“How can you prove that what you said is true?” Su Yuntian asked.

“I saw it with my own eyes, if Elder Su doesn’t believe it, then you can investigate it yourself.” Li Immortal King was also a very temperamental person, and as soon as he heard that Su Yuntian suspected him, he immediately waved his hands and wanted to leave.

Su Yuntian thought for a moment and took out an item from his body.

This item was the soul lamp that Elder Zheng had extinguished.

All the cultivators of the Tianyan Sect would be drawn out a trace of their divine soul to make soul lamps.

This soul lamp can not only reflect the living conditions of its owner, but also kill the real murderer of the owner of the soul lamp under certain conditions.

Su Yuntian injected a trace of spiritual power into the soul lamp, and then approached the soul lamp to Li Immortal King.

Sure enough, the soul lamp did not light up.

It shows that Li Immortal King is definitely not the murderer who hurt Elder Zheng.

Although Li Xianwang described Elder Zheng’s death scene, there seemed to be no doubt, but Su Yuntian always felt that something was not quite right.

He remembered that he had asked Shang Wuge’s small house before, and the small house had told him that Li Tianwang had twice participated in robbing Xu Fan’s shop.

The cultivators who participated in the robbery of the Immortal Pavilion for the first time have all resigned, but Li Immortal King is still doing a good job, does that mean that Li Immortal King has some kind of close connection with Xu Fan?

Su Yuntian suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then hurriedly left Shangwu Pavilion.

Elder Zheng’s line, there are only a few people back and forth.

In order to prevent Li Immortal King and Xu Fan from conspiring in this situation, Su Yuntian went to Yinxian Pavilion again.

Xu Fan was sitting in the shop in front when he suddenly saw Su Yuntian uninvited.

When Su Yuntian arrived at the Immortal Pavilion, he didn’t say a few more words, but directly threw Elder Zheng’s soul lamp towards Xu Fan.

Xu Fan easily blocked the soul lamp, and the soul lamp was knocked to the ground the moment it approached Xu Fan.

“Su Xianyou, it’s not good to come uninvited, right?”

Su Yuntian glanced at the soul lamp on the ground with sharp eyes, the soul lamp did not light up, it can be seen that Elder Zheng was not killed by Xu Fan.

“Boss Xu said and smiled, if you open the door to do business, can you still refuse customers?”

After Su Yuntian dispelled his suspicions about Xu Fan, his attitude did not improve.

He still remembered this Xu Fan kidnapping his brother into believing in religion.

“I don’t welcome Su Xianyou here, but I invite Su Xianyou to talk to Boss Su after I go back, and I often come to drink tea when I have time.” Xu Fan said and kicked the soul lamp at his feet to the side.

When Su Yuntian heard Xu Fan mention Su Yunhe, his face became not very good-looking.

Let his stupid brother come, wouldn’t he fall into Xu Fan’s trap again?

However, since Elder Zheng’s death really had nothing to do with Xu Fan, then he had less contact with this person.

After all, there were too many secrets on Xu Fan’s body, and even Su Yuntian couldn’t figure it out.

“Boss Xu leaves.” After speaking, Su Yuntian left.

After Su Yuntian left, Xu Fan picked up Elder Zheng’s soul lamp.

It seemed that Su Yuntian had dispelled his suspicions about him, and there was no need to provoke such a behemoth as the Tianyan Sect.

Xu Fan stretched, and suddenly a small black sheep jumped out, and then began to pull the soul lamp on the table.

The soul lamp touched this little black sheep and really lit up.

The little black sheep opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the soul lamp into his stomach with a sip.

The little black sheep smoothed his stomach and lay beside Xu Fan, he felt that he was very kind, so he left a whole corpse for his former master.

There are not many kind little gluttons like him.

The former owner is to be neat. ꒰ *•ɷ•* ꒱

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After Su Yuntian investigated Elder Zheng’s matter clearly, he immediately gave the information about this matter to the sect master.

That amount of spirit stone can not be recovered.

However, their Su family has money, so they don’t have a big hand to sponsor the sect a little.

Originally, after this matter was over, Su Yuntian didn’t have anything else to worry about.

And he hasn’t been home for a long time, just in time to get along with his dear brother and enjoy the joy of nature.

But reality often doesn’t match imagination.

In Su Yuntian’s imagination, the day he went home should be his younger brother Su Yunhe Chengtian around him, his brother was long, his brother was short, and he practiced with him.

But the reality is…

“Brother, I’m going to discuss with my friends today, and I won’t watch you practice swords today!”

“Brother, I want to read the Eternal Night Bible again in the evening, so I won’t have dinner with you.”

“Brother, you don’t know how powerful Boss Xu is! He is simply the man I admire the most! One. ”

Su Yuntian: (‘へ ́)

Is this still the younger brother who runs behind him every day and worships him the most?

His younger brother must have been hooked by that Xu Fan!

Silly brother! Wake up!

Although Su Yuntian had a paralyzed face, he couldn’t stop the raging anger in his heart.

He had to grab his brother together and expose the true face of this Xu Fan!

Su Yuntian listened to Su Yunhe chanting in his ear every day that Xu Fan was young and promising, hardworking, talented, and faint in fame and fortune, and he was simply a great benevolent person who cultivated for a hundred years.

Therefore, he made a decision, that is, to track Xu Fan, and then reveal Xu Fan’s true face, and save his brother from fire and water!

So Su Yuntian hid his figure and appeared next to Xu Fan’s Immortal Pavilion.

There is a huge banyan tree outside the backyard of the Hidden Immortal Pavilion, that banyan tree is very tall, standing on top of the banyan tree, with the vision of an immortal cultivator, he can see clearly what is happening in the backyard of the Immortal Pavilion.

Su Yuntian turned around and finally found such a good observation point.

Then I sat on the tree and sat all day.

He didn’t believe it, he couldn’t catch this Xu Fan’s horse’s foot!

So in Su Yuntian’s perspective, Xu Fan’s day began.

Before dawn in the morning, puppet 001-007 began to assemble and began to practice in the courtyard on a daily basis.

What about Xu Fan?

Xu Fan has not yet left the room, he is lying on the bed and sleeping.

After the puppets finished cultivating, they began to clean up the Hidden Immortal Pavilion, and officially started the day’s work.

At sunrise, a huge turtle and a small black goat walk around the yard.

What about Xu Fan?

Xu Fan still hadn’t left the room yet, sleeping soundly on the bed.

Near noon, a rabbit fairy opened a table of dishes and placed them in the gazebo in the backyard.

At this time, Xu Fan came out of the house, stretched, and then began to eat his breakfast and lunch.

Su Yuntian’s face was full of black lines, that’s it? That’s it? Sleep until noon? It can be seen that his younger brother is simply blinded by lard, so he actually praises Xu Fan for his hard work!

In the middle of the afternoon, Xu Fan flipped through the book, and then lay on the chair to bask in the sun.

When the sun set, I went back to sleep.

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