Su Yunhe carefully observed Xu Fan, well, it really looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy!

This should be Xu Fan’s right.

“Hahaha, good, great! Miss Xue’s ability is indeed very strong! Let’s pay with one hand and deliver with the other, and when the time comes, in addition to the 2,000 top-grade spirit stones, I will add another 2,000 top-grade spirit stones to you!” Su Yunhe was very happy and laughed.

Xue Rongjung listened to him add 2,000 top-grade spirit stones, and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

Oops, Oops, a little heartwarming!

Say 4,000 top-grade spirit stones earlier, maybe she won’t turn against the water.

However, Xue Rongfang secretly glanced at Xu Fan again, and remembered the bursting beast that was now hiding in the shadows.

Forget it, forget it, she doesn’t dare.

In recent months, the Immortal Pill Pavilion has always been crushed by the Immortal Pavilion, and even the business has been robbed a lot, Su Yunhe is naturally very angry!

Now he saw Xu Fan, this golden immortal who looked to be no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, actually had business acumen than him?

Jealousy made him unrecognizable.

How good can the business be?

What about alchemy? What about mastering the art of puppetry?

Hahaha, isn’t he caught now?

Su Yunhe looked Xu Fan up and down, “At a young age, his temperament is not bad!” Now that I’m tying you up, aren’t you afraid?

Xu Fan yawned, “There are guests coming, Xu Mou has missed the welcome.” ”

Arrogant, really arrogant!

When Su Yunhe saw Xu Fan like this, he was angry and did not fight anywhere.

This was all tied up, but they didn’t even ask him!

Did he not put him Su Yunhe in his eyes?!

“Don’t you ask who I am?”

“It doesn’t matter who it is, but you disturbed me to rest.”

Su Yunhe hated this kind of pretend person the most in his life, especially this person also has the capital to pretend!

Even if he is younger than him, Xiu Wei is actually not much different from him!

He clearly remembered that this Xu Fan was a Golden Immortal a few months ago, and now he has actually cultivated to the Great Luo Golden Immortal?!

“If you meet me, you won’t have time to rest in the future!” Su Yunhe smiled angrily, “Please Xu Xianyou follow me to the Immortal Pill Pavilion!” Let’s have a good discussion between the two of us and hire you to go to the Immortal Pill Pavilion to refine the pill!”

Xu Fan glanced at the rope in his hand, “This is the sincerity of Boss Su in hiring me?”

“That’s right! Su likes to bully people the most! You just say you can’t go, right?!

“Not going. Xu has his own shop, why go to the Immortal Pill Pavilion?

“Today your Immortal Pavilion will cease to exist! My people have already arrived at your storeroom! All the elixirs in your warehouse will go to the Immortal Pill Pavilion!” Su Yunhe glanced at Xu Fan proudly, “I advise you to obediently serve me in the future, I can still fill you with a bite to eat.” ”

Aren’t you Ming robbing?” Xu Fan seemed to finally have a trace of emotion.

“That’s right, it’s Ming Robbery, what can you do for me?!” After Su Yunhe finished speaking, he made a look at Li Immortal King.

King Li Xian immediately wanted to attack Xue Rongfeng, cutting the grass and removing the roots.

This is what they said well, so as not to let Xue Rong Rong control his mouth and talk nonsense outside.

Of course, Xue Rongfang reacted at the first time, directly confronted Li Xian Wang with a palm, and then was slapped out.

“Su Yunhe, you are really despicable!” Xue Rongfu fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Just when Li Immortal King was about to make a move on him, he suddenly heard a roar of beasts.

Powerful coercion came from the warehouse!

Su Yunhe’s face changed greatly after feeling this coercion, what happened over there?!

He looked back at Xu Fan again, and Xu Fan had already broken free from that section of the immortal rope and walked towards Su Yunhe.

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“You, what the hell did you do?!”

Xu Fan moved his shoulders, “I didn’t expect that Boss Su was quite confident, do you really think that you can rob me of the Immortal Pavilion?”

Su Yunhe thought a lot at this moment.

This Xu Fan is just the cultivation of the early stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Without those puppets, he is nothing!

That’s right, as long as he makes a move, he will definitely be able to subdue Xu Fan!

Su Yunhe’s mind turned, “Do you think you can escape if you break free of the rope, eat my punch… Yes! ”

He was just about to fight with luck, but he was directly knocked unconscious by Xu Fan’s big forced pocket!

The head is buzzing, and even the mind is not conscious.

After Xu Fan stunned Su Yunhe, he looked at Li Immortal King over there.

Li Immortal King couldn’t help but take two steps back.

Good, so ferocious!

No, it’s not right! He is an immortal king, what is he afraid of the Great Luo Golden Immortal?

Li Immortal King also didn’t care about cleaning up Xue Rongfeng, and directly wanted to strike at Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s body raised a golden hood, blocking Li Immortal King’s attack.

“This immortal friend, let’s talk to the two of us?”

“What is there to talk to you about, hurry up and grab it!”

“How much did Su Yunhe pay you?”

“It’s not a question of whether to pay or not, Su Yunhe, his brother is an elder in Tianyan!”

“So how much did he pay you exactly?”

“I said, it’s not a question of pay or not! 10 superb spirit stones.

“I will give you two options now, one is that I pay double the price, and you will stop now; The second is that you don’t stop now, and I’ll beat you in a while. Xu Fan said slowly.

King Li Xian was shocked when he heard Xu Fan’s words, so arrogant?!

Isn’t this a provocation to him ?!

Real men, fearless!

A Da Luo Golden Immortal actually dared to threaten his Immortal King?!

There was a sudden tremor on the ground, and the coercion of the Immortal King on the other side of the warehouse became more and more serious.

King Li Immortal was still attacking Xu Fan, but he couldn’t break Xu Fan’s golden hood at all.

He glanced at Su Yunhe, who was still fainting, and then at Xu Fan, “Is the spirit stone you gave now knotted?”

Xu Fan nodded and threw out a storage bag.

After Li Xianwang took the storage bag, he quickly opened the storage bag and looked at it, and then revealed a satisfied smile.

“I choose the first one. Boss Xu is quite happy, next time if there is a place to use me, come directly to Shangwu Pavilion to find me! It will definitely let you experience the most sincere service!

Xu Fan glanced at Li Immortal King, who was smiling, and then looked at Su Yunhe who fell to the ground.

Well, this kind of sincere service is really quite sincere!

Li Xianwang smiled and put the storage bag into his sleeve, “Since Boss Xu has given so much money, then I will give you another service.” Saying

that, he stepped forward and swollen the nose and face of Su Yunhe, who had fainted.

“Well, let’s not change the green mountain, the green water will flow for a long time! Something you are looking for me! After

saying Li Immortal King, he disappeared with a swoop.

Xue Rongfang looked at this scene dumbfounded, this is really the decline of the world, and the decline of morality!

I’ve never seen such a person!

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