and after using it, this elixir could quickly climb cultivation to the highest stage it had been, and it would last for 5 hours.

However, there are some side effects, and the problem is not particularly big.

Since you are here, how can you walk without taking off a layer of skin?

Xu Fan swallowed the elixir, feeling the cultivation in his body continue to climb, Golden Immortal Da Luo, Golden Immortal, Immortal Venerable, Immortal King!

He was feeling the power in his body, when suddenly several big men broke through the door.

All of them are still masked, wearing night clothes, really afraid that others will not know that they are assassins!

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“Boy, hand over your storage bag! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being unkind! The big man in the front said viciously!

It seems that the owner of this restaurant can quite look up to him, and most of the people who got over are Da Luo Golden Immortals, and there is even an Immortal Venerable.

If he was really an ordinary young golden immortal, he might not die here today.

“Oh? Do you mean if I hand it over, you will let me go?

“Less nonsense, hand it over first!”

The man in black in the lead made a look, and before Xu Fan could react, he immediately attacked!

The person who asked them to come has already made it clear to them, as long as they can take out the storage bag, even if they kill this person, it will be fine, and when the time comes, they can help destroy the corpse.

Several men in black swarmed up, beckoning towards Xu Fan’s lifeline!

The man in black took the lead, originally thinking that this was an easy job, but it was a golden immortal cultivator, and he could kill this kid alone.

However, for the sake of safety, I still found a few more people.

At this moment, Xu Fanfan was already a dead man in his eyes.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly released coercion.

After all, when encountering this kind of thing, it is not interesting to kill with one move, and it is more interesting to give the prey some hope first and then disappoint him like a cat and mouse.

“This, this kid is actually an Immortal King?!” The leading man in black was Immortal Venerable Xiuwei, of course he understood that such coercion could only be released by the Immortal King!

Damn it! Isn’t this kid obviously a golden immortal?

How could it be the Immortal King?!

“Brothers, don’t be afraid, this kid must have used some secret method! How could he be an Immortal King cultivator at his age?! The

lead monk cradled his neck and did not want to flinch.

Xu Fan did not intend to kill with one blow, but fought back and forth with this group of people.

But after a few moves, I felt very bored.

“I thought it would be so powerful, it seems to be just that.” As soon as Xu Fan’s words fell, the spiritual power around him began to boil!

“Quickly retreat!” The leading cultivator shouted heartbreakingly, countless times escaped death, intuition told him that if he couldn’t dodge this trick, they would all die here!

Everyone panicked and wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.

A cloud of heavenly thunder condensed in Xu Fan’s hand, only to hear a boom, and a huge ball flashing with thunder light attacked the past, and all the people in black were burned into black charcoal!

The restaurant also shook violently, and several rooms were affected by Xu Fan’s big move, and they collapsed with a crack.

The owner of the restaurant had already begun to have a beautiful dream, in the dream he was sitting on the Spirit Stone Mountain counting the ultimate spirit stones, but who knew that he was woken up by a huge roar.

He immediately realized that something was wrong, and he ran out of the room before he even had time to put on his coat, just in time to see Xu Fan accept his big move and flick his sleeves.

“Brother Tai, there are a few little fur thieves in your shop, but it’s not in the way, I’ve already cleaned up.” Xu Fan smiled slightly, revealing the standard eight teeth.

Small, little thief?

The owner of the restaurant suddenly felt bad, and looked at the monks who had been burned black, this, this little fur thief?!

Isn’t this an assassin he invited at a high price?!

Six Da Luo Golden Immortals, one Immortal Venerable, is the little fur thief in Xu Fan’s mouth?!

The hotel owner couldn’t believe his eyes, he looked at the restaurant that collapsed in half, looked at Xu Fan’s kind smile, felt the powerful coercion on Xu Fan’s body, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

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