Originally, the demon beast planned to eat this little black goat in one bite, but who knew that this little black goat’s body suddenly became larger and emitted a bloodline suppression!

What the hell is this?!

This demon beast usually stays in the mountains and forests, and is very proud of its noble bloodline.

You must know that there are intermediate and low-level demon beasts here, and it is a high-level demon beast.

In its own inheritance, as long as it continues to purify its bloodline, it will one day be able to transform into human form!

However, the coercion exuded by the little black goat made its spirit feel shocked!

It must have been a long, long, long time ago, this thing once posed a threat to his ancestors!

The demon beast lay on the ground and clamped its tail, spinning its brain, constantly thinking about what this little black goat was.

Suddenly, a flash of light came to its mind!

It’s gluttony!

Ancestors, it’s actually gluttony!

Isn’t this thing all extinct?!

The demon beast felt the gluttony smelling around its neck, and the heat emanating from the gluttonous nose was already about to scare it out.

Xu Fan took a few steps forward, picked up the back of the demon beast’s neck, threw it directly into another storage bag, and then patted the gluttonous head.

Gluttony rubbed Xu Fan’s clothes, just now that demon beast smelled so fragrant, it smelled very delicious.

The gluttonous hara couldn’t help but flow out.

Xu Fan also saw that gluttony was estimated to be the suppression of the bloodline of the high-level demon beast just now.

In this way, this demon beast should have been in the ancient wilderness, in the gluttonous recipe, maybe it is still the gluttonous favorite delicacy.

“Okay, go eat those demon spirit fruits.”

Gluttony listened to Xu Fan’s instructions, and ran to the demon spirit fruit in a fart and a fart.

The nine-tailed fox was already there and began to eat.

The barbecue on the shelf by Xu Fan should have been cooked, and he was about to take a look at the barbecue on the grill, but he didn’t expect that the barbecue on the grill actually disappeared!

Xu Fan glanced at the nine-tailed fox who was eating the demon spirit fruit and patted the nine-tailed fox’s head.

“What about the barbecue just now, did you eat it?”

Seeing that Xu Fan had actually wronged it, the nine-tailed fox was simply aggrieved and angry, and directly pointed his tail at Xu Fan.

“You didn’t say you could eat barbecue just now, how could I possibly eat it!” Just know that you have wronged your cute little fox and will ignore you again!

Xu Fan listened to the words of the nine-tailed fox, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

Generally speaking, although the nine-tailed fox is very shameless, he has the advantage of daring to act and never lie.

In this way, the roast meat is indeed not eaten by the nine-tailed fox.

Xu Fan looked at the little demon spirit again, and the little demon spirit quickly shook his head, “Just now, just now you kept letting this fox stare at me, I really didn’t eat.”

Xu Fan was silent for a moment after listening to the little demon spirit’s answer.

Although he was fighting with that Immortal King-level demon beast just now, Xu Fan’s spiritual sense spread within a range of 10 kilometers nearby, and there were absolutely no other demon beasts coming to steal meat and eat it just now!

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In this way, this missing barbecue is very suspicious!

Unless someone’s cultivation is at least three steps higher than his, so that he can unknowingly steal these roast meats under his nose.

That is to say, it is very likely that there was a master just now, who stole the barbecue and left here!

Xu Fan secretly raised his inner vigilance, fortunately, the unknown figure came for the barbecue, if it was for his life, he was really not sure and could hide.

After the nine-tailed fox and gluttony had eaten all those demon spirit fruits, Xu Fan threw the two of them into the carry-on space, and then waited for the end of the entire level.

Xu Fan walked in the woods, but he always felt as if someone was following him.

He looked around, but found nothing.

The little demon spirit that was caught in Xu Fan’s hand looked like he wanted to say something, looking at Xu Fan for a while, probing his brain for a while, and looking around.

“Did you find something?” Xu Fan asked the demon spirit.

This demon spirit can communicate with all the trees, and it can even be said that as long as the trees can see, the little demon will know.

The little demon spirit listened to Xu Fan’s words and quickly lowered his head.

After a while, he whispered, “I don’t know, but the tree tree said, it seems that there is a transparent person who sometimes touches his leaves.”

Xu Fan listened to the little demon spirit’s words, and his expression became serious.

Transparent people? That is to say, this person’s ability to hide himself is very strong.

Being able to hide his breath to this point is definitely a master among masters.

So this person has been following him all the time?

Xu Fan stopped and sensed the surroundings with his eyes closed.

“Come out, I know you’re following me.”

As soon as the words of eating fell, the tree behind him seemed to move, and a person jumped down from the tree.

Xu Fan fixed his eyes and saw that it was actually a little boy!

The little boy looked very naughty, and the little boy looked at Xu Fan with his eyes low, and then picked his teeth with the bones in his hand.

Isn’t this bone exactly the meat that Xu Fan roasted?!

“Boy, I see that you are very talented. If you are willing to bake me another meal, how about I take you as an apprentice?” The little boy said in an old-fashioned manner.

Xu Fan supported his forehead, although he knew that he should not take people by appearance, but this little boy looked too unreliable!

The surrounding body did not exude the breath of a cultivator, nor did it exude the breath of a demon beast, and I didn’t know what it was.

“If you want to eat barbecue, you can exchange something for me.” Xu Fan said to the little boy.

“Hey! You, a young man, actually don’t want to be my apprentice? The little boy sighed twice, looking like it would be a great loss for you not to be my apprentice.

Xu Fan’s spirit flashed, he didn’t know what came to mind, and asked the little boy, “What can you teach me?”

“I see that you are a good seedling, and you don’t need to be taught at all.” Otherwise, I wouldn’t be your master!” The little boy lazily spit out his bones, and then looked Xu Fan up and down, “Divine soul cultivation into immortals is rare, it is really rare.” If it weren’t for your interest, even if you gave me more roast meat, the old man wouldn’t have accepted you as an apprentice!” As

soon as Xu Fan heard that this little boy actually said that his soul cultivated into an immortal, his expression immediately changed.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

“Ding-dong ~ The target person appears! Ask the host to immediately worship the target person as a teacher, and limit the time to three hours! ”

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