The receiving monk quietly opened one eye, looked at the pile of spirit stones on the table like a hill, gritted his teeth and said, “No, take it!” Elder

Zheng directly piled all the spirit stones in the storage bag on the table.

“These! Is it enough?! The

receiving monk really couldn’t resist the temptation of the spirit stone, and after thinking about it again, he said, “Then let me help you ask, which cultivators are willing to take this list from you?” Elder

Zheng snorted coldly, as long as the price is high, there is nothing that cannot be bought!

I can’t bear the child can’t set the wolf.

At that time, let those cultivators snatch all of Xu Fan’s ultimate elixirs! This is what makes him get back to his roots.

“You go and ask, go and get back.”

The receiving monk couldn’t help but glance at the mountain of spirit stones again, “Okay, please wait.” The

receiving monk immediately entered the contact point of the Shangwu Pavilion, and then sent a communication talisman to all the cultivators in the pavilion.

“There is a large number of business, clean up Xu Fan, the owner of the Immortal Pavilion, rob the Immortal Pavilion elixir, and the customer is generous, who wants to take this business?”

As soon as this messenger was sent, the receiving monks received messages from the various monks replying.

“Haven’t been rectified enough last time? Endless?!

“Who is so bold and wants to attract the Immortal Pavilion? I’m not going anyway. ”

Isn’t Yin Immortal Pavilion already on the banned list? Can we afford to mess with Shang Wuge?

“Forget it, forget it, I’m not going.” After the last time Brother Wang and they went, they are still talking about it. ”

I heard that there are dozens of Immortal King-level demon beasts out there! Where is this going to rob? It’s a dish to be delivered to someone! Almost

all the monks gave a negative answer, and the receiving monk wiped the sweat from his face, and he finally did not have to face such a difficult choice again.

Sure enough, he said, it is estimated that even if this list is released, there will be no monk to take it.

Originally, the receiving monks had already planned to reject Elder Zheng, but who knew that he suddenly received a summons from King Li Xian.

“The person hired this time, or Boss Su?”

“No, it’s not Boss Su, it’s Elder Zheng of Tianyan Pavilion.” The reception monk replied.

He suddenly remembered that Li Immortal King was the only cultivator with a relatively normal mental state after robbing Xu Fan last time.

“I’ll take this order.” Li Xianwang’s news quickly returned.

“Immortal King, think carefully!” The receiving monk couldn’t help but persuade.

This water is too deep, I’m afraid you won’t be able to grasp it!”

After all, the first time we are okay, does not necessarily mean that the second time is okay!

“Okay, I’m sure, take it for me.”

Li Immortal King touched his chin in his Immortal Mansion, and it felt really good to fight with Boss Xu of Yinxian Pavilion last time.

Moreover, he also transferred twenty top-grade spirit stones for nothing.

Whether it is a positive or negative view, it is a guarantee of winning and not losing!

The receiving monk walked to the living room of Shangwu Pavilion worriedly, and then said to Elder Zheng, “King Li Immortal in the pavilion took this order.

“Just pick it up alone?” Will he be able to complete the task? Elder Zheng expressed doubts.

After all, the beast servant he died was also an immortal king cultivator, and an immortal king was afraid that he would not be able to get Xu Fan!

“Don’t worry, we will only charge you a deposit now, and we will only collect you the full amount after the task is completed.” The reception monk said.

“Okay, let him attract firepower at that time, just help me lead Xu Fan away, as for the elixir inside, I will grab it myself.”


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After King Li Xian accepted this order, he immediately got in touch with Elder Zheng.

Elder Zheng informed King Li Xian of his plan, and King Li Xian nodded repeatedly.

“Rest assured, we will provide you with sincere service!”

After saying that, Li Immortal King flew to the Immortal Pavilion with two swishes, and kicked open the gate of the Immortal Pavilion.

“Boss Xu, I’m here again! This time, someone spent 20 superb spirit stones, let me teach you a lesson!” Do we start directly, or go through the process?

Xu Fan smiled slightly, he was really here, it wasn’t enough to take advantage.

He waved his hand, and dozens of demon beasts jumped out of the beam, surrounding Li Immortal King.

Li Immortal King looked at the demon beasts around him and shivered.

Is this different from what he thought?

“Since the Immortal King is visiting for the second time, let’s be a guest here.” Xu Fan’s words just fell.

The big man who the three demon beasts turned into held Li Xianwang’s shoulders and pressed him to his seat.

Li Xianwang looked at himself as a man left and right, and he almost wanted to cry without tears!

“I, I really just want to make friends with Boss Xu! I swear to the Dao of Heaven! It’s not someone coming to Shangwu Pavilion again and saying that they want to find someone to clean you up. How can I hear this? I’ll come and let you know right away.

Xu Fan continued to look at him with a smile.

“We’re a patron, I really shouldn’t have received so many spirit stones from you last time. With the attitude of serving you sincerely, this is not a matter I will come to you to ventilate to report the letter!

Li Xianwang said while he couldn’t help but wipe his bean-sized beads of sweat.

All blame him for being greedy!

I thought that this time Xu Fan would give him some more spirit stones.

“Excuse me, who hired you this time?” Xu Fan asked.

Li Xianwang listened to Xu Fan’s question, and quickly said it all like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

“This time it’s Elder Zheng of the Tianyan Sect! I was thinking that if I was idle anyway, I might as well come and visit you. This Elder Zheng is also too hateful, not only wants to buy murderers to clean you up, but also robs your store! It’s so frustrating!

Li Immortal King righteously reprimanded Elder Zheng’s behavior, “He said that after letting me get it in a while, he will send him a message with a spirit rune, and then he will come and grab the elixir himself!” How could I let such a villain get my wish?! Of course, I will be the first to inform you.

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, “It just so happens that I also want to get to know Elder Zheng, so why don’t you let Elder Zheng come.” ”

King Li Immortal can’t advance now, and he can’t retreat.

If he really sent a message to Elder Zheng and let Elder Zheng in, then if Elder Zheng could still walk alive, he would definitely not have good fruit to eat!

If he didn’t send a message to Elder Zheng, then Xu Fan would definitely not let him go, and there would be no good fruit to eat.

However, several demon beasts on the left and right are looking at each other, which one can he decide?

There was really no way, Li Immortal King still sent a signal to Elder Zheng.

“Dragged on, come quickly!”

Elder Zheng was near the Immortal Pavilion, and as soon as he saw the news from King Li Immortal, he knew that he had done something big, and immediately rushed towards the Immortal Pavilion like a whirlwind!


The best elixir!

It’s all his, hahaha!

As soon as Elder Zheng entered the Immortal Pavilion, he suddenly heard a familiar roar of beasts.

This roar has accompanied him for thousands of years, isn’t this his beast servant?

The beast servant is actually not dead?

However, before Elder Zheng could react, the Sky-stealing Sun Beast rushed over and swallowed him directly into his stomach!

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