(Brothers, these two chapters are even more reversed

) (This is the content of 604)

The paperweight hits the sword, making a humming sound of metal handover!

Su Yuntian took a few steps back, his expression very solemn.

His sword almost broke away just now?!

For Sword Cultivation, this point is fatal!

He had been practicing sword techniques for tens of thousands of years, and even there were few of them in the Tianyan Sect who could pose such a threat to him.

Su Yuntian looked at the visitor and saw that it was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

This young man is light and light, with a calm and powerful aura, and he is very human at first glance.

“Who are you?!” Su Yuntian put away his sword and looked at Xu Fan with burning eyes.

Who the hell is this teenager? It seemed that it was just the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he almost knocked out his sword as soon as he made a move.

“This immortal friend, you came to my shop to make trouble, and you actually asked who I am?” Xu Fan sat down on the chair leisurely.

Countless demon beast patterns loomed on the beams, and seemed to exude an aura of demon beasts.

“You are Xu Fan, the boss of the Immortal Pavilion?!” Su Yuntian asked with some surprise.

After all, in the description of his younger brother Su Yunhe, Su Yuntian had always thought that Xu Fan, the boss of the Immortal Pavilion, should be a middle-aged profiteer, or else he would look like a big fool with a divine stick.

But the young man in front of him had a calm aura all around him, and his shots were very neat and clean, not at all like Su Yuntian imagined.

“It’s down.” Xu Fan’s fingers tapped twice on the table loosely, “This immortal friend came to my shop and almost injured my puppet, but he came to the door to provoke?” As

soon as Xu Fan’s voice fell, a black lamb rushed out and lay at his feet.

This lamb looks like a sheep, but looking at its paws, it is a pair of tiger claws!

Where is this sheep? It is clearly the gluttony of the fierce beast!

As soon as Gluttony was lying at Xu Fan’s feet, a white figure suddenly appeared on the beam of the room, and also jumped into Xu Fan’s arms.

Su Yuntian fixed his eyes and saw that it was actually a demon beast nine-tailed fox!

This Xu Fan, it’s really not simple!

Su Yuntian sighed secretly in his heart, feeling the aura of demon beasts surrounding the Immortal Pavilion store, but he was aroused with vigorous fighting intent.

“Under is Su Yuntian of the Tianyan Sect, who came to investigate the disappearance of Elder Zheng of the Tianyan Sect, and he has just offended a lot.”

Although Su Yuntian apologized, he still made a vigilant state, for fear that the monster beasts around him would suddenly make a move.

According to what he saw, although this Xu Fan was profound, his cultivation was a whole two steps lower than him, and if he wanted to fight, he certainly wouldn’t be afraid!

However, this Immortal Pavilion is faintly surrounded by the aura of powerful demon beasts, and there is more than one, so it is still necessary to be vigilant.

“Elder Zheng?”

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“Yes, Elder Zheng of the Tianyan Sect came to the city half a month ago to buy elixirs, and I heard that Elder Zheng had come to the Hidden Immortal Pavilion to buy elixirs, so I wanted to see Boss Xu.”

“Because I don’t see guests today, that’s why Immortal Friends made a move on my puppet?” Xu Fan asked rhetorically.

“The puppet of your store recognized me as coming to make trouble, so he first shot at me, and I just acted to protect myself.”

“Self-preservation? If I hadn’t made a move just now, I’m afraid this puppet would have been killed by you a long time ago. Xu

Fan thought of this, slightly angry, really thought that maintaining the puppet was simple?

What’s more, even if Puppet 03 is a puppet, everyone who is him can’t be bullied!

“Su Xianyou, please come back, there are no clues you want to find here, and you are not welcome in the Immortal Pavilion.”

Su Yuntian knew that he had provoked Xu Fan, but he was also one of the best figures in the Tianyan Sect, and now that he was treated coldly by Xu Fan, he naturally had a cold face.

He bowed slightly towards the puppet 003, “I really accidentally offended the girl just now.” But Boss Xu, are you sure you want to be the enemy of the entire Tianyan Sect? ”

Enemy of the entire Tianyan Sect? Su Xianyou’s tone is a bit big, right? Can you represent the entire Tianyan Sect? Moreover, my own shop is naturally able to select its own customers. 003, drop-off. Xu Fan stroked the hair of the nine-tailed fox in his arms and gave instructions to 003.

After hearing Xu Fan’s instructions, not only the 003, 001 to 007 puppets also surrounded them.

“Please leave.” 003 said with a cold beauty face.

“Wait, Boss Xu, I just want to ask you, have you made a deal with Elder Zheng, for several months, only you have been doing the business of elixirs in the Immortal Pavilion, and Elder Zheng has no choice but to buy elixirs in your pavilion!” You just said that you can’t find the clue I want here, but you know the inside story of this matter? Su Yuntian asked in a loud voice, “I really can’t represent the entire Tianyan Sect, but if my report of Elder Zheng’s disappearance is related to your Immortal Pavilion, I think you will not be able to attract the Immortal Pavilion well.” So I advised Boss Xu to think twice before acting. When

Xu Fan heard Su Yuntian’s words, he tapped the table with his finger again.

“Since Su Xianyou said so, then I will open the skylight and say bright words. Elder Zheng did come here, but he didn’t negotiate the deal because he asked me to give him a high kickback, which I refused. After he left, he never came to the Immortal Pavilion again, so there are no clues you want here. When

Su Yuntian heard Xu Fan say this, his first reaction was not to believe it.

After all, Elder Zheng had been in charge of purchasing elixirs, and he had not heard his younger brother say anything about kickbacks before he had purchased them in the Immortal Pill Pavilion.

But he is really not good, stay here longer.

Wait for him to probe again and find out other situations, and then meet this Xu Fan!

“Thank you Boss Xu, take your leave.” After Su Yuntian finished speaking, he summoned his flying magic weapon and left.

On weekdays, he had not had much contact with Elder Zheng, so he did not know Elder Zheng’s character.

After Su Yuntian left the Immortal Pavilion, he first went to the Tianyan Sect’s office in the city.

Because the entire city belonged to the sphere of influence of the Tianyan Sect, in order to facilitate management, the Tianyan Sect set up an office in the city, so that it could arrive as soon as possible when the cultivators had large-scale conflicts or other emergencies.

“Elder Su, why are you here?” The cultivators of the Tianyan Sect’s office immediately greeted Su Yuntian as soon as they saw it.

“Elder Zheng who came to buy the elixir suddenly disappeared, but you don’t know anything about it, is it here to eat the vegetarian position?!” Su Yuntian said with a cold face.

He was a famous cold-faced god-killing in the Tianyan Sect, and his cultivation and talent were high, so the disciples of the Tianyan Sect were not afraid when they saw him.

“It’s not that we haven’t heard about this, it’s just…” The cultivator in the office looked embarrassed.

“Just what?!”

“It’s just Elder Zheng, Elder Zheng, what he did is really hard to say!” The monk said in a panic.

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