The bursting beast pounced on Xue Rongfeng, biting off a mouthful of hair, and Xue Rongfang brushed the ground, leaving two lines of clear tears.

It turns out that even if the rabbit becomes bigger, it is also a plate meal for carnivores!

She really has a miserable life!

Xu Fan flew forward at this time and patted the giant rabbit, and the rabbit immediately seemed to be deflated, and turned into a small one and fell into Xu Fan’s arms.

Xue Rongrong seemed to feel the warmth, and quickly shrunk into Xu Fan’s arms again.

The bursting beast saw that it was just such a big lump, and the meat became smaller again, and it immediately lost interest, and spit it out, full of white hair.

“Woo-hoo, I’m not clean, I’m bald.” Xue Rongfu shook his big ears, very sad.

Although it is not easy for them to become immortals, how could she suffer such grievances?

Even the beloved fur on his back was poured off by the bursting beast.

“Bah, it’s really not delicious at all, bite a mouthful of hair!” The bursting beast vomited, spitting rabbit hair in its mouth, “I want to eat delicious.” ”

The Bursting Beast has been staying in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and occasionally returns to the Huaqing Secret Realm.

But such an ordinary day is too boring, today I finally have the opportunity to come out and let go, of course, I want to eat more delicious food.

“Those demon beasts in the Huaqing Secret Realm, how are you training?” Xu Fan asked.

“Do you need to say that? I shot, don’t worry! The fleshy little hand of the bursting beast patted his chest, and then he wanted to climb along Xu Fan’s leg to Xu Fan’s body.

Xue Rongfang was originally leaning into Xu Fan’s arms incomprehensibly, but now seeing the bursting beast getting closer and closer to her, she couldn’t help but scream.

“Gongzi Gongzi, let him stay away from me! I’ll tell you everything you want to know! Xu

Fan asked 003 to come over, picked up the bursting beast, and fed the bursting beast a lot of demon spirit fruits.

While eating the fruit, the bursting beast enjoyed 003’s horse killing chicken, and felt that the beast was very happy.

Out of fear of the Bursting Beast, Xue Rong Rong said everything.

“It’s the boss of the Immortal Pavilion, Su Yunhe hired me here, he said let me inquire into the secrets of the Immortal Pavilion, such as the secrets of the puppet of the Immortal Pavilion, as well as the alchemist of the Immortal Pavilion, etc., in addition to these secrets, Boss Su also said that the time was ripe, let me cooperate with him inside and outside, and steal all the elixirs of the Immortal Pavilion…”

“I was indeed a spy before I came, but after I came here, I really gave up on the idea! I think it’s good here, the daily work is not heavy, and I can eat delicious spiritual grass, and I can chat with my beautiful sister, I really want to be a part of here. Xue

Rongfang said while shaking his big ears, and even two tears came out of his eyes.

“I didn’t tell Boss Su all the secrets related to the Immortal Pavilion. Although my original intention is indeed bad, for the sake of me not doing anything bad, can you let me go? Xue Rong said with a crying voice.

Xu Fan touched his chin, good guy, this Su Yunhe is black enough!

He originally thought that Xue Rongrong had come here to inquire about the news, but he didn’t expect that Su Yunhe still wanted to steal all the pills.

003 listened to Xue Rong’s narration and looked at Xu Fan, “Master, before catching the reindeer, I also sensed a fluctuation of spiritual energy, like a white mouse sneaking out.

Xue Rongfong hurriedly said, “That white mouse is the babel mouse sent by Boss Su, and the babel mouse can help deliver the news.” While

thinking, Xu Fan turned his gaze to the bursting beast that was feasting, since this Su Yunhe didn’t have a good idea, then he would use Xue Rong Rong in turn to counter Su Yunhe’s army.

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Xue Rongfang was still constantly repenting of his crimes, and who knew that he saw Xu Fan’s gentle smile.

“Little Bunny, do you want to stay here and be part of our family?”

Xue Rongfang quickly nodded, “I think!” It would be better if I could give some delicious fairy grass every day!

Xu Fan smiled slightly and snorted the hair on the little rabbit, “Then please do me a favor.” ”


After Su Yunhe received the news of the Babel Mouse, he kept walking around the house.

It has been eight or nine days, and the rabbit fairy who sent it over has not done anything, which really makes him wonder, is this plan useful?

Now the business in the Xiandan Pavilion store is getting worse and worse, and even some big customers who buy pindan medicine have been poached.

He was all counting on Xue Rong to get some useful news!

Just when Su Yunhe was in a hurry, he suddenly received news from Xue Rongjung.

“What? Already figured out the information of the puppet? Have you figured out the news of Xu Fan, the owner of the Immortal Pavilion? What’s behind him? Su Yunhe asked.

“Miss Xue took advantage of the gap between coming out to buy things and found our eyeliner, which is the message sent back by the eyeliner.” The treasurer said with a smile, and then took a letter.

This letter really wrote about Xu Fan and the puppet, as well as the alchemist of the Immortal Pavilion.

“It seems that there is no great background for Xu Fan, it’s just luck, inheriting the puppet art in the secret realm, and then getting some puppet inheritance, then this is easy to do.” Su Yunhe revealed a smug smile.

This puppet is indeed powerful, but judging from the content of the letter, the use of this puppet is time-limited, and there must be two hours of repair periods every day.

During this period of restoration, the puppet does not work.

They can take advantage of the repair period of this puppet, and then find someone to raid the Immortal Pavilion and snatch all the elixirs in the Immortal Pavilion!

In addition, Xue Rongrong also wrote in the letter about the alchemist of the Immortal Pavilion, and it turned out that the alchemist of this Hidden Immortal Pavilion was Xu Fan, the owner of the Immortal Pavilion.

Seeing this, Su Yunhe also had to sigh that this Xu Fan did have some ability.

Not only can he use puppet art, but he can actually refine pills?

However, without background, without cultivation and strength, it is all for nothing.

As long as they can solve all the puppets, they can also bring Xu Fan over at that time and force Xu Fan to refine pills every day!

The more Su Yunhe thought about it, the more beautiful it was, and it was almost beautiful to bubble with snot.

This is simply a profitable business!

It seemed that in his eyes, Xu Fan had become a coolie of their Immortal Pill Pavilion, refining elixirs day and night, earning him a lot of spirit stones!

“Boss?” The treasurer screamed, and Su Yunhe, who was still immersed in a beautiful dream.

Su Yunhe came back to his senses, “You go and send the Tongtian Rat to contact Xue Rongfang again, and let Xue Rongrong bring the map of the Immortal Pavilion!” ”


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